Scammer Kayla Jane Is Scamming Through is anything but safe! The website is one big scam, don’t enter your credit card information on there. There is no legitimate dating verification service, they are all scams. Any emails you receive from from girls asking you to verify that you are over 18 and not a sex offender are all BS. They are all going to drain your credit card with monthly memberships to porn sites, so watch out!!

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Kayla Jane, Sarah Danielle
  • Email Addresses: ,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (report this email for sending spam to
  • WebSites: loads a form from and charges your credit card to . The email on the site is for and some images load from

1st Scam Email

Subject: Re: Sweet ‘n’ Sassy – w4m – 28

“A reply back that is readable and makes sense lol. I may faint lol. You wouldn’t even believe the crazy pictures I am getting of guys junk lol i wasnt really looking for anything too serious.. 😉 just looking for fun. ill attach a pic! if u wanna meet let me know..

I am sending this off my phone so I am having a hard time seeing if it is going through or not. It keeps giving me an error!


Sent from my iPhone “

2nd Email

Subject: Re: Re: Sweet ‘n’ Sassy – w4m – 28

“Well, thanks for replying. Here is 2 more for you. I hope you are real and not just messing with me….as you can see I am not shy at all. I will tell you though I am getting a little freaked out with some of these weirdos that are contacting me. I decided to make a profile to keep all my info on. I am not just gonna give out all my info just like that anymore or on personal ads because I have been hearing some crazy stories from my girlfriends and not to mention some of the things these guys say to me. Its one thing to be sexy and get a little dirty, and its another to be just gross. and scare me. I am looking to meet and have fun but I still need to be safe and so do you.. Heres my profile. All my info is on there, text me when you get my number though because I always keep my phone on me and I hate email. but if you get lazy you can just shoot me your profile link or add me as a friend on there and let me know who is hosting, me or you?


3rd Email

Subject: Re: Re:

“Well, thanks for replying. Here is 2 more for you. I hope you are real and not just messing with me….as you can see I am not shy at all. I will tell you though I am getting a little freaked out with some of these weirdos that are contacting me. I decided to make a profile to keep all my info on. I am not just gonna give out all my info just like that anymore or on personal ads because I have been hearing some crazy stories from my girlfriends and not to mention some of the things these guys say to me. Its one thing to be sexy and get a little dirty, and its another to be just gross. and scare me. I am looking to meet and have fun but I still need to be safe and so do you.. Heres my profile. All my info is on there, text me when you get my number though because I always keep my phone on me and I hate email. but if you get lazy you can just shoot me your profile link or add me as a friend on there and let me know who is hosting, me or you?


4th Email

Subject: Re: ~~~>~~~ – w4m

“Well, I can see from my profile views that you want to meet me just not bad enough to join the network and verify for me. I know that putting a CC in for verification might scare you soooo…Lucky for you I liked the pic you sent so I decided to just join a free network but I am still gonna be real careful. I feel more comfortable with you since I have….”seen” you 😉 BUTTTT I guess I will leave the ‘balls’ in your court to see how bad you want me. Talk to you soon babe…

5th Email

Subject: Re: Re: Seeking Mutual oral

“A reply back that is readable and makes sense lol. I may faint lol. You wouldn’t even believe the crazy pictures I am getting of guys junk lol i wasnt really looking for anything too serious.. 😉 just looking for fun. ill attach a pic! if u wanna meet let me know..

I am sending this off my phone so I am having a hard time seeing if it is going through or not. It keeps giving me an error!


CrqaigsList scam site

6th Email

Subject: Re: Re: Seeking Mutual oral

“Well, thanks for replying. Here is 2 more for you. I hope you are real and not just messing with me….as you can see I am not shy at all. I will tell you though I am getting a little freaked out with some of these weirdos that are contacting me. I decided to make a profile to keep all my info on. I am not just gonna give out all my info just like that anymore or on personal ads because I have been hearing some crazy stories from my girlfriends and not to mention some of the things these guys say to me. Its one thing to be sexy and get a little dirty, and its another to be just gross. and scare me. I am looking to meet and have fun but I still need to be safe and so do you.. Heres my profile. All my info is on there, text me when you get my number though because I always keep my phone on me and I hate email. but if you get lazy you can just shoot me your profile link or add me as a friend on there and let me know who is hosting, me or you?


