Scammer Nicole Lewis : : is more of the same verification scams. There is no such thing as a dating verification site, but somehow the spammers who post 1000s of fake ads on CraigsList personals have been been tricking people into believing that dating verification sites are real for years now. This scam has been on for at least 3-4 years and it’s still going strong. Don’t fall for it, it’s one huge scam that will bill your credit card for porn sites!

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Nicole Lewis
  • Email Addresses: , , , , , (report this email for sending spam to
  • WebSites: (loads a fake “dating verification” form from”). You get billed from .

1st Scam Email

Subject: Re: curel fuck me – w4m

“Hey Hows it going,
First of all, I would like to keep this discrete and I’m looking for some thing thats longterm. My ex bf is a complete nut ever since we broke up, Lol. 3 yr relationship. I can’t remember if I told you or not, but I have a kid who’s 19 months old. She will always be sleeping by the time you are here. This will be my first time meeting some one from on line, so I’m not totally sure about it. I don’t have any messengers as I’m not on the computer much. I was thinking we should in contact from a free site, my profile is at
I have my cell on my profile, my profile is nicole22, so send me a text or call me and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. I’m signing off the computer now, talk with you soon :).
Attached a special pic for you to show that I am 100% real lol


2nd Scam Email

Subject: Re:Re:curel fuck me – w4m)

Hey there…
im availiable this evening – if you wanna get together… oh about the credit card thing on that site, i joined it 5 months ago and ive never been billed. its an age verification. i dont think they are able to legally hold the number anyway. so you should give me a textif you would like to get together tonight. apart from that, i have plans for tomorrow but i won’t be very busy right after that.
My profile again

truly yours,
-Nicole “


3rd Scam Email

I’ve still been getting tons of emails from “Nicole”, the email addresses change but the same scam message is basically the same.

Subject: Re: Re: lookimg nsa fan now – w4m (houston)

“Hey whats up,
First of all, I would like to keep this discreet and Im looking for some thing that’s long-term. My ex is a complete psycho ever since we broke up, Lol. 2 yr relationship. I cant remember if I told you yet or not, but I have a child who is 18 months old. She will always be asleep by the time you come. This is my first time meeting some one from online, so Im not totally sure about it. I don’t use any messengers as Im not on the comp much. I was thinking we could stay in contact from a free site, my profile is at
I have my cell on my profile, my profile is nicole22, so shoot me a txt or call and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. Im going off the comp now, talk to you soon :).
Attached a special pic for you to show that I am 100% real haha


4th Email

Subject: Re: Re: lovely girl – w4m (chicago)

First things first, I’d like to keep this discrete and I am looking for some thing thats longer term. My ex is a complete nutcase ever since we broke up, Lol. 3 yr relationship. I cant remember if I told you or not, but I have a child who is 17 months old. She will always be asleep by the time you come over. This is my first time seeing someone from online, so I am not totally sure about it. I don’t have any messengers as I am not on the computer much. I was thinking we could stay in contact from a free site, my user profile is at
I have my number on my user profile, my profile is nicole22, so please shoot me a text or call and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. I am signing off the computer now, talk to you soon :).
Attached a special photo for you to show that I am 100% real haha


5th Email

Subject: Re: Re: Looking for My Hunk Dick Ass% – w4m – 25 (phoenix )

Hey There,
First of all, I would like to keep this discreet and Im interested in something that’s long-term. My ex is a total psycho ever since we broke up, Lol. 3 year relationship. I cannot remember if I told you yet or not, but I have a child who is 15 months old. She will always be sleeping by the time you come. This will be my first time seeing someone from online, so Im not totally sure about it. I don’t use any messengers as Im not on the computer much. I was thinking we could stay in touch on a free site, my profile is at
I have my cell number on my profile, my profile is nicole22, so shoot me a text or call me and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. Im signing off the computer now, talk with you soon :).
Attached a special pic for you to show that I am 100% real haha


6th Email

Subject: Re: Good woman seeks LTR with good man – w4m (sacramento)

First things first, I’d like to keep this discrete and I am interested in some thing that’s longer term. My ex is a total psycho ever since we broke up, Lol. 2.5 yr relationship. I cannot remember if I told you or not, but I have a kid whos 20 months old. She will always be sleeping by the time you come. This will be my first time meeting some one from on line, so I am not totally sure about it. I don’t have any messengers as I am not on the comp much. I was thinking we could stay in touch from a free dating site, my user profile is at
I have my number on my user profile, my profile is nicole22, so please shoot me a text or call me and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. I am going off the comp now, talk with you soon :).
Attached a special pic for you to show that I am 100% real lol


