Takensa.com Is A Scam That Deceives Craigslist Users Into Giving Up Their Credit Card Info

Takensa.com is a scam dating verification being used to scam men who want to meet women on Craigslist.org. This is all designed to get your credit card info so they can charge it. You can not and will not meet “Elise” in person because she is NOT emailing you. She is a made up person created by scammers to trick you. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Elise
  • Email Addresses: elise369045@wooemail.com, sexyfigure757@gmail.com
  • Scam sites: Takensa.com. A form is loaded from Naughtyandcheating.com.

1st Email:

From: elise369045@wooemail.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“I understand your position.But if you can’t do this little thing then how can i trust you.baby Profile Here
Sent from my iPhone (http://takensa.com/a.php?name=elise&h= redirects to http://takensa.com/member=Elise/index.php)


2nd Email:

From: elise369045@wooemail.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“okay, Come on I really wanna meet you?.To help you feel more comfortable with this I went ahead and made my profile pic public and I uploaded a special one just for you! we can do this on the regular if you?re good in bed and know how to please me.I just have to make sure you are who you say?.I’m a woman and this is craiglist don?t you understand?This has become pretty mainstream for women nowadays.

You can do this in less then a minute they don?t need your life story. its just a background check which is kept private?.do it for me and I will reward your patience with a nice bj when we meet?how about that? Call me here is the page incase you forgot Click Here (http://girlsafehost.com/eliseChat redirects to http://girlsafehost.com/eliseChat/)

send from my iphone”


Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. You get billed $34.95 a month from Naughtyandcheating.com.

Owner Of Takensa.com

  • Name: adma H king
  • Phone: 1.7543077379
  • Address: 76st nw, miami, Florida, 33166, US
  • Email: yestedkarswinglej@gmail.com

Where To File Complaints

Want To Meet Real Local Girls?

If you want to search for real girl check these real dating sites.


***Note: (This site scam report is the property of TheDatingJudge.com, any use or copying is unauthorized. DCMA complaints will be filed with your web host, domain name provider, and Google.com if you choose to disregard this warning.)


  1. Thanks for the info . Exact same thing happened to me from nextdoordate.com. I was told my card would not be charged ,just used for age verification. Charged card 34.95. Is there anyway to get my money back from this thriving asshole.

  2. If I would of known I was gonna be charged I never would of done it, it does not say anywhere that I will be charged 34.95 . How do I cancel automatic renewal each month without changing my card number .

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