NsaWith.me, Another CraigsList Personal Ads Scam

NsaWith.me is the same type of CL scams that I have been receiving for many months. Fake names, emails that are all lies, NSAWith.me is part of the same crap. Don’t believe any emails you receive from “Kelsi Donnelly”, telling you that she has her contact info and photos on www.NsaWith.me, it is simply not true. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Kelsi Donnelly , Ailene Donnelly , Eileen , Kerra Higgins , Kaytlin Kelly , Kerrie Walsh , Cassidy Ward
  • Email Address: kelsi.donnelly@progolfconsulting.com , ailene.donnelly@progolfconsulting.com , eileen.kavanagh@progolfconsulting.com , eileen.kavanagh@progolfconsulting.com , kerra.higgins@tourprolabs.com , kaytlin.kelly@tourprolabs.com , cassidy.ward@nsawith.mekerrie.walsh@tourprolabs.com
  • Scam Sites: NsaWith.me

1st Scam Email

From: kelsi.donnelly@progolfconsulting.com
Subject: re: Looking for a naughty time – w4m – 26 (Chapel Hill)
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“******@gmail, Wow, that was quick! Listen, I wasn’t thinking clearly when posted this and I used my work email by accident. Duh! I keep my personal info “kelsiDOMMOL” here with more pics and my contact information (I like texting best) and we can see what happens ;-). Also this will show me your are serious and real, I hate the 1000 emails later routine 😉

Also, I don’t want to get in trouble for using the work email.

I liked your response so I attached a pic, (I have more!) Tell me if you like it?

kelsiDOMMOL (http://nsawith.me/info/p072777)”

2nd Email

From: ailene.donnelly@progolfconsulting.com
Subject: re: Looking for a naughty time – w4m – 26 (Chapel Hill)
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Thanks for the quick response! I got waaaay too may emails to be using my work email for this. Go to my profile “discostickhunter” (http://nsawith.me/info/p072777) to get my alternate contact info.

Sorry I’m freaking out!
-Ailene 😉
******@gmail.com wrote:
hello, i am interested in meeting up in person,you sounds great to
me!! please email me back, i’m free tonight if that works for you?
I’ll get your message son my iphone. BYE SEXXXY!


3rd Email

From: ailene.donnelly@progolfconsulting.com
Subject: Re: I am….The Real Thing! – w4m – 22 – (Third Ward).
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Wow, that was quick! Listen, I wasn’t thinking clearly when posted this and I used my work email by accident. Duh! I keep my personal info “aileneGASFOU” (http://nsawith.me/info/GASFOU) here with more pics and my contact information (I like texting best) and we can see what happens ;-). Also this will show me your are serious and real, I hate the 1000 emails later routine 😉

Also, I don’t want to get in trouble for using the work email.

I liked your response so I attached a pic, (I have more!) Tell me if you like it?

aileneGASFOU (http://nsawith.me/info/GASFOU)


4th Email

From: ailene.donnelly@progolfconsulting.com
Subject: Re: looking for fun and frolic – w4m – 22 – (Saint Clair Shores).
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“hi, Wow, that was quick! Listen, I wasn’t thinking clearly when posted this and I used my work email by accident. Duh! I keep my personal info “aileneGEMQIS” here (http://nsawith.me/info/GEMQIS) with more pics and my contact information (I like texting best) and we can see what happens ;-). Also this will show me your are serious and real, I hate the 1000 emails later routine 😉

Also, I don’t want to get in trouble for using the work email.

I liked your response so I attached a pic, (I have more!) Tell me if you like it?


Thursday From On Thursday”

6th Email

From: ailene.donnelly@progolfconsulting.com
Subject: Re: Life is a Journey Meant to be Enjoyed! – w4m – 18 – (Oak Cliff).
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

******@gmail.com, Wow, that was quick! Listen, I wasn’t thinking clearly when posted this and I used my work email by accident. Duh! I keep my personal info “ailenePOIGIG” here (http://nsawith.me/info/POIGIG) with more pics and my contact information (I like texting best) and we can see what happens ;-). Also this will show me your are serious and real, I hate the 1000 emails later routine 😉

Also, I don’t want to get in trouble for using the work email.

I liked your response so I attached a pic, (I have more!) Tell me if you like it?


7th Email

From: ailene.donnelly@progolfconsulting.com
Subject: Re: Life is a Journey Meant to be Enjoyed! – w4m – 18 – (Oak Cliff).
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Wow, that was quick! Listen, I wasn’t thinking clearly when posted this and I used my work email by accident. Duh! I keep my personal info “eileenGASNIB” here with more pics and my contact information (I like texting best) and we can see what happens ;-). Also this will show me your are serious and real, I hate the 1000 emails later routine 😉

Also, I don’t want to get in trouble for using the work email.

