OurSecretMatch.com Review Points To It Being A Scam

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If you want to know the truth about OurSecretMatch.com this review will explain it all. Our Secret Match (run by Meteor Interactive) gives you the impression that it's a legitimate website. They have pretty girls on the front page of the website, and it is a well designed website but as they say never judge a book by its cover. Just because the website looks real that doesn't mean it has real women on it as we've learned far too many times. These type hookup sites are very enticing for men seeking casual hookups. But you always need to keep your guard up because there are far too many scams targeting the online dating industry.

On the lower part of the homepage of the site they have a sentence that says the following: "fictional entertainers profiles marked with a heart icon are for entertainment purposes only, physical contact with these profile is not possible." That sentence in itself is more than enough for us to call this website a scam. They are admitting on the front page of their site that there are fake dating profiles on the website. And the way you can identify these fake profiles is that they have a heart icon on them. Then they admit that you cannot have hookups or physical encounters with these profiles.

The Terms & Conditions Has Ample Proof Of Wrong Doing

On the terms and conditions page they mention that the profiles are "fictional and your interactions will be with operators". If you don't know what an "operator" is it's a paid employee or a third-party contractor that interacts with you. They send and reply to your messages. When you join OurSecretMatch.com you think you're going to be chatting with local women who will eventually meet up with you for a one-night stand. That's all in your imagination, the reality is that the profiles are fake and any messages you receive our reply to are sent from either an automated computer software bot, a paid employee or a third-party contractor. The people paid to reply to you, and send you messages are instructed to act as if they want to meet you. These people also pretend that they are interested in you and they will say absolutely anything to string you along. Their goal is to get you to keep replying and sending messages to them because Our Secret Match works on a credit based system. The more messages that you reply to and the more messages that you send out the more money it costs you. It can easily cost you a small fortune to interact and chit chat with these people hiding behind these fictitious dating profile. They pretend like they are the women in the profiles, but they are absolutely not!

Messages Used To Manipulate Men Into Buying Credits

As we've already discussed they have automated bots, third-party contractors that as well as paid employees sending messages to men who join this website. The messages are used to manipulate you. The messages are flirty and erotic in nature and they are used to pull at your heart strings and to get you to spend money on the website. They use all kinds of manipulative and psychological methods to dupe you into wanting to buy credits. This is the epicenter of their scam. This is all about money and the way they make their money is when men purchase credits to send and reply to messages. So far for this review we've received 1126 messages. If we replied to all those messages it would cost us literally thousands of dollars. The owners of this website make a fortune with their messaging scam.

Costs To Reply To Bogus Messages

We did the math and replying to a message can cost you anywhere from $0.60 all the way up to $2.50 per message. And as we've already mentioned  we've gotten over 1,100 messages. if we were to reply to all 1100 messages based on $0.60 per message it would cost us $660. If we were going to reply to all 1100 messages at $2.50 it would cost us $2,750. This is no small amount. And when you take into consideration the thousands of men joining this website you can understand how much money these criminals are raking in by deceiving and scamming ignorant men.

Charged Made To Your Credit Card

**Any charges made on your credit card will appear under: "MeteorInteractive +31851306813 NLD". If you wnat to contact customer support you can email them here:  [email protected]

Final Statement

OurSecretMatch.com steal thousands of dollars per day from men who are seeking to meet up with local women. Based on our own personal experience this is a criminal operation that should be shut down. We urge you not to use this website, and never give these people your credit card information or you will be very sorry that you did.

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