7th Email

Subject: Re: ,,,,,,, unattached girl seeking a nsa encounter – w4m (phoenix)

“Hey Hows it going,
Firstly, I would like to keep this discrete and Im looking for some thing thats longer term. My ex is a total psycho ever since we broke up, Lol. 2.5 yr relationship. I can’t remember if I told you or not, but I have a child whos 16 months old. She will always be sleeping by the time you are here. This will be my first time meeting someone from online, so Im not totally sure about it. I don’t have any messengers as Im not on the computer much. I was thinking we could stay in touch from a free dating site, my profile is at
I have my number on my profile, so please shoot me a txt or call me and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. Im signing off the computer now, talk with you soon :).
Attached a special photo for you to show that I am 100% real haha


8th Email

Subject: Re: Re: I ‘am still waiting, where are you? – w4m (washington, DC)

Firstly, I would like to keep this discreet and Im looking for some thing that’s longterm. My ex is a complete psycho ever since we broke up, Lol. 2.5 yr relationship. I cannot remember if I told you or not, but I have a kid whos 16 months old. She will always be sleeping by the time you come over. This is my first time meeting up some one from online, so Im not totally sure about it. I dont use any messengers as Im not on the computer much. I was thinking we should in touch from a free site, my user profile is at
I have my phone number on my user profile, so shoot me a text or call me and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. Im logging off the computer now, talk with you soon :).
Attached a special photo for you to show that I am 100% real haha


9th Email

Subject: Re: Re: Looking for clean fun loving man – w4m – 26 (orange county)

First of all, I would like to keep this discreet and Im interested in something that’s longterm. My ex boyfriend is a complete psycho ever since we broke up, Lol. 1.5 year relationship. I can’t remember if I told you yet or not, but I have a child who is 20 months old. She will always be asleep by the time you are here. This will be my first time meeting up someone from online, so Im not totally sure about it. I don’t use any messengers as Im not on the computer much. I was thinking we should in contact on a free dating site, my user profile is at
I have my cell on my user profile, my profile is nicole22, so shoot me a txt or call and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. Im logging off the computer now, talk with you soon :).
Attached a special photo for you to show that I am 100% real lol


10th Email

Subject: Re: Re: who’s as kinky ? – w4m (seattle)

“Hey whats up,
Firstly, I would like to keep this discrete and Im looking for soemthing that’s longterm. My ex boyfriend is a complete nutcase ever since we broke up, Lol. 3 yr relationship. I cant remember if I told you yet or not, but I have a kid who’s 18 months old. She will always be sleeping by the time you come over. This will be my first time meeting some one from online, so Im not totally sure about it. I don’t have any messengers as Im not on the comp much. I was thinking we should in touch from a free site, my user profile is at
I have my phone number on my user profile, my profile is nicole22, so shoot me a text or call me and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. Im logging off the comp now, talk with you soon :).
Attached a special photo for you to show that I am 100% real haha


11th Email

Subject: Re: Re: First time Login me.. – w4m

First things first, I’d like to keep this discreet and I’m interested in some thing thats long-term. My exbf is a complete nutcase ever since we broke up, Lol. 2 year relationship. I can’t remember if I told you or not, but I have a kid who is 15 months old. She will always be asleep by the time you come over. This will be my first time meeting some one from on line, so I’m not totally sure about it. I dont have any messengers as I’m not on the comp much. I was thinking we should in touch on a free dating site, my user profile is at
I have my cell number on my user profile, my profile is nicole22, so shoot me a txt or call and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. I’m logging off the comp now, see you soon :).
Attached a special photo for you to show that I am 100% real haha


Here Is The Credit Card Charge You Will Receive:

  1. $38.68 a month to

The credit card statement will be billed from for $38.68. I recommend contacting your credit card company and dispute the fraudulent charges, and get your money back. You can also contact or call them at (866) 992-5116 to dispute the cc charges.

** Cancel this monthly porn membership immediately.

Owner Of

Name: Info is hidden
Phone: 507.65995877
Address: Zona 15 Panama
Email: Info is hidden

How to complain about to their hosting company and domain registrar are listed below.

Where To Meet Real Women?

If you want a chance at meeting real local ladies then check out these dating sites.


      1. boy – im glad i googled for hookup guard.

        i didnt join. i got the same email thats posted.

        crap – i liked the pic she sent me.

