Is A Scam Watch Out is a total scam being used to trick people into giving up their credit card info. You end up getting billed $39.99 per month when you give these online scumbags your card info. Keep your credit card info private, don’t trust random emails you receive asking you to sign up on various verification web sites. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Jessica W. Rivera
  • Email Addresses:
  • Scam sites: A registration form is loaded from You get billed from

1st Scam Email:


“Thanks for again contact  . I saw your pic . It’s nice and You are making me hot! This doesn’t have to be considered a one time thing you know? where i am living now in your city will tell you later via phn cos i don’t know anyone yet properly. If when we meet up we can please each other I think we will make it a routine thing how about you?

I am ready to meet any time! Some of the emails I acquired are absurd I am truly glad you and I have struck it off so well now..

I have been quite afraid to meet somebody via on-line classifieds, but the fact that I have already discovered some one like you on my first try really changes my opinion about the whole internet dating thing again! I signed up for a website a while-back and it really turned me away since the guy I fulfilled from it lied about every thing and then would not leave me alone for days entire creep! I would like you to get my phone number from here: Click Here It is something to screen their members prior to meeting up with somebody that is the best thing to do for both of us. I would hate to hookup with a minor as well as worst a documented offender. There are lot’s of ads with information how to protect your self. You know what Dr. Phil says keep it clean and safe! I would hate to end up on a missing people poster XOXO!

I am going to take a bath… I will have my mobile beside the bath I hope you pass the screening and contact me. It isn’t complex I understand you can do it for me. Once they provide you my number you shouldn’t bother texting just contact me directly and cum over here! And do not forget to provide condoms seriously!


Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. You get billed $39.99 a month from until you cancel.

Owner Of

  • Name:
  • Phone: 507.8365503
  • Address: P.O. Box 0823-03411  Panama Panama 00000 Panama PA
  • Email:

Where To File Complaints

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***Note: (This site scam report is the property of, any use or copying is unauthorized. DCMA complaints will be filed with your web host, domain name provider, and if you choose to disregard this warning.)

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