NsaMatch.net Is Spam Redirecting CL Users To iHookUp.com

NsaMatch.net is a spam site that is sent to guys who respond to fake CraigsList personal ads. I got an email from “Brandy Chamberlin”. In the email she says that she has placed more photos and her contact info on NsaMatch.net. But in order to see her photos you need to register on NsaMatch.net (iHookUp.com). The bottom line is the whole thing is a trick to get you to sign up on iHookUp, then the spammer makes a commission off of you. The spammers are also behind LocalCasuals.net, CasualMatches.net, LocalMatches.net and FriendsWithBenifits.net and U-HookUp.com. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

1st Scam Email

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

“Hey there, its nice to hear from some one that’s looking for the same thing I am. I suppose I should tell you a bit about me, I am Brandy, I am attractive and fit, pretty open minded, and i like to go dancing. I am I am still getting to know the neighborhood, I moved here a few weeks ago. I got out of a relationship just recently, and I am not looking to get into one at the moment, I am lookin for a man to be a friend with benifits. Contact me at [email protected] I don’t check this email account to often. Let me know if your still interested in meeting.


2nd Email

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

“Thank you for getting back to me, I’m happy you’re interested still. This is going to be different for me, I havent met up with a guy from craiglist in the past. You seem to be nice however I’m still a little nervous, I’m sure you’ve seen the same terrible stories as I have about dating online, especially craiglist. I placed my contact info and a few more pictures at http://nsamatch.net/profile321948155.php to be safe. I feel a little more safe with there ID confirmation process.

I got to go, however if you’d like to get in touch I’ve got my cellphone with me. I included a pic I just snapped to show you I’m real. I’m hoping we get together soon.



Owner Of NsaMatch.net

  • Name: Robert Wells
  • Address: 601 S Pioneer Way Moses Lake . 98837 WA UNITED STATES
  • Phone 509-647-9485
  • Email: [email protected]

Where To File Complaints

  1. Domain registrar: Contact [email protected]
  2. Hosting company: Contact Ripe.net or call 31 20 535 4444.
  3. Report it to us: Send us the emails & photos you got from a scammer and we will post them on our site.

Where Can You Meet Real Local Women?

If you want to meet real local women, then check these real dating web sites.


        1. She also goes by Diana Watters at [email protected], same photo sent to me with my name photo shopped on the paper. I started to see the red flags and did a search on NSAmatch. Glad I did.

          Thanks for your work on these scammers.

  1. Got one from a “Cynthia Negron”

    lol, I knew it was too good to be true but I had to follow up the lead!

    I’m in the Seattle area. time to molotov that shitbag’s house.

  2. She sent me a naked pic first then took that same picture with my name written on that white sheet of paper how does she do that? She goes by the name of megan lance today. Wow i was convinced for a bit until i saw this post thanks

  3. Well,I got.fought too.It’s my fault I feel so dumb,..but thanks if I didn’t see your post and research who knows thank u for Ur work on this …wow…

    1. Wow i think its wrong for anybody to be in the mix of a scam but before i read all thus i found out my man was tryin to hook up with someone off cl an it was some of the same names on here an one name was Kelly somethin same thing happened first a naked pic then a pic holdin the paper wit his name so i emailed her from his account an said ur a nasty whore u should have more respect for yourself an if u come to where my babies stay im a stomp her face in i kinda thought somethin was up when she never replyed back but in the emails between her and my man was pretty much the same as above an yea i went off on him an told him if he was gonna try an cheat on me then at least do it wit a decent female not one were everybody has done seen her naked all over the internet but now i see this an all i can do is laugh cause that’s really wat he gets for tryin to cheat on a good women!!

  4. I tested her by giving her a different name in the beginning correspondence and she still went with the account name…amazing…for me it was Melissa Timmons

  5. today its Erika Rosen, sent me the same thing I fell for it and signed up. what do they do with the information.

    “Thank you for responding to me. This is gonna be different for me, I havent hooked up with a man from CL before. You seem like a good man but to tell you the truth I am a bit nervous, you’ve probably heard the same horror stories regarding CL. I put my contact info and a few additional photos on http://nsamatch.net/profile321948155.php for my safety. I am a little more at ease with there ID confirmation process. I am going to go offline, but if you’d like to get in touch I’ve got my cell phone on me. I included a pic I just snapped to prove to you I am real. I hope we get together sometime soon.”

