Is A Scam That Rips Off Craigslist Users is a scam site being emailed to Craigslist users. is a scam website that ask you for $1 for a crime and background check to meet up with a girl calling herself “Eboni”. If you haven’t figured out yet all of this is a scam used to get your credit card information. You will never meet ebony in person because she doesn’t even exist. Read all but the scam below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

1st Email:

From: [email protected], [email protected]
To: [email protected]

“I keep getting emails from you? Are you local in the area? Not sure I know you”

2nd Email:

From: [email protected], [email protected]
To: [email protected]


Yes I’m Real.To prove I’m real first off.. today is (day) And your Last Name What you Use to your mail (fuck) and your mail Id (fuck) also just send you my video hope you like it all are say coz about 100% are fake for that real aren’t get real fun person.

Well, Remember I’m pretty convinced that you were the best reply I’ve had so far I think we are going to have a lot of fun together, I don’t need to prove i’m real haven’t lot of time for that.I just find for some time spand hot crazy time. i send you my home address I need one more thing from you to make me feel secure about this.

I’m feeling both excited at the same time as a bit worried at the very same time and also I had bad experiences before on cl with a crazy guy and one time some 15 year old tried to hit me up… I can’t take any types risk this time, For that reason i contacted a verification company for meet up verification.

it’s not free, here you charge $1 USD For check your Crime background check if you pass you’ll get my full profile and get my phone number and meeting place from here ( Call me as soon as possible. Let’s make this happen! i really want to meet you and spend sometime with you.

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device”


Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. You get billed $39.95 a month from Larger Than Life Romance ( until you cancel.

*Any fraudulent charges made to your credit card will appear under “ (866)485-9244”, operated by Noranzano Holding Ltd, an eCommerce Merchant located in Cyprus.

Owner Of

  • Name: Domain Administrator
  • Phone: +880.1835356350
  • Email: [email protected]

Where To File Complaints

Want To Meet Real Local Girls?

If you want to search for real girl check these real dating sites.


***Note: (This site scam report is the property of, any use or copying is unauthorized. DCMA complaints will be filed with your web host, domain name provider, and if you choose to disregard this warning.)

One Comment

  1. Fuck you thieves bloody rip offs. Give my money back you stole. Fuck you. I don’t even look at this shit not alone give my credit card details away. Give my money back now or time to go to court you chose the wrong person to steal from.

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