Is A Scam Trying To Defraud You

Did you get emails from “Brandy”, using the email address [email protected]? Well don’t fall too hard for her, she is not real. The emails you received were sent to hundreds of men at the same time you received them. The emails are just part of an elaborate scam to to deceive you and then scam you. “Brandy” (not the scammer’s real name) wants you to go to a “verification page” where the whole scam unfolds. The scammer’s want you to input your credit card number on Hopefully you read this scam report before you were scammed. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

1st Scam Email

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]


Hello How are you? I attached a pic, can you send me one? Got fb or anything? If you don’t, all good.

Sent from my iPad”

2nd Email

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

“Hey Jack , I am feeling both excited as well as a little bit worried at the same time… I have had a couple bad experiences in the past and dont want to have any with meeting people online again. I am willing to give this a chance with you. This is a tiny thing to ask, but I want to be secure about hooking up, it will also show that you are serious in a possible long term thing. My job is parttime so I am around alot. I have absolutely nothing to gain by asking you this except it is going to make me feel much more safe, if you were a female who has been through what I was, you would understand. If you have a webcam we can video chat inside. If you want I will get topless for you during our chat as a welcome gift. I have been told I have very nice tits if that means any thing. The verification page is here brandy Profile Page ( Sent from my iPad”

3rd Email

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

“Hey ,

Heyy again!!:-)

Well, I guess I am okay,if you are interested in making an arrangement. Not so many guys replied, so I am willing to meet up with you just as long as you can prove to me that you aren’t going to do anything crazy. You just need to head along to this site ( redirects to where I am a member, check out my pic and do the date security verification if you like me, don’t worry you will get a membership once you are verified and you can contact me through the site and also get access to some pics that will help get you in the mood for me

Sorry if it feels like I am making you jump through hoops to make this happen but that site makes me feel much safer than cl, coz its well moderated and any real weirdo’s are quickly “outed” there. So many serial killers and stuff prey on girls like me, especially on places like cl. Sorry to be so morbid but its true. I hope you understand.

Sent from my iPhone”

4th Email

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

“Hello ,

Heyy you haven’t called me were you able to get on the site i gave you, the last guy i met from cl used it and they never charged his caard or any..if you actually don’t have a crreditt caardd or something, i guess we can use my account name is “brandy4” there.hit me on my messanger.its just for my saf

Sent from my iPhone”

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. $38.68 a month.

Owner Of

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Address: 11400 W. Olympic Blvd. Suite 200 Los Angeles CA 90064 USA
  • Phone 1-661-310-2107
  • Email: [email protected]

Where To File Complaints

Where To Meet Real Women?

Check out these dating sites to meet real local women at these dating sites.


  1. e’s using the Name Farrah…I am also getting tiffany,…..or the latest email is Amy…. Alyssa.,..Can die Doll….. I figured out part of how it 1st u get the email saying all kinda of sexy shit. ..Nowyour turn to reply so reply to the email saying some crazy s*** like my name is George I play with monkeys daily is that something that turns you on when you do this watch what happens it’s almost like you get an automated response telling you all about how safe is this but this is from experience if you read the fine print and tells you every time you click that button you’re charged $1 but what they do there is default so that it makes it look like your registration has failed so you try many attempts to make it work and after a good 10 or 15 tr of their act up 10 or 15 dollars on top of you which they end up taking your credit card information and r77ng as much as I can of the card until you check it and make it stop take it from my personal experience this is what open to me and I lost almost a thousand dollars… have fun and be safe

  2. Total scam! Realy. Do they think we just bumped are heads or somethin.absoulty pathetic get a life people for real. peace.

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