HookUpNoStrings.com Is The Newest Site Spamming CraigsList.com

It looks like the spammers/scammers behind HookUpReal.com switched their site to HookUpElite.com and now just a few days later they are using another website called HookUpNoStrings.com. Why do they keep changing names? It’s because people do searches on Google and then see that HookUpReal.com and HookUpElite.com are both scams. They create new sites and we are right behind them to expose every single site they put online. Hopefully you found our site before you got taken for a ride.

If you want to meet real women for dating and hooking up then check these legitimate dating sites.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: None given
  • Email Addresses: lertalikka2@aol.com, reviolinap2@aol.com, alassersilued2@aol.com (report these email addresses to AOL.com for sending spam)
  • WebSite: HookUpNoStrings.com gets redirected to http://ard.ihookup.com/trafficoptimizer/index.php?toid=70901&r=lc360833 and then to http://tour.ihookup.com.

1st Scam Email

From: lertalikka2@aol.com
Subject: Ready for you  – w4m
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

alright sounds good, you can find pics of mine on:


send me your page there and then i will add you as a friend so you will be able to see them. “

 2nd Email

From: reviolinap2@aol.com
Subject: Horny Housewife still looking   – w4m
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

alright sounds good, you will find pics of me on:


send me your screenname on there and i will put you as a friend so that you are able to view them.”

3rd Email

From: alassersilued2@aol.com
Subject: How dirty is your mind?  – w4m
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

alright sounds good, you will find pics of me on:


send me your screenname on there and i will put you as a friend so that you are able to view them.”


I’m still receiving spam emails from HookUpNoStrings, just like the one below…

4th Email

Subject: lets enter………  – w4m
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“u seem friendly tho you prob wanna learn more on me goto HOOKUPNOSTRINGS. COM and then send me your name there so ill be able to send u pictures as well as other info “

 Update #2

It looks like they changed domains, now the new site taking the place of HookUpNoStrings.com is called DiscreetSweet.com, read about it here.

I did some digging but the domain name info for HookUpNoStrings.com is set to private,  meaning we can’t see who the real owner is because it is blocked. I did however find out who hosts HookUpNoStrings.com. The company who hosts HookUpNoStrings is called InitialHost.com. I tried to send a complaint through their website but many of the links don’t seem to work. There is a phone number to reach the company at +507.65995877. I think it’s a phone number out of Panama, so even the hosting company is starting to look shady because it seems tough to get a hold of them.

If you want to meet real girls for NSA fun then check these sites, stop wasting time on Craigs List.


  1. Here’s the new email address for a scam.


    Message as follows.

    u sound hot although you probably want to find more about me goto HOOKUPNOSTRINGS. COM and then reply with your profile name there so i can show you pictures and more stuff, tell me your profile, i’ll add you as a friend

    Your awesome Judge.

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