Is A Scam This Review Proves It All

my recommended site:👉 find real local women here

MyLocalCrush says "it's free, there's no credit card required". Unfortunately this hookup site is nothing more than a fraudulent operation to steal money from you. Every single female profile on the website is bogus. Employees who work on behalf of My Local Crush hide behind the fictitious female profiles and pretend that they are the women on those dating profile pages. The website admits on their terms and conditions page that all the profiles are fictional and that your interactions on the website is with paid employees AKA operators. It is strongly suggested that you not visit this website, there's nothing real on it whatsoever.

This review on is to expose the site for being a fraudulent business created to rip you off. On the front page of the site it says the following: "profiles with a heart icon are for entertainment purposes only, physical contact with these profile is not possible. This means you cannot meet these people,  and they specifically say physical contact aka  physically meeting with these fake profiles is not possible. In the members area there is even more proof that MyLocalCrush is a scam. This website is a scam you cannot meet real local women on here at all. In the members area it states the follow: "I would like to chat with all profiles on the website even though I am aware that I cannot make physical arrangements with the fictional entertainer profiles which are marked with a heart icon to distinguish fantasy profiles fromr member profiles". This website is totally fake. This website was created for one reason to rip you off.

On The Bottom Of Every Page On The Site

On the homepage of and every single page of the website in the very bottom portion of the website it says the following: "fictional entertainers profiles marked with a heart icon are for entertainment purposes only, physical contact with these profiles is not possible." This blurb tells you everything you need to know about what's really going on with his website. They are openly stating that they're using fake profiles. And they even tell you how to spot these fake profiles they have a heart icon on them. And they even confess that physically meeting up or having any kind of date or real-life encounter with these fake profiles is not possible

Paid Operators

This sentence was taken from the terms and conditions: "the profiles are fictional and your interactions will be with operators". Once again they openly admit that the profiles are fake and they also confess that you will be interacting with "operators". What is an operator? An operator is a paid employee or a third-party contractor that gets compensation to interact with you. They pretend to be the women in the profiles that you're viewing on their website.

These are not real people who are interested in you. They get paid to lie to you, mislead you and cheat you. The number one goal is to get you to purchase and spend as much money as possible on credits, to send messages back and forth with these paid employees AKA operators.

Tons Of Messages But They're All Fake

We received so many messages from all these hot local women. But of course we know that all of these profiles are fake and we actually double checked and they all have a heart icon on them. The heart icon signifies that they are not real members, they are fictitious profiles. The reason we received so many messages is because the website is trying to make money off of us. What they do is they send people messages that have been generated by a computer automatically. The messages look real to the untrained eye. But if you want to reply back to these messages you will need to upgrade and buy credits. This website works on a credit based system. The more messages you send out, the more credits you need to purchase and that's how the fraud works.

Sending out messages will cost you anywhere from $0.60 per message,  all the way up to $2.50 per my message depending on which package you purchase on the website. But always remember that the messages you are receiving are not coming from real women who want to hook up with you.

How To Contact Customer Support To Cancel Your Account Etc

This is how to cancel your account by emailing them at [email protected].

Connections To Other Scams

This site is operated by a corporation called Meteor Interactive BVMy Local Crush is connected to other scam sites such as,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, and .

Final Statement

It's hard to understand how these dating sites keep popping up after almost ten years of exposing them. They constantly create new fake websites to scam people and is another scam to stay away from. This is not any kind of real hookup site, and you have no opportunity to meet any real local women whatsoever.

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