          1. oh yeah and just in case this is new… she freakin wrote my name on a card and took a pic and sent it to me… she has skill unfortunately…

      2. interesting that after my email back from her it had a pic of her bent over with a notebook and my name written on it…common name though

    1. Yes call your credit card company and tell them what happened. The credit card company should cancel the charges since it’s fraudulent charge. Please tell us how it goes.

  1. how did they get your credit card info? you had to have put it in to be charged from one of these sites correct?

    1. Hi Dan,
      Yes you need to put your credit card info on the site in order to be charged. As as you don’t do that then you’re ok.

  2. Well, I didn’t give my credit card info, but I was more or less looking forward to going out with Nicole.

    /forever alone face.

  3. Newest email address she is using:

    I saw through this scam from the first picture.. Hilarious. First email i recieved.. Yea pretty much knew it.. I didnt sign up for anything.

    Hello there.
    Thank you for your reply, I need to tell you just a little about myself now, My name is Nicole, I’m a GENUINE european girl, half czechs-half german. I’m really open minded and consider myself attractive..
    I have attached a pic, I hope you like it 🙂 .. I drink socially, I don’t smoke..attempting to keep fit. In relation to “these” things I’m allways up for fun and attempting new things. I’m not a slut and I rarely go on craigs list, I am just searching for some long term no strings, I wanna hear some more about you and pics.
    Let me know if your still interested

    1. I got the exact same e-mail word for word. I didn’t fall for it because she says she doesn’t use the computer much and we should talk through her “free” web site….that you have to use a computer to get to…lol. People need to think a little more before running and signing up for this stuff.

  4. Ashamed to say I was scammed today. I called the number and they said that they cancelled the ‘membership’. Is that enough?

    1. Hi Eugene,
      Call your credit card company to make sure you haven’t been billed for other porn sites etc.. Don’t be ashamed, it is a clever scam and when you are thinking with your little head then you get into trouble. Please leave a comment after your call your credit card company and tell us if there were any other charges we should be on the look out for.

      Thank you.

      1. As far as pending authorizations go, it’s just a dollar pending. ($ 1.00) I have read the small print on the site and apparently, they can ‘upgrade’ your membership automatically after the trial and that would cost $89.68 a month. Dude, you saved me from experiencing pure crap. My bank is closed because of the holiday. I’ll call tomorrow though. Thanks A LOT.

  5. Yeah – as soon as I got the first email (from the address) last night, something seemed fishy. “She” (I put that in quotes as I think Nicole is probably some pimple faced hacker in a dark room somewhere) sent multiple emails basically BEGGING me to sign up on that site. Even saying that her card had NEVER been billed.

    Before I did anything, I searched for the site to see if it was a scam and found this page.

  6. so does the charge go through cause my dad will kick my ass…
    umm i emailed the do they actually reply???
    how do i cancel the subscription before they charge me more than 1 dollar

    1. Call and then you really should call your credit card company to make sure the charges have been cancelled. I have never actually had to cancel any charges myself because I never inputted my credit card information on the site. may or may not be helpful, so make sure to call your credit card company to reverse any of the fraud porn charges right away!

  7. hello, posting to say that another email nicolelewis@property something .com is the same scammer please be wary

  8. I got the 1st pic in my 3rd email and funny enough they personalize your name into the envelope according to you guys because that’s what convinced me. Anyway Her ass in the air yup i got that one and a diff one less revealing in my first email. Never the less I got to filling out some info on that site and just before typing any credit card info in i decided to google the link she sent me to go to that website. And she was the first result and here I sit. SO!…..if she is real then shes a scamming bitch but if she wants this dick then she can suck on it. No really she really should but just by calling me like normal fucking ppl haha anyway guys im glad i didnt get scammed but atleast we all know about this one

  9. God comparing the pics between what i have and you do. I never thought those comparing nude bar video games would ever pay off but they did this time haha!

  10. Here is another email she’s using

    I almost fell for it. I typed in all of my info, and before I hit submit, I searched hookup guard dating and found this page. I immediately hit the X on the page for hookup guard ,com and never did hit submit on the page to be billed. That was a close one. What almost got me was the personalized pic with my name on it with her in a thong bent over on a bed. She emailed me twice so far.

  11. i got the same email same photo everthing glad i look it up i never join the websites but if its a new website i always check

  12. In my pic of her she’s holding a card that has my email address on it. Crazy they are slick but I thought why do you have to put a credit card on anything to meet some one. Didn’t fall for it.

  13. Well there getting sharper, i was told something about the local area after a few emails… That’s what convinced me. Also got the same pictures as above.
    her new email

  14. She used the one. I found it on my boyfriends gmail. He denies he did it claiming that he didn’t do it. But she sent the same pics to her. He says someone got on his gmail and wrote it all to her not him. But I know he did. It was all done through June 25-29.

