Is A Fake Verification Site That Scams Craigslist Users is yet another scam being blasted via junk email to anyone who replies to fake personal ads on the Craigslist personals section. You can see the emails I received below. The photographs in these emails of these nude girl is all fake. These pictures have been stolen from porno sites and then used along with the fake emails to give you the idea that you’re getting emails from a girl who wants to hook up with you. That’s not what’s happening! What’s actually happening here is they want you to believe that a girl is hooking up with you and then they plant the link to the Craigslist website which is a fake verification site used to make you give up your credit card info information to verify yourself. In the end you will never hook up with “Kimi Rachel” the girl who’s emailing you because the whole thing is 100% phony.. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Kimi Rachel
  • Email Addresses:,
  • Scam sites: A form is loaded from You get billed from Seek Your Mate Online (

1st Email:


“hi, I am a fun lovin, girl next door type. call me Kimi, not baby or any pet names. lets get together soon and help one another out. Dont be a stranger.


Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Express 3, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone”

2nd Email:


“well, I consider myself extremely diffident, but really fascinated my interested and hopefully yours.. But sorry to be so blunt right now I need to lay down some conditions that you may not agree with before we meet. I promise I will be more open when we talk on the phone, but you have to get to that point. I am not a virgin on online, so I have been jerked around a bit and wont open myself up to that. My conditions are all or nothing, I will not bend any of them.
I just love getting my tittles fondled but sorry i dont swallow. I am into oral, but you cant cum in my mouth, or on my face. I just dont do that, and its a violation of rule
Since we dont know each other , at this point I’d like you to get my phone number & address from here (  Its f-r-e-e to join and adds a little security to meeting total strangers with secure screening. Its just so I can say “I am out with this individual, and if I dont come back you need to talk to him.” If you are not willing to put yourself out there for me like that, bye.
I hope you are serious to make my pussy sore;)


Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Express 3, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone”

3rd Email:


“Look how ready I am. Don’t you want to put your dick in there??? just unlock my number::>> From My Page ( as your last chance, if you really wanna fuck me.I am sending some of my super…can’t wait for you anymore ….


Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone”

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. You get billed $39.95 a month from Seek Your Mate Online ( until you cancel.

*Any fraudulent charges made to your credit card will appear under ‘DEPTPAY.COM’.

Owner Of

  • Name: Md Aminul Islam
  • Phone: +880.880174096116
  • Address: Pochica,madhupur Tangail, madhupur, Dhaka, 1996, BD
  • Email:

Where To File Complaints

Want To Meet Real Local Girls?

If you want to search for real girl check these real dating sites.


***Note: (This site scam report is the property of, any use or copying is unauthorized. DCMA complaints will be filed with your web host, domain name provider, and if you choose to disregard this warning.)


    1. Yes absolutely. The the IP address should be able to be traced by the FBI and criminal charges be brought against the scammer.

  1. How do I cancel membership.. I’ve been approved once said to use a card a few times now my username has been taken soo I’m guessing I’m going to be charged.. how do I cancel this shit????

  2. Thanks 4 the heads up. I’m so pleased u read yr blog. If you’re not already aware of them, get , I think another few are slapper dating, shagin yourposrcode, benaughty, older dating agency & maybe I get redirected between them all the time. I’m pretty sure they’re all run by the same people

  3. These scammers are really persistent. Getting lots of mails and pics from girls implying if I verified I’d definitely get a fuck! They really want me but they are frightened of getting murdered. If I verify I’ll be fine and I will have access to her private line and can arrange a meet. I’d say if it seems to good to be true then it’s too good to be true. And why should a girl call me babes and huns and wants to shag me when she hasn’t talked to me or seen a photo? Thanks for marking this scam up. But I must admit I wasn’t tempted which my card details were requested.

  4. Thanks for this review, and I almost fell for this scam. FYI, this scam came through and I suspected something was up and am glad I followed my instincts to check CFF out more thoroughly. Keep up the good work.

  5. This UK Craigslist advertiser is also directing her new ‘friends’ to the same site [] above:

    Amy Kristen
    Original craigslist post:

    Email – THREE STAGES:
    1) First asked to send to:

    2) Subsequent replies came from:
    “Amy Kristyn

    Text of “Amy’s” messages:

    On Fri, 17 Feb, 2017 at 11:33, Amy Kristyn

    Yes its nothing just a F R E E & secure screening. it never charge your card, also your all info will be safe and secured. So register and prove you are real and serious from My Verified Profile

    On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 4:24 PM, Amy Kristyn wrote:

    Are you there baby ? if you want i can host or cum over … so what you want? Just verify you are 18+ from My Profile

    On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 3:30 PM, Amy Kristyn wrote:

    Hey, did you complete registration from >>  my page . i am waiting for you to see …

    On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 2:46 PM, Amy Kristyn wrote:

    Hey, [my_username]
    Just got your reply & i’m very interested… & felling really well today. Btw, I am Amy Kristen for real;)Sorry to be so blunt right now but I need to lay down some rules that you may not agree with Before we meet. I promise I’ll be more open when we chat on the phone, but you have to get to that Point. I am not a virgin to CL, so I’ve been jerked around a bit and won’t open myself up to that. My Rules are all or nothing, I will not bend any of them.If you feel eagerness,
    reply me ..

