Is Spamming Personals is not a real dating site. This site is simply spam that men who respond to CraigsList personal ads will receive in their email inbox. Don’t bother registering on because you will just open yourself to even more spam from these spammers and scammers. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Pamela Thiebeault
  • Email Addresses: [email protected] (report this email for sending spam to
  • Scam Site: loads a trcking script from (Contact to report spam)

Scam Email

From: [email protected]
Subject: responding to you from craigs list
To: [email protected]

“I am pleased you decided to message my post I placed on craig list Thursday. I’d forsure prefer get to know you.

Perhaps we can meet for something to eat, and then simply findout what happens from there. I’m not seeking a traditional relationship, simply a good time without all of the drama. On I have got my pix and also my cell phone number. Lets talk soon, I’d prefer to get together soon.


Owner Of

  • Name: Lee Palmer
  • Address: 399 W 8th Ave Odessa, Wa 99159 USA
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 509-337-4113

Where To File Complaints

  1. Domain Registrar: Contact to report that you have been receiving spam.
  2. Hosting company: Contact or call them 1-877-206-4253 to report that you have been receiving spam from

Where To Find Real Local Ladies

If you want to meet legitimate local girls then you should look at these real adult dating sites. Is A Scam Dating Site

It’s pretty draining to see the same scams day in and day out on getting spammed from ads I reply to on W4M personals. This scam has been going on for many years now. “I do have a photo on call or text me if you want to, my cell number is on there also.” That line is emailed to 1000s of guys every single day, and it has been for years now. If you get an email like this just delete it right away. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

Scam Email

From: [email protected]
Subject: RE: are you my man? – w4m – 22
To: [email protected]

“I wasnt sure if anybody would respond to my posting, grateful ya liked it. Just like I was saying in my post I am certainly not trying to get hitched, regardless there are some desires only a man can satisfy.

I did not anybody that knows me to recognize me so I did not put a picture in my posting, however I do have a photo on call or text me if you want to, my cell number is on there also.

So I suppose I’ll hear from you if you are interested. Wendy”

Owner of

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Address: All info is hidden
  • Email: All info is hidden
  • Phone: All info is hidden

Where To File Complaints

  1. Domain Registrar: Contact to report that you have been receiving spam from
  2. Hosting company: Contact to report that you have been receiving spam.

Where To Find Real Local Ladies

If you want to meet real local ladies then check these adult dating sites. Is A Fake Dating Site Being Spammed Through CraigsList

I already exposed for sending me fake spam emails Read the full report below. They just sent me 2 more emails but this time from a different girl “Ernestine”. It’s the same BS story over and over and over. “I have got my pix and also my cell phone number” on, but I need to register to contact her (Ernestine Cude & Kristy Muelleras ). Don’t bother it’s all a scam. These scumbags have lots of dating sites that look basically the same, such as,, and to name just a few. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

Scam Email

From: [email protected]
Subject: regarding your email to my ad on craigs list
To: [email protected]

I am pleased you decided to message my listing I had on CL Thursday. I’d forsure prefer talk to you some more.

Perhaps we can meet for something to eat, and then simply findout where we go from there. I’m not looking for a traditional relationship, simply a good time without all of the drama. On I have got my pix and also my cell phone number. Lets talk soon, I’d prefer to get together soon. Ernestine”

Email #2

From: [email protected]
Subject: regarding your email to my ad on craigs list
To: [email protected]

“I’m glad you decided to email my posting I put on craigs list Wednesday. I would definitely like to get to know you.

Perhaps we can meet up for lunch, and just find out what happens. I am really not seeking a commited relationship, just a good time without all the drama. At I’ve got my photos and also my cell number. Let’s talk soon, I would like to to meet up in the next week.


Owner of

  • Name: Marcus Reed
  • Address: 1239 N Klein Rd Ritzville 99169 WA USA,
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 509-288-4749

Where To File Complaints

  1. Domain Registrar: Contact to report that you have been receiving spam from
  2. Hosting company: Contact to report that you have been receiving spam and get the site shut down.