  6. I knew something didn’t feel right the pics and all, just didn’t match up, she goes by the name Anna Katz now fella’s, watch out. She almost got me. Always do your research, because they do it to you.

  7. she just makes up names one day this one day that well any way I can’t believe I fell for this scam I usually know a scam when I see one. But dam you know I am just looking to have a good time and thats a shame to play with a mans mind. If she was real that means shed me a physco bitch. lol thanks to this site I can now relax a enjoy my true love BOOZE it does not lie to me ahahha.

  8. She also goes by the name Diana Connell. I contacted her and she gave the same replies back as stated above with a few words that are different. She also had a picture saying she was real, but I looked closer at the photo and the name was photoshopped. The way she is holding the piece of paper would make the name look darker and have a little bit more shade to it. Thank God I did some research before signing up for NSAmatch.net.

  9. Kathleen Putman

    First of all the flat chested no tit Wonder isn’t attractive Dummy me maybe she’s real cuz she is a brown paper bag? This is crap I just hope karma gets her at the end but seeing all of you makes me wonder is there an end in sight

  10. Nichole fucking motley. Thought the emails were weird, and not being able to find a single Nichole motley anywhere online.. Fuckers.

  11. Yeah i also been contacted but this fake almost fooled me at first then.I a realize the site took to ihookup as well

    She goes by Lauren adams this is the email

  12. Brandy Pitt today. Email content:

    Thanks for replying to me.

    You seem like your a normal man but honestly I am somewhat nervous, I am certain youve heard the same nightmare stories I have regarding online dating, and especially craigslist. I placed my cell number and a few additional pics on http://nsamatch.net/profile321948155.php to be on the safe side. The identity screening doesn’t cost anything an protects us. I need to go out but I will have my cellphone on me if you want to give me a call.

    I took a pic and included so you’d know I am real.


  13. Wow I was about to fall for it. Noticed something was fishy from the start though. Today she went by sara and the article described the same process. Smh

  14. Today it was May Schafer:

    I am happy you decided to email me back. This will be my first time meeting up with a man from craiglist, or on the net period. You seem like a nice man but to be honest I’m a bit nervous, I’m sure you’ve heard the same terrible stories as I have regarding dating online, especially craiglist. I put my contact info and a few additional pictures on http://nsamatch.net/profile321948155.php for my safety. I feel a bit more comfortable with there ID confirmation process.

    I got to go but I’ll keep my phone on me if you wanna get in touch. I took a photo and included so you would know I’m real. With any luck we will hook up soon.

  15. Today its Laura Stiles
    Laura Stiles ;

    the link they send doesn’t even work. Such idiot scammers. can’t even do it properly.

  16. Natalie Greenwood. Yay craigslist…

    It’s funny because I caught on when she used “A” instead of my name, Lee. I put “A” on all of my emails as my first name.

  17. Man got the same girl with a poster with my name but her name was jessica and i realize that she was real until i read this artical

  18. Thanks for replying to me.

    This will be my first time meeting up with a guy from craiglist, or on the net period. You seem like a nice guy but to be honest I am a bit nervous, I am certain you’ve heard the same terrible stories I have regarding dating online, and especially craiglist. I placed my cell number and a few additional pics on http://nsamatch.net/profile321948155.php to be on the safe side. There screening process does not cost any thing an gives me a little security. I am going to be offline but I will have my phone on me if you wanna give me a call.

    I took a photo and included so you’d know I am real. I hope we meet sometime soon.


    Today it is Karen Dugan

  19. She is going by Natasha Crews now

    Thank you for replying to my email, I’m pleased you are interested still. So you’ll be sure I’m for real I snapped a photo and attached it to this message for you.

    I’ve heard allot of internet dating horror stories, so I am somewhat nervous. To be safer I put my phone # and a few pix on http://nsamatching.com/member0028993.php They do not need a cc or nothing and the identity confirmation protects the both of us. Call me if you want, I would like to see if we have some chemistry.

  20. Tiffany Shearer to be added to the list.

    There’s a reason why I’m using a clean Email account compleetly unconected to anything or anyone I care about for online dating.

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