DiscreetHookups.net Is Another Scam From Alyssa Daigle

Alyssa Daigle” is at it again, this spammer’s newest scam site is DiscreetHookups.net which redirects you to DatinGuardPlatinum.org. Don’t believe the emails you receive it’s all 100% lies. There is no girl waiting to meet you named “Alyssa Daigle“, it’s all a trick to get you to input your credit card info on their scam site (DiscreetHookups.net). Stay away from these scumbags, this is how they make their living, they steal from people. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Alyssa Daigle
  • Email Addresses: [email protected]
  • Scam Site: DiscreetHookups.net redirects to http://datinguardplatinum.org/alyssaxox/main.htm

1st Scam Email

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

“I’ve been hoping you would reply back since you’re the only decent response that seems the best out of all the ones I got. I’m sending you another pic standing in my bathroom can you see it ?

if this works out between us we can meet more often …..just make sure you always bring protection cause I just want to have hot sex and relieve stress I don’t wanna start a family here lol

when can you meet me ? I’m already bored with all the emails I’m getting I just want to make this plan a reality.

You can come over at my place tonight if you want I don’t have anything in mind ….just watching this funny show on netflix at the moment. Its called trailer park boys .

Anyways I have to say that I was hesitant to use craigslit cause I had a scary close call a few years ago meeting someone from personals (I had to run away from him!!)

So I’d like you to get my number from here: (http://DiscreetHookups.net redirects to http://Datinguardplatinum.org/alyssaxox/main.htm)

They screen members and keep out dangerous people ….as long as you’re not a convict or pedo they give you my number on the spot. If you were a woman you would probably use the same thing……actually last night even I saw on the news female realtors are starting to use this same type of screening just to be safe.

I’m gonna pause netflix and go take a shower …..I will have my cell beside the tub I hope you pass the screening and call me. Its not complicated I know you can do it for me.

Once they give you my number you shouldn’t bother texting just call me directly and cum over here! And don’t forget to bring condoms seriously… better to b safe than sorry!”


Owner Of DiscreetHookups.net

  • Name: Micheal Sanders
  • Address: 1715 north blvd houston, TX 77098 US
  • Phone +1.2815475569
  • Email: [email protected]

Where To File Complaints

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