Where To Find Real Local Women

If you want to meet real local girls then look at these real adult NSA dating sites. Is A Fake Dating Site From CraigsList Personals is more of the same spam garbage that I have been receiving because of personals ads that I have responded to on It’s always the same type of spam emails pretending to be from a girl contacting me and wanting me to sign up to some scammy/spammy fake dating site to get her phone number and see photos of her, it’s all lies. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

Scam Email

From: [email protected]
Subject: responding to you from craigs list
To: [email protected]

“I’m glad you decided to e mail my ad I made on clist Wednesday. I would definitely wanna get to know you.

Perhaps we can meet for lunch, and then simply findout if it leads anywhere. I am not seeking a commited relationship, just a good time without all the drama. At I have got my photos and also my cell number. Let’s talk soon, I would wanna to get together in the next week.


Owner of

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Address: All info is hidden
  • Email: All info is hidden
  • Phone: All info is hidden

Where To File Complaints

  1. Domain Registrar: Contact to report this domain for spam.
  2. Hosting company: Contact to report that you have been receiving CraigsList spam from

Where To Find Real Local Women

If you want to meet real local girls then look at these real adult dating sites. Is A Scam Verification Site is anything but secure, the whole verification site is one big fraud. Do not input your credit card on that site or you will be scammed! Online verfication sites are not real, they are just something that CraigsList scammers have invented to steal money from your credit card, watch out. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

1st Scam Email

From: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Re: alone in lv – w4m – 26
To: [email protected]

I included a picture of me. This is all new to me. My mother raised me better than this however my mother also raised me to be bored to death and depressed. I just would like to try some thing stimulating and completely different for once. Maybe you can help. If I look alright to you answer back and we can attempt to set something up.”

2nd Email

From: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Re: alone in lv – w4m – 26
To: [email protected]

” Right So heres a few more of my pix I’ve never let a man to to get inside of me on the first meeting but i’m definitely up for going down on my knees. Somewhat rough is good for instance tugging on my hair but no choking and gagging me on your prick. If that’s okay for you then first I need you to verify that you’re safe and really more than Eighteen on the site also. I verified myself there too and its free. My cellular number is in my profile. ring me up now so we can set this up.”

How To Cancel

  1. If you entered your credit card information on you will be billed $38.68 from a site called .
  2. Call you credit card company right away and dispute these fraud charges.
  3. Contact the company ( that does “support” for and cancel your membership right away, so you are not charged anymore monthly fees.

Owner of

  • Name: Hidden
  • Address: Aptds. 0850-00056 Zona 15 Panama Panama
  • Phone 507.65995877o
  • Email: hidden

Where To File Complaints

  • Hosting company: Send scam complaints to or call them at 877-719-3698.
  • Domain registrar: Contact Internet.BS to report this domain for spam.

Want To meet Real Women?

If you want to hook up with legitimate local ladies for fun times then check these adult dating sites. & Are Dating Verification Scams

I got another email a short while ago from “Nancy” (not the scammers real name) from (which automatically sent me to “Nancy” told me she would like to meet up however I need to verify that I’m not under 18 or a serial killer. The whole thing is a scam to get you to input your credit card details on Once they have your credit card information then you will start getting billed from . Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Nancy
  • Email Address: [email protected]
  • Scam Sites: redirects to and also loads a fake “dating verification” registration form from /signup/signup.php). You get billed for .

1st Scam Email

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Tonight… You and Me – w4m – 33
To: [email protected]

“Hi there.
Thanks for your reply, I need to tell you a bit about myself now, My name is Nancy, I’m a Latin Girl. I’m very open minded and consider myself appealing..
I have attached a pic, I hope you like it .. I drink occasionally, I do not smoke..trying to maintain fit. When it comes to “these” things I’m allways up for fun and attempting new things. I’m not a slut and I rarely go on craigslist, I am just searching for some long term no strings attached, I wanna hear some more about you and pics.
Let me know if your still interested.”

