DigIntoHer.com is the newest scam site from “Amy” using the email address amyalom@clean-veri.com. “Amy’s” previous scam sites were SheLikes-U.com and MustBeBanged.com. This scammer uses stolen photos from porn sites and then emails them to you to trick you into thinking you are communicating with a girl when in fact you are emailing some scammer (who is male). These dating scams have ripped off 1000s of guys who have been duped into thinking they would meet “Amy” in person. You will never hook up with “Amy“, so forget the whole thing and put your credit card back in your wallet! Read the full report below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Amy
- Email Addresses: amyalom@clean-veri.com
- Scam sites: DigIntoHer.com redirects to Lets-get-it-on.com/member=Amy and then loads a registration form from TrackedClicks.com. You Get billed from MoreDailyPorn.com, ElitePersonalShopper.com and SafeGameHub.com.
1st Scam Email:
From: amyalom@clean-veri.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“WHY NO PICTURE :(? I would first of all like to say it is not my typical behavior, I consider myself exceedingly timid, but you truly fascinated my curiosity and ideally I may fascinate your’s..
Why don’t we get to know one another a little by email I went ahead and attached a picture, I am a little frustrated that you did not send a photo!
When you respond please do not forget a photo of yourself! I added mine so let me know if I am what you are searching for!
2nd Email:
From: amyalom@clean-veri.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Come on I really wanna meet you…. To help you feel more comfortable with this I went ahead and made my profile pic public and I uploaded a special one just for you! we can do this on the regular if you’re good in bed and know how to please me. I just have to make sure you are who you say….I’m a woman and this is craiglist don’t you understand? This has become pretty mainstream for women nowadays.
You can do this in less then a minute they don’t need your life story. its just a background check which is kept private…..do it for me and I will reward your patience with a nice bj when we meet…how about that? Call me here is the page incase you forgot Click Here (http://digintoher.com/a.php?name=Amy&h=472&id=439694&sid=NOBI&f=2&mail=)
Credit Card Charges You Get Billed
- $39.95 a month to MoreDailyPorn.com
- $39.42 a month to ElitePersonalShopper.com
- $39.42 a month to SafeGameHub.com
Owner Of DigIntoHer.com
- Name: All info is hidden
- Phone: 507.65995877
- Address: Aptds. 0850-00056 Zona 15 Panama Panama
- Email: 51c70d475n2kqtvr@t02cduv4f7f99a255f64.privatewhois.net
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Contact SingleHop or call 1-866-817-2811 to report abuse/spam.
- Domain registrar: Contact Internet.BS.
- Report it to us: Send us all the info you have on a scammer and we will post it on our site.
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