is a scam it does NOT verify you. It is used to get your credit card info so they can charge your credit card info. You end up getting charged to 4 sites that I have listed below. The credit card charges add up to just under $120 per month until you cancel the charges. Read the full report below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Clara Jesmin
- Email Addresses:
- Scam Site: A frame is loaded from You get billed from Premier Passport, and
1st Scam Email
When you are be ready to play with me I m so much bored today need one real person to meet with you .
2nd Email
To:“Hun, Just sitting here on my laptop atm, pretty bored actually so was good to get ur message ?? U up to anything? Figure if ur looking on CL, ur probly on the lookout for a good time…and so am I so its good u reached out! I want someone open, good with the spontaneous, outdoors (yes sex there too ;), I love making fantasies happen, urs and mine, etc. I’m pretty free for the next day or so actually so we can meet up whenever. Only thing I ask is u do this free verification for me. It helps me weed out the shady assholes that I have met and dont want to meet again in my life. Anyway, its totally free and just takes a min to go thru, once ur verified u will have access to my cell and some more pics, etc just text me when ur thru and we can figure out the whens and wheres. Heres the link my page ( and remember as I said, it doesnt c0st anything u just have to verify so they can make sure ur not a psycho or sex o ffender or whatever and I gave them permission to give out my cell to verified members I refer. Hit me on my cell when ur thru and lets get f**kin dirty already!
Cant wait to meet
Sent from my iPhone“
Credit Card Charges You Get Billed
- You get billed $39.92 a month from Premier Passport until you cancel.
- You get billed $28.86 a month from until you cancel.
- You get billed $49.95 a month from until you cancel.
*Any fraudulent charges made to your credit card will appear under ‘USERSTOUR.COM
Owner Of
- Name:
- Phone: 507.8365503
- Address: P.O. BOX 0823-03411, PANAMA, PANAMA, 00000, PA
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Contact or call 1-323-375-2822.
- Domain registrar: Contact or call 1.4252982646 to report the spam/fraud.
- Report it to us: Send us all the info you have on a scammer and we will post it on our site.
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