Is Another Scam From Lindsey B is not secure and will not get you hooked up, in fact it’s a complete scam. runs the popular “online verification” scam. This scam preys on men looking to meet horny women off of CraigsList. You see an ad on CraigsList personals, you repond and then you get an email back from a hot girl who wants to meet you but you need to “verify” yourself before you meet up. It’s one huge scam and this has been going on for many years now. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Lindsey B
  • Email Address: (Report email address To GMail)
  • Scam Sites: loads a registration form from, and if you enter your credit card details on the site you will get billed from, and from

1st Scam Email

Subject:Re: Hi 😉 – w4m

“Hi ,
hows everything. I’m not really looking for a serious relationship right now, maybe if the right man came along,otherwise it’s just no commitments. I’d like to meet up with you for drinks or dinner, today or tomorrow.this way we are able to break the ice, and see where it goes

I didn’t put any pics in my ad cos didnt want anyone to recognize me posting on craiglist, actually I’m feeling shy myself so added a normal one. Check out my pic, if you like what you see then i will attach some naughty pics

Waiting to hear from ya.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android”

2nd Scam Email

Subject: Re: I’m ready to open.. – w4m – 21

“Well, thanks for replying. I hope you are real and not just messing with me….as you can see I am feeling shy . I will tell you though I am getting a little freaked out with some of these weirdos that are contacting me. I decided to make a profile to keep all my info on. I am not just gonna give out all my info just like that anymore or on personal ads because I have been hearing some crazy stories from my girlfriends and not to mention some of the things these guys say to me. Its one thing to be sexy and get a little dirty, and its another to be just gross. and scare me. I am looking to meet and have fun but I still need to be safe and so do you.. Heres my profile.

All my info is on there, text me when you get my number because I always keep my phone on me and I hate email. but if you get lazy you can just shoot me your profile link or add me as a friend on there and let me know who is hosting, me or you?

btw. I attached a personal pic just for you. my pic worth a thousand words

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android”


Now I am getting emails from Natalie who is trying to scam me on as well.

3rd Email

Subject: Re: ::need to get out:: – w4m (sacramento)

“Hi again

Well, I guess you sounds pretty good.Not so many guys replied, so I would be willing to meet up with you just as long as you can prove to me that you aren’t gonna do anything crazy. You just need to head along to . where I am a member (baby_doll23),its free to verify.they just verify to make sure you don’t have a criminal know a girl can never be too careful.if you are really serious to meet me right now you can call me up.I will wait for your call.

I took a picture for you. its worth a million words

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android”

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. $54.97 from
  2. $39.96 from
  3. $39.99 from

Owner Of

  • Name: Hidden
  • Address: Aptds. 0850-00056 Zona 15 Panama Panama
  • Phone 507.65995877o
  • Email: hidden

Where To File Complaints

  • Hosting company: Contact or call them at 1-866-817-2811 to report for fraud and spam.
  • Domain registrar: Contact Internet.BS to report this domain for sending spam and fraud.

Where To Real Real Women

If you want to meet these local women try these online dating sites.


    1. Hey,, I would just like to comment that I have been online a lot and I have yet to meet one single woman who was actually what she claimed…. Out of around 10 or so….. Five mins ago I got interrogated by a 50 yr old bitching at me for not chasing 50 somethings… WTF?

      I quit,,, getting a dog and some ice for my nuts.

    1. Is it a scam all together you want meet any women r wt? What is a secure site and a secure way to know and find out about your date

  1. Hey thanks again for the reply, im really bored right now, and you seem kinda cool,wanna hook up? ill host dont worry. btw im Elise,its my real name for privacy reasons i did not include that in my AD, im sure you understand why. Anyway if your not busy we can do this today,Actually im free right now, but before we moved forward can you verify that your not a sex offender or a criminal? Im using this free safe verifier check when im meeting someone online Click Here you don’t seem like the type (which is why I’m talking to you),but i had a bad experience once before, so it’s kind of a requirement of mine.My number is there in my profile and the safe verifier check is free,wont cost you anything except a minute or two. when you’r done, just give me a shout and we’ll hookup from there, Call me once you got my number from there. ill wait for your call. Elise send via iphone

    Sent from.
    First email from her other email addy

    Beware this scammer

    1. Dude, i just got messaged by this person, exact same message too. Her c list pics dont even match the ones sent via email. Confirmed scammer

  2. Google is well aware of all crime and fully supports it. Taxes are levied to support the whore and her spawn and google gladly pays the money to the US Government who is the biggest crime syndicate on the planet. Shut your mouths and pay these faggots because the whores in America need the welfare..ROF…LOL…LOL..

  3. Is there a valid Security Meetup Arrangement ID or are they all scams. i have girls sending me to a link saying they are a member. I think having a valid drivers license is more safe then just a credit card number with my name, Just curious not just Craigslist but sites like AR and ED when girls ask for this meetup ID I smell scam.

  4. Here’s another scam profile on the same website. Luckily it was malfunctioning so I didn’t enter any info. Be careful out there guys

    Okay coooool… ! I think thats the best way to meet up, you could give me a call to fix our date.
    But before that, at 1st i have to ensure my safety and as well as your security.You have to get on my Profile (with My location): Just simply verify there for assure that you are not a sex offender or something like that and you are above (18).you dont seem like that type (which is why I am talking to you),But i had a bad experience once before,So its my kind of requirement.and also its to risky if i send my number online so please do it and collect my number and call me right now.if you free or interested.
    Lets make this happen.And it doesnt cost you anything except a minute or two. When you are done, just give me a shout and we will hookup from there, tonight or tomorrow anytime your comfortable with.
    I think you understand a woman needs only sex,I just want a real stuff LIKE U!!!!!

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