PowerUrls.com & OmgUrls.com Wanting Me To Download Shady Software

“Janine Howard” sent me a email from PowerUrls.com that redirected to OmgUrls.com. I was then requested to download web cam software codec from a site called http://Ssl-Apps.info so I could see the girl on web cam on OmgUrls.com/sexylillatina89. If this happens to you don’t download the software it could very well be a virus! Delete the emails and don’t even bother clicking on the links, the whole thing is yet another scam. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Janine Howard, Tamara Pugh , Olga
  • Email Address: janine.howard71393@yahoo.com , tamara.pugh67088@yahoo.com , nellyflitt91@yahoo.com , alveraspinetti@yahoo.com (Report Spam To Yahoo)
  • Scam Sites: PowerUrls.com redirects to OmGurls.com

1st Scam Email

From: janine.howard71393@yahoo.com
Subject: hi sexy!
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Sup. Its me!! I really wanted to show you a few way sexier picts of me. I juzt got on my webcam. cum watch me. We can chat there (http://powerurls.com/n440204 redirects to http://omgurls.com/sexylillatina89/). Once i get to kno you better, you can call me <3. Here is tha invite to my chat cam, here. I will be waitin k! sweetheart”

2nd Email

From: tamara.pugh67088@yahoo.com
Subject: hiya
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“how’ve you been? we chatted a couple days ago n you gave me ur email. i have not been usin tagd ne-more.. r you still using it? i’ve been usin fubar more recently.. it is very cool… i put a few of pix up right now.. you should take a look hopefully it will refresh ur memory.. i am sure there’s lots of ladies trying to impress you lol.. you can see em Here (http://powerurls.com/n445479 redirects to http://www.chosurvey.net/d/p/s2e1c79434?r=). let me kno how you like em sexy.”

3rd Email

From: marylandalumbaugh@yahoo.com
Subject: i want you
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“.. im sry for not replying earlier, you emailed me a couple days ago.. i haven’t been responding to CL anymore… too many creepers! r you still on there? i have been using fubar more recently.. it’s really exciting! i just put a few of pics up just now. you should take a look and hopefully they will get you excited!! i’m sure there’s tons of girls trynna 2 impress you haha.. you can see my new pics here Maryland’s fubar profile (http://powerurls.com/n932473 redirects to http://fubar.com/). lemme kno how you like em hottie


4th Email

From: meralantick25@yahoo.com
Subject: i want you
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Hi! My name Olga.Thank’s a lot for your answer!
It is my first time I try to correspondence with man in internet world.
the most popular online dating site facebook, I hope you do not mind to continue our dialogue?
I’m not sure what could I write for the first time, I’m sending my photos…
I have many photos, sorry I don’t have any professional one, just
usual photos. Let me know and I can send more pics!
I’m looking forward to visiting your beautiful country and I would
like to find a man over there who will be interested in meeting me!
I’m looking for a friend, lover or maybe even something serious…
I’m a free bird now, I don’t have a boyfriend and I’m open to
anything!!! Pls send me your different photos and write me about yourself!!!!
I would like to have a serious relationship although I don’t know if
that’s possible in internet so I’m looking just for a good man who can
show me over there and……. we will see!!!!!!!! I hope you like my pics!
May I hope that you will write me back? I want it very much!
I hope I’m your type of girl, I’m not sure you like Slavic
appearance!! I hope so!

OK, I will wait for your answer. When I hear back from you I will
write more things about myself and send more pics!

Olga (this is my real name)

PS: With my mail box there were problems,
old mailbox meralantick@yahoo.com does not work
To me managers help to create mail boxes
The Internet of cafe, I on them already swore, but they speak that it not
their wines.
My new mail box meralantick25@yahoo.com write on it

> On 28/09/2012 6:28 PM, Melitta Scheff wrote:
>> Do you really want my own, personal photo?
> http://omgurls.com/sexylillatina89/

Olga craigslist scammer : meralantick25@yahoo.com

5th Email

From: nellyflitt91@yahoo.com
Subject: pictures of me
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Hello. Its Nelly!! I wanted to show u some way hotter pix of me. My Yahoo e-mail wouldn’t let me send you these pix. soo I loaded them to my image acct.. okay so here’s a lnk Nelly’s uploads (http://powerurls.com/n3070514 redirects to http://omgurls.com/sexylillatina89/) lemme know wat u want to do when we hang out… Nelly”

6th Email

From: alveraspinetti@yahoo.com
Subject: hot photos of me
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Hey. It’s Alvera! I wanted to show you some way cuter pics of me. Yahoo e-mail wouldnt upload to let me send you these pictures. soo I sent them to my img profile, alright so here’s a link Alvera’s recent pictures (http://powerurls.com/n3478473 redirects to http://omgurls.com/sexylillatina89/) so tell me what you you want to do to me:) Alvera”

Owner Of Omgurls.com

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Phone: All info is hidden
  • Address: All info is hidden
  • Email: All info is hidden

Owner Of PowerUrls.com

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Phone: All info is hidden
  • Address: All info is hidden
  • Email: All info is hidden

Where To File Complaints For PowerUrls.com

Where To File Complaints For OmgUrls.com

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