Spam Sent To Me From is being used to send me even more spam. Now the emails I received are used to redirect people to a site called You can see the spam email I personally received below. If you received any emails like this you can report the spam so it will stop. Read the spam report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

1st Scam Email

From: [email protected], [email protected]
To: [email protected]

( redirects to” ‍ ‎ ‏ ‍

Owner Of

  • Address: 150 oeste de la Contraloria, Edificio Edicol 2 piso Sabana Sur CR
  • Phone: +506 2290 6355
  • Email: [email protected]

Where To File Complaints

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One Comment

  1. Playingdates is an odd duck. Not certain why it even exists. The girls reply, sounding like they read your message. Nobody asks for $. Nobody wants to hook up, ir further the conversation on another site, even after 100’s of back and forth messages. I am curious to learn more.

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