7th Email

Subject:Re: Re: I want to kiss

“Well, thanks for replying. Here is 2 more for you. I hope you are real and not just messing with me….as you can see I am not shy at all. I will tell you though I am getting a little freaked out with some of these weirdos that are contacting me. I decided to make a profile to keep all my info on. I am not just gonna give out all my info just like that anymore or on personal ads because I have been hearing some crazy stories from my girlfriends and not to mention some of the things these guys say to me. Its one thing to be sexy and get a little dirty, and its another to be just gross. and scare me. I am looking to meet and have fun but I still need to be safe and so do you.. Heres my profile. All my info is on there, text me when you get my number though because I always keep my phone on me and I hate email. but if you get lazy you can just shoot me your profile link or add me as a friend on there and let me know who is hosting, me or you?


8th Email

Subject: Re: Texting At Work – – w4m – 21.

“Well, I can see from my profile views that you want to meet me just not bad enough to join the network and verify for me. I know that putting a CC in for verification might scare you soooo…Lucky for you I liked the pic you sent so I decided to just join a free network but I am still gonna be real careful. I feel more comfortable with you since I have….”seen” you 😉 BUTTTT I guess I will leave the ‘balls’ in your court to see how bad you want me. Talk to you soon babe…

Kayla from

9th Email

Subject: Re: looking for nsa – w4m –

Well, thanks for replying. Here is 2 more for you. I hope you are real and not just messing with me….as you can see I am not shy at all. I will tell you though I am getting a little freaked out with some of these weirdos that are contacting me. I decided to make a profile to keep all my info on. I am not just gonna give out all my info just like that anymore or on personal ads because I have been hearing some crazy stories from my girlfriends and not to mention some of the things these guys say to me. Its one thing to be sexy and get a little dirty, and its another to be just gross. and scare me. I am looking to meet and have fun but I still need to be safe and so do you.. Heres my profile. All my info is on there, text me when you get my number though because I always keep my phone on me and I hate email. but if you get lazy you can just shoot me your profile link or add me as a friend on there and let me know who is hosting, me or you?

KJ. ”

10th Email


Well, I can see from my profile views that you want to meet me just not bad enough to join the network and verify for me. I know that putting a CC in for verification might scare you soooo…Lucky for you I liked the pic you sent so I decided to just join a free network but I am still gonna be real careful. I feel more comfortable with you since I have….”seen” you 😉 BUTTTT I guess I will leave the ‘balls’ in your court to see how bad you want me. Talk to you soon babe…

11th Email


“OK well, I guess you win. You play with my emotions and make me think I might actually hook up with a guy that is looking for the same thing I am. Was I wrong or do you just suck? If it’s the whole ” I don’t like using my credit card” issue, well I mean I kinda understand that and at the same time I am just asking you to keep me safe from creeps. But anyhow. I just signed up for a free site called meet locals. If you don’t hit me up on there then I will just find someone else that might possibly wanna fuck me right on there. This is your last chance. don’t toy with me

Owner of

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Address: All info is hidden
  • Phone All info is hidden
  • Email: All info is hidden
  1. Contact or call them at 1-855-467-8946 and explain that they are hosting a scam site that is doing fraudulent behavior. They will terminate their hosting account.
  2. You can also contact the site where they registered their domain name which is, and file a complaint.

Credit Card Charges You Will Receive:

Unfortunately if you entered your credit card on the form on then you will probably see a charge of $38.68 from the verification form you filled out which was really a registration to a site called .  The charge on your credit card statement will be from for $38.68. Contact your credit card company and dispute the charges, because it is fraud. Also contact (866) 992-5116 and tell them you were scammed through

The company behind is NSA Marketing. You can find information on the owners of NSA Marketing here, they may or may not be 100% responsible for the scam.

** Call your credit card company and cancel these monthly charges because you will get billed $38.68 every month until you cancel.

Where To Find Real Women

If you are serious about meeting real local girls then check these dating sites, is a total waste of your time.


    1. Hi Daniel,
      Thanks for the comment. At least you are thinking, many guys have been ripped off using their little head instead of their big head!

  1. I contacted host winds and I guess As sad as this sounds it is completely legal for this scammer to do what they are doing. But I did find out that you can get the scammer to stop spam mailing you by contacting live tech support and asking them if there is any way you can get the person form this web site:. To stop sending me spam mail?
    Here is Another email address this spammer is sending from:KaylaJ

  2. She got me to fall for it again. Didn’t lose money, thanks to you guys and I’m definitely getting her ginger ass reported. Thanks !!

  3. I usually report these right away as they frustrate me because I never have any luck meeting people for casual encounters because most are fake spammers. However I really got enjoyment out of the pictures sent by this scammer. It’s sad but true. Hint if it looks too good to be true it is. A girl of this caliber does not need cl or any dating site to get laid.

