Stopping Craigslist Dating Scams For 4 Years has been working for 4 years now uncovering exposing and stopping countless dating scams. Our investigations lead to thousands of websites closing down. We have saved consumers thousands of dollars and countless hours of grief. If it was not for our site many consumers would have been ripped off over the years through fake Craigslist personal ads. We have spent thousands of hours and have over 2000 posts on this site dedicated to exposing, uncovering and revealing the various cons and their techniques to anyone willing to find out.

All we ask from you is to help us out. Report scams when you find them and we will do the rest. You will remain anonymous and we will post all the relevant scam information on our site while leaving you out of it completely. We need to help each other, these scams have continued to rise and are constantly changing on a daily basis. Help us in the fight to stop dating scams across the web, specifically acrossed

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