2nd Scam Email

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Tonight… You and Me – w4m – 33
To: [email protected]

“Hey Hows it going,
First things first, I would like to keep this discrete and I’m looking for soemthing that’s long term. My ex bf is a total nutcase ever since we broke up, Lol. 3 year relationship. I cannot remember if I told you yet or not, but I have a kid whos 15 months old. She will always be sleeping by the time you are here. This will be my first time meeting up some one from online, so I’m not totally sure about it. I dont have any messengers as I’m not on the comp much. I was thinking we could stay in contact from a free site, my profile is at
I have my phone number on my profile, so please shoot me a text or call and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. I’m signing off the comp now, talk to you soon .
Attached a special pic for you to show that I am 100% real lol”

How To Cancel

  1. If you entered your credit card information on you will be billed $38.68 from a site called .
  2. Call you credit card company right away and dispute these fraud charges.
  3. Contact the company ( that does “support” for and cancel your membership right away, so you are not charged anymore monthly fees.

Owner Of

Name: Joshep, Samuel
Phone: 453-583-2842
Address: Palm Beach, Miami, FL 01219
Email: [email protected]

Owner Of

Name: all info is hidden
Phone: all info is hidden
Address: all info is hidden
Email: all info is hidden

Where To File Complaints

  • Hosting company: Send scam complaints regarding and to or call 1-801-765-9400.
  • Domain registrar: Contact to report that you have been ripped off from & contact or call 1-720-249-2374 to complain about

Want To Meet Real Females?

If you want to meet real local females then check these real adult sites. Is A Fake Dating Verification Scam From is just a fake dating “verification” site that is spammed to men who respond to ads on The whole thing is a well thought out scam to rip you off. There is no girl and you will never meet anyone, it’s all a lie to charge your credit card $38.68 a month to . Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Sarah Bennett
  • Email Address: [email protected]
  • Scam Sites: redirects to “dating verification” registration form from /signup/signup.php). You get billed from .

1st Scam Email

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: “!!~~~Optimistic outlook looking for a guy**^^ – w4m
To: [email protected]

Wow looks like I finally got a real response to my ad…. sup? You are real right? I like your pic, which is a relief since I got some pretty nasty ones and tons of spam. So hopefully your legit I am attaching a picture of me from about I dunno 4 months ago? I still look the same haven’t put on weight or anything haha.

Hey If you wanna get together for a drink or something. I am just getting over a breakup and I need some serious stress relief if you know what I mean lol….I am not a slut though and will not just go sleep around with anyone. So far I like what I see here with you…not just saying that either I got like 120 replies. I guess the first thing is do you like my pic?

Sarah Bennett”

2nd Scam Email

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: “!!~~~Optimistic outlook looking for a guy**^^ – w4m
To: [email protected]

to be honest with you Im feeling both excited and a bit worried at the same time….I’ve had a bad experience meeting someone online about a year ago…met the wrong guy basically.

I’m willing to give this a shot with you…I’m in the mood for a sexy time just have to use my brain this time. Know what I mean?

I use a free service now on which is kind of like yahoo chat it verifies age and scans the sex offenders database before allowing someone to join. I think it costs a dollar to run the verification and this gives you access to my profile and their whole dating site. My cell number is on the profile so if you come up as safe you can give me a call when your inside.

I know it sounds kind of paranoid but if you do this verification for me that provides I’ll know you are real and safe to meetup with…I only work part-time so i’m around alot. I have nothing to gain by asking you this except it will make me feel safe, if you were a woman who has been through what I have you’d know the feeling. If you have a webcam we can video chat too as they have that inside, but really I just wanna make sure you pass the checks. If you want I will get topless on my cam for you during our chat as a welcome gift. Would that make you feel welcome? lol. I’ve been told I have very nice breasts alot of times….if that means anything.

Their verification page is

If you think I’m just being paranoid or you come up as an offender then I am going to be left all disappointed. Oh and that site also proves my age as they verify everyone including women. I doubt you were worried about that its just a little friendly assurance that I’m not jail bait as they say lol. I’m in my twenties. Also I’m getting real thirsty Im gonna make a blueberry smoothie will be away from the comp, but please give my cell a ring once you’ve been verified and your on my profile.

