Being Used To Redirect Me To

The spam is non-stop with these Craigslist spammers. They spammers always send images of nude amateur porn stars to make it look more authentic. You can take a look at the email that I personally received below. In that email there is three different images of a nude girl. If you’ve never encountered any of these spam emails in the past you would think that a girl wants to hook up with you, she sent you nude emails and even ask to meet you all need to do is visit the link ( that is supplied in the email. The only problem here is that all this is fake and you never going to meet anybody. It’s all a scam to get you to click on the link and register on a dating site that they’re pushing. In this particular case that website is called You can read the full spam report below

Quick Info On The Scammer

1st Email:

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

“Are you real!! where are you from? Whats your dream ?
I want to know a more about you.
Can we meet some where!!
just knock me here ( redirects to”

Owner Of

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Where To File Complaints

Want To Meet Real Local Girls?

If you want to search for real girl check these real dating sites.


***Note: (This site scam report is the property of, any use or copying is unauthorized. DCMA complaints will be filed with your web host, domain name provider, and if you choose to disregard this warning.)

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