I already exposed Verifieds-HookUps.com for the being a dating verification scam, but it seems like they are still going strong, scamming people who reply to their fake personal ads on CraigsList. There is no such thing a “verification service”, it is just an elaborate scam to charge your credit card with monthly porn site memberships. Do not input your credit card info on Verified-HookUps.com, it’s a complete fraud. Read the full report below
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Carli Mink, Natalie Esposito
- Email Addresses:
- carliminkx@hotmail.com (report this email for sending spam to HotMail.com)
- natalieespositox@gmail.com (report spam to GMail)
- Scam Site: http://www.verified-hookups.com/profiles/carlimink and (loads a fake “dating verification” registration form from http://sexxymatch.com/ja.php). You get billed for porn memberships to YourExForSex.com, and BreastsXXX.com.
1st Scam Email
From: carliminkx@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Outdoorsman Wanted – w4m
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hey i wasnt really looking for anything too serious.. 😉 just looking for fun. ill attach a pic! if u wanna meet let me know..
I am sending this off my phone so I am having a hard time seeing if it is going through or not. It keeps giving me an error!
Sent from my iPhone”
2nd Scam Email
From: carliminkx@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Outdoorsman Wanted – w4m
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Well, thanks for replying. Here is 1 more for you. I hope you are real and not just messing with me….as you can see I am not shy at all. I will tell you though I am getting a little freaked out with some of these weirdos that are contacting me. I decided to make a profile to keep all my info on. I am not just gonna give out all my info just like that anymore or on personal ads because I have been hearing some crazy stories from my girlfriends and not to mention some of the things these guys say to me. Its one thing to be sexy and get a little dirty, and its another to be just gross. and scare me. I am looking to meet and have fun but I still need to be safe and so do you.. Heres my profile. www.verified-hookups.com/profiles/carlimink All my info is on there, text me when you get my number though because I always keep my phone on me and I hate email. but if you get lazy you can just shoot me your profile link or add me as a friend on there and let me know who is hosting, me or you?”
can;t wait to talk to you “
3rd Email
From: natalieespositox@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Re: kinky boy wanna……!! – w4m
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hi again
Well, I guess you sounds pretty good.Not so many guys replied, so I would be willing to meet up with you just as long as you can prove to me that you aren’t gonna do anything crazy. You just need to head along to www.verified-hookups.com where I am a member (baby_doll23),its free to verify.they just verify to make sure you don’t have a criminal history.you know a girl can never be too careful.if you are really serious to meet me right now you can call me up.I will wait for your call.
I took a pic just for you home to prove to you I am real. My picture is worth a thousand words 😉
Sent from my iPad”
4th Email
Subject: Re: lo…..oki…..ng for fu..n …..wanted !! – w4m
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“if you really don’t have a credit card or something,
i guess we can use www.verified-hookups.com/members it doesnt require any credit card. my account name is the same there
I really want to wet my pussy with you unfortunately if you can’t verify on the sites i gave you i really can’t meet up, you know a girl has to be safe”
5th Email
From: kaylaselansx@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Re: can’t without man – w4m (houston)
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Heyy again 😛
Glad I heard back from you! I’m not crazy about typing on this ipad. Lets actually get off this email thing and if you want you can text before you call. I”m using this verifcation site that keeps my number safe from the crazies. If you care about my safety you’ll verify and then call. My number is on my profile once you verifiy. A girls gotta be safe after that we can do all the unsafe stuff you want. 🙂 i’m not a fan of protection 😉
ps. I”m getting hottt 😉 I”m taking a break so call soon! Pls Text before calling
Sent From My iPad “
6th Email
Subject: Grandmas Got Game – w4m (south florida)
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“A reply back that is readable and makes sense lol. I may faint lol. You wouldn’t even believe the crazy pictures I am getting of guys junk lol i wasnt really looking for anything too serious.. 😉 just looking forfun. ill attach a pic! if u wanna meet let me know..
I am sending this off my phone so I am having a hard time seeing if it is going through or not. It keeps giving me an error!
Credit Card Charges You Get Billed
Below are a list of credit card charges that you will see on your CC statement if you entered your credit card information on Craigs-Lock.com.
- $38.68 a month to YourExForSex.com
- $54.97 a month to BreastXXX.com
The total for this scam is $93.65 per month!
** I suggest you call you credit card company and dispute and then cancel these monthly porn membership charges right away.
Owner Of Verified-HookUps.com
Name: All info is hidden
Phone: All info is hidden
Address: All info is hidden
Email: All info is hidden
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Send spam complaints to their hosting company (HostWinds) (918) 960-0191, or contact them here.
- Domain registrar: Contact Godaddy.com to report that you have been receiving spam from Verified-HookUps.com.
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lol, so i got “two different girls” to email me on my own two different email accounts.
i only told ONE on email A. that i didnt have a credit card, and i get a reply from girl TWO on email B saying its okay i have a free account i site up for you, but never gave a link. lmao!:P