  6. Please help i gave them my credit card info and now I’m scared. How do I fucking cancel my info ! Please slmeone help

  7. i have got scammed with the Craigs list friend finder, signed up, after chatting with a Amy Kristyn, i put my back details in like a FOOL, then realised it’s a SCAM, i cancelled my back card ASAP, but what do i do to clear my details from their site??, also, getting a new card sent out, is their anyway they can take money from my new card, it will have a different 16 digit number, i have closed my email address down, but yahoo, shut this down in 90 days time, i put my postcode on the scam site also, would that be a problem later??, would appreciate some good advice and help with this, as i am pretty worried about it, (i was a FOOL i know).
    Thank you

  8. Here’s a current email address being use dby this scam: Amy Kristen –

    Persistent little buggers these ones are. They’ve sent me a dozen or so naked pics of some stoned looking girl. Poor thing.

    This reply after about four from me saying there’s no way I would sign up for this service:

    “I understand your position. But if you cant do this little thing, how can i trust you.
    I can’t wait more for you bcz I already spend a long time for you. If you really
    want me then you must create your profile 1st
    Register From Here :

  9. wish I had seen this site first. I have just been caught out. i never ever put my card details online unless buying something but got caught out well and truly. Amy Kristen my arse. I have been in touch with my bank to stop any payments going through that’s all I can do as there is no way to get back on the site. Be warned lol

  10. “Amy Kristen” is the email used on me . I am sure they plenty more. Then all the emails you receive telling you you are members of different dating website is very annoying

  11. I got duped but I was forwarded to

    When I confronted them this is what they say: (excerpts)
    Me:: it said cc will not be charged
    21:14 Marjorie Support: we only a third party billing support and we are not the website it self
    Me:: thats what im asking you? i didnt sign up at your site
    Me: its a big racket and you are knowingly or unknowingly part of it
    21:14 Marjorie Support: this is a manually putting all the information the website and we are not the one who
    use your card
    21:15 Marjorie Support: i do apologize for the inconvenience
    Me:: yes i did put the cc number at craigfriendfinder not cougardating
    21:16 Marjorie Support: craigfriendfinder handles many websites
    Me:: even they should inform and not directly bill to a third party or website.. this is blatant cheating
    Me:: where do i complain about this irregularity?
    21:17 Marjorie Support: i do apologize but we are not the website
    21:17 Marjorie Support: Would be anything else for today ?

  12. I have been following this crap and thanks for the info there is no one on cl that is real and thanks to this post I am not a victim

  13. I replied to an online dating site. I was sent a link to her verification site where I would enter my information including credit card (for verification purposes only—your card will not be charged). I had to do this so we could verify we were for real and to stay safe in case of problems like a chain saw killer or weirdo scenario. I look on the site and see her pic and the button flashing “Now Online!” and I take the link and do a search because, well, the credit card. Oh, and she is “always” online, at least all day today. In fact, as I write this, her account says she is on the site.

    What I find in my research is one blog that mentions what sounds like a very similarly spelled site, but leaving out a few letters (“s’s”) and wondered if they were the same. Looks like it was another site, which was also a fake scam site. Unsure, I message her back and say I needed a picture of her face only because there is a picture of her face on the verification site. I figured that might help clear it up absent more info. But while she says “ok” she never does. I wait a few hours after a very fast series of emails back and forth. No reply to that one. So I search some more and I find THIS site reviewing the exact same site I went to.

    And voila! The words used are all pretty much the same as detailed here in the article and in the comments section. I have not yet given my credit card information, though. I read the Terms of Use and they have set it up so they can bill you after a short five-day free trial period, or five days after your trial membership ends (which is a short period I am guessing). You have to hand them a paper with cancel written on it and your particulars or send them an email. I’m guessing they don’t check the emails very often, just to, you know, avoid seeing any cancelations. But once the five day period is up, it looks like it goes to a third party. Nice way to hand off any responsibility for anything. I too had “Amy Kristen” today as someone further up in the comments has mentioned.

    Some details from the emails in terms of sender info.: The sender was, oddly “Hhf Ggv” They seem to like to use g-mail addresses from the looks of it here.

    If you want to cancel, I have done the fine print reading. The TERMS: “To cancel your monthly Membership you must notify XXXPERSONALS.COM of your cancelation by e-mail to the billing department at least Five (5) Days before the expiration date of your then current Membership term.”

    Goes on to say the email for this is support@XXXPERSONALS.COM

    Sigh of relief.

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