I liked your response so I attached a pic, (I have more!) Tell me if you like it?

eileenGASNIB (http://nsawith.me/info/GASNIB)
Monday From On Monday “

8th Email

From: eileen.kavanagh@progolfconsulting.com
Subject: Re: Can I Tie you Up? – w4m – 26
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

Wow, that was quick! Listen, I wasn’t thinking clearly when posted this and I used my work email by accident. Duh! I keep my personal info “eileenIREJUS”(http://nsawith.me/info/IREJUS) here with more pics and my contact information (I like texting best) and we can see what happens ;-). Also this will show me your are serious and real, I hate the 1000 emails later routine 😉

Also, I don’t want to get in trouble for using the work email.

I liked your response so I attached a pic, (I have more!) Tell me if you like it?

eileenIREJUS (http://nsawith.me/info/IREJUS)

9th Email

From: eileen.kavanagh@progolfconsulting.com
Subject: Re: Love it from behind – w4m – 21
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

” Wow, that was quick! Listen, I wasn’t thinking clearly when posted this and I used my work email by accident. Duh! I keep my personal info “eileenBATVEX” here with more pics and my contact information (I like texting best) and we can see what happens ;-). Also this will show me your are serious and real, I hate the 1000 emails later routine 😉

Also, I don’t want to get in trouble for using the work email.

I liked your response so I attached a pic, (I have more!) Tell me if you like it?

eileenBATVEX (http://nsawith.me/info/BATVEX)

Thursday From On Thursday”

10th Email

From: eileen.kavanagh@progolfconsulting.com
Subject: Re: Discreet friend with benefits – w4m – 20
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Wow, that was quick! Listen, I wasn’t thinking clearly when posted this and I used my work email by accident. Duh! I keep my personal info “eileenBUBREB” here with more pics and my contact information (I like texting best) and we can see what happens ;-). Also this will show me your are serious and real, I hate the 1000 emails later routine 😉

Also, I don’t want to get in trouble for using the work email.

I liked your response so I attached a pic, (I have more!) Tell me if you like it?

Eileen (http://nsawith.me/info/BUBREB)

Friday From On Friday “

11th Email

From: kerra.higgins@tourprolabs.com
Subject: Re: Must be able to think and kink – w4m – 24 – (Huntington Beach)
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

Now that was quick! Impressive! Apparently, I wasn’t thinking when post this ad and used my work email. One thing after another this week, I guess. Listen, I have my personal information here “kerraTUNULU” (http://nsawith.me/info/TUNULU/) with more pics and my contact info. All free to signup and to contact me. When I know your real 😉 we can text each other, which seems to be easiest for me.

Give the effort and it will show me your are serious and real, I hate the hundred emails later routine 😉 I met a really cool guy this way, but he just moved away. I need to “fill the void”, ha! I’m looking for NOTHING SERIOUS!

I included a pix of me … hope you like it !

Follow up and we can see what happens 😉

Kerra (http://nsawith.me/info/TUNULU/)



12th Email

From: kerrie.walsh@tourprolabs.com
Subject: Re: nsa fun only! – w4m – 27
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Thank you for the quick respones! I’m impressed! I guess, I wasn’t thinking when post this and used my work email. I can’t win this week. I do have my personal information here “kerrieNAELOG” with more pics and my contact info. It does not cost anything. When I know your real 😉 we can text each other, which seems to be easiest for me.

Give the effort and it will show me your are serious and real, I hate the hundred emails later routine 😉 I met a really cool guy this way, but he just moved away. I need to “fill the void”, ha! I’m looking for NOTHING SERIOUS!

I included a pix of me … hope you like it !

Follow up and we can see what happens 😉



13th Email

From: cassidy.ward@nsawith.me
Subject: Re: On top of the world, and maybe you! – w4m – 28 –
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

, TY for the email! Wow, I wasn’t thinking when I put up this CL ad, I didn’t think I would get so many responses. Listen, to make this quick I keep my personal information here “cassidyGEMWIN” with more info and some pictures. It is free to sign up. Also, this way I will know you are real, I have been getting some crazy respones!

Looking for nothing serious … just hang and have some fun …

I included a pix of me … hope you like it !

Let see what happens …

cassidyGEMWIN “


Owner Of NsaWith.me

  • Name: Info is hidden
  • Phone: Info is hidden
  • Address: Info is hidden
  • Email: Info is hidden

Where To File Complaints

  • Hosting company: Contact BlueHost.com or call 1-801-765-9400 to report spam.
  • Domain registrar: Contact Godaddy.com or call 480-624-2505 to report this domain for spam.

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