LeapB.com Is Spam That Redirects To Fling.com, AmateurMatch.com and UnTrue.com

LeapB.com is another B.S spam site that redirects people to a variety of dating sites including Fling.com, AmateurMatch.com and UnTrue.com. You probably received this spam from replying to personal ads on CraigsList that you thought were going to get you laid. In reality it was a bogus personal ad created strictly so they could get your email address, then they add you to their email list and send you spam every day! If you would like to meet real local ladies, then take a look at these dating sites. Read the full spam report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Names:
  • Email Addresses: [email protected]
  • Scam sites: LeapB.com. The site using a rotating script to redirect people to Fling.com, AmateurMatch.com and UnTrue.com.

1st Scam Email:

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

“Are you ready for someting trully special?

So have you been thinking about your sexual fantasies lately? If so, we have read your mind! Now, we would like to offer you this awesome opportunity and becomes a member of our new site. Gorgeous, sexy, desperate housewives are waiting for you to signups and get in touch with them.

Today, we offer you our best looking married women that want to find gentlemen like yourself for a hot erotic encounter. On our site, you will find the best spot to chat with women that want more than what they get at home from their husbands.

Have you had a chance to visit our latest dating portal yet? This one is all about online flirting and quickly finding a local match.

Just like it is in nature, more often then not, females will look for more than just one male to get sexual gratification. So do not wait up, sign up right now and make a great looking desperate housewife happy tonight:

(http://leapb.com/ck/m51a8a4781360d redirects to http://www.fling.com/tour/zgridform3ca/?prg=1&id=advidi, http://www.amateurmatch.com/?ainfo=MzM1ODZ8MTQyfDEyMw or http://www.untrue.com/?ainfo=MzM1ODZ8MTY0fDEyMw)

We are sure that you will have a great time with one of these awesome ladies always knowing that everything is private and discreet with no drama on the side. Do not take our word for it though, just experience it for yourself and indulge in the erotic blitzkrieg – show them what kind of a man you trully are! Join our site and you will find hundreds of naughty housewives right in your city, maybe even on your street!

You have nothing to lose – it’s free. Try it out!


Sandra Lee

PS. If you have any friends or just know someone, who might also might be interested in this particular offer, please do forward them this email. We will truly appreciate it and so will they!


If you would like us to not contact you in the future, please click on the link below:


or write to us at:

K Net R, 5405 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036″

Owner Of LeapB.com

  • Name:
  • Address: PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St – F1 Bellevue WA 98007 USA
  • Phone +1.4252740657
  • Email: [email protected]

Where To File Complaints

  • Hosting company: Contact [email protected] or call 61 7 3858 3188
  • Domain registrar: Contact Name.com or call 1-720-249-2374 to report this scam.

Want To Meet Real Women?

If you would like to meet real local women, then take a look at these real dating sites.

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