  4. She just hit me with the I was having trouble believing it was real, good thing I typed it in on google and found this…even though I would never sign up for a site, I look forward to seeing the same follow ups lol

  5. She got me with the email address too. Sucks because I rushed home to email her back, the whole time frantically trying to guess what I said to this hot piece to get her to send me this pic and what I could say to get her into bed. She didn’t ask me to verify yet, but I’m sure it was coming. Glad I googled her and didn’t waste any more time. Thanks for the heads up.

  6. Yep, this one’s a scammer alright. I’ve only ever had two real gals contact me legitimately through CL personals…both are in the Madison WI area

  7. i really wish i came across this page before hand. this is a fucking nightmare now. I signed up for the site and payed the original $1.00 charge then when i realized there was no real way to look at this chicks profile…… i had a feeling it was a scam. I tried loging into there billing website, and it wouldn’t let me sign in even though it requested a username and password that they provided. I called my credit card company and had it cancelled but ihave to wait until they bill me in order to cancel it. Any advice on how to end this asap, its really stressing me out.

  8. I just got a reply from too

    Here’s her ad:
    Preg NSA – w4m (sacramento)
    Date: 2012-11-11, 9:44PM PST
    I’m five months pregnant and my husband refuses to touch me… I need a man who can please me… Serious inquires only……….nsa

    And here’s her reply (w/a different pic than all the others posted):
    A reply back that is readable and makes sense lol. I may faint lol. You wouldn’t even believe the crazy pictures I am getting of guys junk lol i wasnt really looking for anything too serious.. 😉 just looking for fun. ill attach a pic! if u wanna meet let me know..
    I am sending this off my phone so I am having a hard time seeing if it is going through or not. It keeps giving me an error!

  9. yeah i had that red head email i goggled the site and it toke me here was not gonna do it knew it was a scam but nice to know there are sites out here like this to let people know.

  10. Heres exact same reply as others, on May 01, 2013, from this ‘KJ’: Yes, same pics were sent. I did NOT e-verify & register, TG !!! Guys, save ur dick, these are perhaps men posting as female (w stolen photos) for ripping u off !!! —> ALL Scammers !! —>

    “Well, thanks for replying. Here is 2 more for you. I hope you are real and not just messing with me….as you can see I am not shy at all. I will tell you though I am getting a little freaked out with some of these weirdos that are contacting me. I decided to make a profile to keep all my info on. I am not just gonna give out all my info just like that anymore or on personal ads because I have been hearing some crazy stories from my girlfriends and not to mention some of the things these guys say to me. Its one thing to be sexy and get a little dirty, and its another to be just gross. and scare me. I am looking to meet and have fun but I still need to be safe and so do you.. Heres my profile. All my info is on there, text me when you get my number though because I always keep my phone on me and I hate email. but if you get lazy you can just shoot me your profile link or add me as a friend on there and let me know who is hosting, me or you?

    KJ. “

  11. The first red flag should be that the girl writes more than a sentence or two. Women online are AIR heads.

    1. Anonymous Dude I thought the same thing. Those types of people don’t do lots of talking because they’re tryin to get as many customers as possible so they’re str8 to the point. When I saw that long ass book she wrote, I KNEW it had to be something to it. Then I get the verification site with a space for credit card info. Yeah right. Like I’m falling for that one. I did get some good pix from her though. lol

      Here’s what she wrote:
      Glad you responded! Guess you liked the pic.. lol. I attached 2 more of my pics, so hope you like these too. if this works out between us we can meet more then one time…..just make sure you bring protection cause I just wanna have sex and relieve stress I don’t wanna start a family here lol.

      I really want to make this plan into a reality, so when you wanna meet up? I have no plans we can do this whenever you want even right now cause Im just watching episodes of that show breaking bad….love this show its so crazy.

      At first I really was kinda worried about posting on craigslist cause I had a scary experience a year ago meeting someone from personals (I had to call for help he was crazy) so just to be on the safe side I’d like you to do a quick verify on this page:

      They protect members and keep out offenders and people with felonies….as long as you’re not in their database you’re getting my number and calling me tonight. Have you seen this before? Its been featured on the news many times. 🙂 I just need you to do this for my peace of mind the first time considering the kinds of guys who might be on craigslist….I learned that the hard way.

      I’m gonna wait for you to call or text… you’ll have to use the link above to get it – thats all I need to know you can be trusted. I really hope you aren’t just talk and follow through cause I’ve been excited about trying out a friend with benefits. Just keep it real with me and don’t get clingy k.

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