UntrueProfiles.com Redirects People To Untrue.com

“Nicole Lewis” (not the scammer’s real name) has sent me hundreds of emails qwith various website links in them. UnTrueProfiles.com is her newest scam site. This site like her previous scam site called UnTrueMatching.com, sends users to Untrue.com. UnTrueProfiles.com was created on July 31, 2012 (2 days ago), so hopefully I can expose this spam/scam site before they start spamming everyone from CraigsList.com with it. Read the full detailed report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Nicole Lewis , Emily Watkins
  • Email Addresses: nicole@trendcurverenovation.com , nicolej3@quickysolutions.com , emily@close-company.com
  • Web Site: UntrueProfiles.com redirects people to http://www.Untrue.com/?ainfo=MTgxNjF8MTY0fDIwMDc=&atcc=22590

1st Scam Email

From: nicole@trendcurverenovation.com
Subject: Re: ****meet up **** – w4m
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Hello again, I am really interested in meeting you.
I guess the verification site scared you off because i never heard back from you?
Makes sense that you dont want to enter any credit card info… I understand.

I figured the best way would be to just go through a free dating agency to keep things discreet and safe.
You can find me on untrueprofiles.com my username is Nicole5M

Hope to hear from you soon!”

2nd Email

From: nicolej3@quickysolutions.com
Subject: Re: Looking for clean fun loving man – w4m – 26 (orange county)
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Hi again, I am really interested in seeing you.
I guess the verification site scared you off because i never heard back from you?
Makes sense that you dont want to enter any credit card info… I understand.

I figured the best way would be to just go through a free dating agency to keep things discreet and safe.
You can find me on http://www.untrueprofiles.com my username is Nicole7Y

Hope to hear from you soon!”

3rd Email

From: emily@close-company.com
Subject: Re: How wud u lyk 2cum – w4m – 23
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Hey again, I am really interested in meeting you.
I guess the verification site scared you off because i never heard back from you?
Makes sense that you dont want to enter any credit card info… I understand.

I figured the best way would be to just go through a free dating agency to keep things discreet and safe.
You can find me on untrueprofiles.com my username is Emily6Q

Hope to hear from you soon!”

Owner Of UntrueMatching.com

Name: Info is hidden
Phone: 507.65995877
Address: 0850-00056 Zona 15 Panama Panama
Email: Info is hidden

Where To File Complaints

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