Review Shows With 100% Certainty It’s A Scam

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This review is going to be talking about a website called The purpose of this review is just to expose this website for being a scam. It's not a legit hookup site, the website is fraudulent. They want me to "agree to the use of adult fantasy chat and agree to receive chat and roll play suggestions by animators with whom real life encounters are impossible."  What does this mean? They consider this website a "chat service". This is not a dating site in the eyes of the people who own OnlySluzzas. The owners of this website don't think of it as a real dating site, it's a chat service, it's a place to chat with bots not to meet real women.

It's a chat service to chat with animators. What's an animator? An animator is the term that they give to their paid employees. These paid employees chat with you and pretend like they're interested in you. They are not real members that have joined the site looking for casual hookups and one night encounters. These members are fake, and are actually paid employees who work on behalf of the website.

Terms & Conditions

On the terms and conditions page they talk about how Only Sluzzas is a scam, obviously not in those exact words but they do admit what's going on. They say the "digital fantasy chat service contains fictional profiles". Fictional means fake so they're telling you right there that this website is fake.

They also want you to acknowledge that the profiles on the website are fictitious meaning fake and that "they have been created only to exchange messages with users and therefore real-life meetings with these fictitious profiles are therefore not possible". Once again they're admitting the website was created only to exchange messages with other with users. There is only one problem all the users are fake, all the women are a sham and real life meetings aren't possible with the bogus female profile pages. You cannot hook up with these fake profiles, and they're telling you right there on the website.

You have to knowledge that the "content contained in the digital chat service profile does not pertain to any actual person, it's included for entertainment purposes only. On one or more occasions digital fantasy chat profiles may contact users through computer-generated messages." They send people computer-generated messages. These messages are created by a computer software program and they are automatically sent to male members of When you try to reply back to the messages you have to purchase something called credits that enable you to communicate with people on the website. The only problem being is that the women you're communicating with aren't actually members of the website these are all fake profiles created to dupe you into buying credits so the owners of the website can make lots of money off of your ignorance.

They also want you to acknowledge that no physical meeting will ever take place between between you and the individuals providing our digital fantasy chat service and the exchange of messages is for digital entertainment purposes. Once again they are openly admitting that you cannot physically meet the paid employees of the website. These people are called "animators" and you cannot meet the animators in person. These paid employees operate their fake chat service. These paid employees literally sit behind a desk pretending to be the women on the profile pages. Then they send you fake messages and you have to pay for that service. You purchase credits to reply back to these phony messages from paid employees who work on behalf of the website. At the end of the day you are never able to meet these women in person because they are not real members of OnlySluzzas. Is Not A Dating Platform

They even admit the "service is not a dating platform, and it is not possible to meet the fictional profiles in person". This is found in section 7 under "digital fantasy chat service" on the agreement page. This just adds more evidence proving and showing to you this website is a scam. It's not a illegitimate dating service and the websites owners themselves admit to this fact. They also admit that you cannot meet these fake profiles in person for real life encounters!

Contact Customer Support To Remove Your Account Etc:

You can contact support using their online form at: Their email address is [email protected] Their billing support website is:

Connection To Other Fake Hookup Sites

This site is operated by and is connected to many other bogus hookup sites that we have already exposed such as,,, and

Final Statement

All in all it was easy to prove this website is fraudulent. They admit to it everywhere on their website, from the homepage, to the bottom of every page on their website and on their terms and agreement page. OnlySluzzas was created for one reason and that is to scam you and nothing else.

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