Is A CraigsList Scam, Ready To Defraud You is brand spanking new scam site ready to rip you off. Hopefully I can save some guys before this new scam site gets too many victims. First off this site has nothing to do with verifying you, it’s an elaborate trick to get you to pull out your credit card and input your cc info on You will NEVER meet Angela in person, because she is not real and doesn’t exist! Get back to reality and do yourself a huge favor and close the web site right now. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Angela S , Angie
  • Email Address: , , , , , , ,
  • Scam Sites: loads a registration form from You get billed from, and

1st Scam Email

From: ,
Subject: you still around? lets meet.  from craigslist

“hey sorry i didnt get back to you sooner
i really wanna meet but before i send you my phone number can you veirfy at my profile here,
its free, ( JUST CLICK HERE )( once you verify at my profile call me at my # in the confirmation email.
ill attach a pic and i have some pics on my profile. talk to you soon!”

2nd Email

From: ,
Subject: you still around? lets meet.  from craigslist

Glad you emailed me
First of all, I’d like to keep this discrete and simple. i want to meet you.
Either my place or your house will work for me. I know were going to have an excellent time then go our separate ways.
If every thing works out I definitely wouldnt mind hooking up some more times.

Click here to check my profile here ( … then call me

I am using this free service to protect myself from potential sex offenders and to make sure im not meeting up with a minor. Its 100% totally free service. Call or text me so we can do this asap ”

3rd Email

Subject: You still around?

“are you doing anything today or tomorrow? i need to get out  
we can hang out at your place or mine, only thing that i ask is you verify
you are a real person and not a creep/sex offender
you can verify yourself at my profile here

its free and makes me feel safe, sorry i wont meet otherwise.  when you
verify call or text me at my number on my profile.
i attached some pics btw i have pics on my profile too. talk to you soon!

Sent from my iPhone”

4th Email

From: ,
Subject: You still around?

“heyy are you doing anything today or tomorrow? i need to get out 🙂

we can hang out at your place or mine, only thing that i ask is you verify you are a real person and not a creep/sex offender
you can verify yourself at my profile here { JUST CLICK HERE }  (

its free and makes me feel safe, sorry i wont meet otherwise. when you verify call or text me at my number on my profile. i attached some pics btw i have pics on my profile too. talk to you soon!”

5th Email

Subject: You still around?

“glad you emailed me

First of all, I’d like to keep this discrete and simple. i want to meet
Either my place or your house will work for me. I know were going to have
an excellent time then go our separate ways.
If every thing works out I definitely wouldnt mind hooking up some more
times. check my profile here  … then
call me

I am using this free service to protect myself from potential sex offenders
and to make sure im not meeting up with a minor.
Its 100% totally free service. Call or text me so we can do this asap

Sent from my iPhone”

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. $29.95 a month to
  2. $39.62 a month to
  3. $44.71 a month to

Owner Of

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Phone: 1-507.65995877
  • Address: Aptds. 0850-00056 Zona 15 Panama Panama
  • Email:

Where To File Complaints

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  1. Hello:

    Well I guess I should read your articles.

    Message 1)
    hey sorry i didnt get back to you sooner
    i really wanna meet but before i send you my phone number can you veirfy at my profile here,
    its free, ( JUST CLICK HERE ) once you verify at my profile call me at my # in the confirmation email.
    ill attach a pic and i have some pics on my profile. talk to you soon!

    Message 2:
    hey sorry i didnt get back to you sooner
    i really wanna meet but before i send you my phone number can you veirfy at my profile here,
    its free, ( JUST CLICK HERE ) once you verify at my profile call me at my # in the confirmation email.
    ill attach a pic and i have some pics on my profile. talk to you soon!

    Message 3
    Ive been hoping you would write me back since you’re the only decent
    response that seems real. I’m sending you another pic. if this works out
    between us we can meet more then one time…..just make sure you always bring
    protection cause I just wanna have sex and relieve stress I don’t wanna
    start a family here lol.
    when can you meet me? I’m already bored with all the emails I’m getting I
    just wanna make this plan a reality. You can cum over here tonight if you
    want I don’t have plans….just watching this funny show on netflix at the
    moment. Its called running wilde.

    Anyways I have to admit that I was hesitant to use craigslit cause I had a
    scary experience a few years ago meeting someone from personals (I had to
    run away from him!!) so I’d like you to get my number from my profile here

    They screen members and keep out dangerous people….as long as you’re not a
    convict or offender they give you my number on the spot. If you were a woman
    you would probably use the same thing……actually last night even I saw on the
    news female realtors are starting to use this same type of screening just to
    be safe.

    I’m gonna pause netflix and go take a bath…..I will have my cell beside the
    tub I hope you pass the screening and call me. Its not complicated I know
    you can do it for me. Once they give you my number you shouldn’t bother
    texting just call me directly and cum over here! And don’t forget to bring
    condoms seriously.

    Message 4:
    Okay so there are three…and she uses the PICs you show,,,,



  2. I just got the same form letter that Gene got in # 3 and it’s the first E Mail I have gotten and have no idea what Craigslist post it is connected with but I have been saving all spammers replies and it gets old getting 5 or 6 messages from something I replied to 8 mo’s ago.

    I have started sending the a standard reply back now.

    “Hi Spammer

    Thanks for the reply as I now have your info and will be forwarding it to theDatingjudge and a few more sites that post about craigslist scammers.”

  3. Thank you for the info alltrue what you said about angela i still get mail from scamer once they told me for my cc # i said hell no you crazy so again thanks.

  4. Yep I got duped by this one too, I keep getting charged 49.99 per month by CC TOKENS 8662377217. Any ideas on how to stop this or do I have to call my bank?

    1. Call your bank and place a stop payment for that vendor. Or better yet, just cancel your card and order a new one. It’ll have a new number and when they charge your old number they won’t get anymore of your money. In the future, use common sense and never use your cc number for any sort of verification.

  5. They are also using disposable phone numbers to start a texting thread with you and even will send pics and talk with you directly (not a bot I dont think, real person on the other line faking). So be aware of any ads with phone numbers to text with, another way they get you to think they are real

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