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

If you entered your credit card information on you will be billed $38.68, so check your statement right away.

** Call you credit card company right away and dispute these fraudulent charges. Also contact the company in charge of support for at and cancel your monthly membership right away.

Name: Alan Starry
Phone: All info is hidden
Address: All info is hidden
Email: All info is hidden

Where To File Complaints

  • Hosting company: Contact NocDirect to report this spam or call 1-800-659-9585.
  • Domain registrar: Contact or call 1-866-938-1119 to report the spam/fraud.

Want To Meet Real Women?

If you want to meet legitimate local ladies then check these adult hook up sites out. Is Just More Spam From CraigsList is just spam dating site sent to guys who respond to fake CraigsList personals ads. Once you input into your address bar you are automatically redirected to The spammers get paid for each new registered person who signs up to JustHookUp. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Madalene Godden
  • Email Address: [email protected] (Report Spam To Yahoo)
  • Scam Sites: redirects to and then to

Scam Email

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re:Re: Searching 🙂 – w4m (north coast)
To: [email protected]

“Hi I never heard back from you.

Anyhow if you still are planning to meet up you can try this other site thats free and doesnt need a credit card.

Well , here’s the website HTTP:// .My username on there is xoxo

Talk to me on there because my boss blocked email and facebook.”

Owner Of

Name: Info is hidden
Phone: 507.65995877
Address: Zona 15 Panama
Email: Info is hidden

Where To File Complaints

  • Hosting companies: Contact the following hosting companies Tata Communications,, FortressITX (1-973-572-1070) to report that you have been receiving spam from
  • Domain registrar: Contact Internet.BS to report this domain for spam. FYI the

**FYI the domain registrar Internet.BS is apparently a haven for cyber crimes, spam sites and so on. You can read more about this shady company here.

Want To Meet Real Girls?

If you want to meet real local women then check these adult dating sites. Is Spamming Men Through CraigsList 4WM Personals should just be called “Wild Spam Finder”, the site is not real so don’t even bother going to the site because the email you received was sent by a guy trying to trick you into registering on the web site, that is how he makes money. If you want to complain, I have 3 different companies listed below where you can complain about this spam. Read the full report on below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

Scam Email

From: [email protected]
Subject: about your e mail to my posting on clist
To: [email protected]

“I am pleased you decided to e-mail my post I placed on craig list Wednesday. I’d forsure want to talk to you some more. Perhaps we can go out for something to eat, and then just see what happens from there. I’m not really looking for a traditional relationship, simply a good time without all of the drama. On I have my pix and also my cell phone number. Lets talk soon, I’d want to to meet soon.

Owner of

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Address: All info is hidden
  • Email: All info is hidden
  • Phone: All info is hidden

Where To File Complaints

  1. Domain Registrar: Contact to report this domain for spam.
  2. Hosting company: Contact or call them at 1-877-206-4253 to report that you have been receiving spam from

Where To Find Real Girls

If you want to hook up with real local ladies then take a peek at these legit online adult dating sites. Is Spamming Men Through CraigsList 4WM Personals is another pebble in the sea of spam I receive from’s Personal section every single day. There is nothing special about this spam, it’s the same thing. “I have my pics and phone number on the site, just sign up then you can call me”, ALL LIES! Read the full scam report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

Scam Email

From: [email protected]
Subject: Several days ago you messaged my post at clist
To: [email protected]

“I’m glad you decided to contact my ad I made on clist Monday. I would definitely want to find out more about you. Perhaps we can go out for lunch, and then just see if it leads anywhere. I am not really interested in a commited relationship, just a good time without all the drama. At I have my photos and also my cell number. Let’s talk soon, I would want to to meet in the next week.

Owner of

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Address: All info is hidden
  • Email: All info is hidden
  • Phone: All info is hidden

Where To File Complaints

  1. Domain Registrar: Contact to report this domain for spam.
  2. Hosting company: Contact or call them at 1-877-206-4253 to report that you have been receiving spam from

Where To Find Real Ladies

If you want to meet with real local girls then you really should look at these legit online NSA dating sites.