  15. nicole is at it again – she is so stupid she could not even highlight the link so i could click on – googled hook-up=guard instead and learned all about the scamming thief… she even included my email on a white card – especially for me
    must have thought i was a real sucker – avoid at all costs
    kenny bee

  16. to me

    Hello there. Thanks for your reply, I need to tell you a bit about myself now, My name is Nancy, I am a GENUINE european girl, half czechs-half german. I am really open minded and consider myself appealing.. I have attached a pic, I hope you like it 🙂 .. I drink socially, I never smoke..attempting to keep fit. When it comes to “these” things I am allways up for fun and trying new things. I am not a slut and I rarely go on cl, I am just searching for some long-term no strings, I wanna hear some more about you and pictures. Let me know if your still interested


      1. Hey there, thanks for getting back to me
        So I will tell you a more about me. I am a bit shy, I love to get down and dirty though.

        My favourite sport is soccer and my favourite position is missionary.

        I have hazel brown eyes and brown hair right now but I change it often.
        Hope to hear back from you.

        Hi again, I am really interested in meeting you
        Why dont you give me a ring and we can arrange something.
        Im sorry but I dont want to put my phone number on email, I dont really feel safe doing that.
        Can you please verify here to get my phone#
        Im guna attach a special photo for you to prove I am 100% real lol

        Hope to hear from you!

        So am I safe or do I have to worry about them stealing any information?

        1. Danm John, I got the same thing! I’m glad I googled her before I did anything stupid though. I don’t who started this web site, but I thank God that he/she did. Who ever you are God Bless you.

  17. Hey everyone. I got the same damned email.. Well, two (i’ll copy them below).

    I was stupid enough to try to sign up for hookup guard but couldn’t find any sign up link so googled it and cam across this site..

    Lucky really I guess, although the pic “she” sent is pretty damned hot.. I actually thought I was onto a winnder!! How dumb!

    Incicdentally “she” is using yet another email address:

    Anyway, please find below the emails:

    Hello there.
    Thank you for your reply, I need to tell you a little about myself now, My name is Nancy, I am a GENUINE european girl, half czechs-half german. I am quite open minded and consider myself attractive..
    I have attached a pic, I hope you like it =) .. I drink occasionally, I do not smoke..attempting to keep fit. When it comes to “these” things I am allways up for enjoyable and attempting new things. I am not a slut and I rarely go on craigs list, I’m just looking for some long-term no strings, I wanna hear some more about you and pics.
    Let me know if your still interested

    That email had a picture attached taken on an iPhone (you can see it in the pic) with her hand on hip wearing a white tank/vest top.

    This is the second email:

    Hey Hows it going,
    First of all, I’d like to keep this discrete and I am interested in some thing thats long-term. My ex is a total nutcase ever since we broke up, Lol. 3 yr relationship. I can’t remember if I told you or not, but I have a kid who’s 16 months old. She will always be sleeping by the time you come over. This is my first time meeting up someone from online, so I am not totally sure about it. I dont have any messengers as I am not on the computer much. I was thinking we should in touch from a free website, my user profile is at
    I have my cell on my user profile, my profile is nancy22, so send me a txt or call and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. I am logging off the computer now, talk to you soon :).
    Attached a special photo for you to show that I am 100% real lol

    This also had a picture with a caption on an envelope saying ‘Lick me’ and a picture of “her” boob with a big black box covering it..

    This is a really clever scam – easy to see how we all nearly fell for it (or even were unfortunate enough to fall for it). In my case it was only the apparent non-existence of sign up links that saved me.

    I hope other people take the time to read all these posts and save themselves the trouble of getting scammed.


  18. Wow…a man is a real sucker for a woman & I am no exception. Imagine me going to CL looking for some strange stuff & then have Nicole send me to the same website mentioned above. I almost fell for it too, same wording, same pics, same BS & when I didn’t respond fast enough Nicole left me a frontal. Glad I googled it b4 getting hooked with my credit card #. Beware you horny guys out there, this one is really slick. I wonder what her cut is from the horny guys that get their credit cards charged monthly? “STAY AWAY” Frank

  19. nicoleclarik5 is a scam. i got the same thing as rookie tonight. i told her she was busted and that the scam wouldnt work on me and she never replied. lol

  20. dammit I fell for the scam ive literatlly gotten the emails in the comments about word for word… the picture with the personalized name on the piece of paper was enough proof for me and Im ashamed to say I fell for it. its almost midnight so im not going to call my credit card company tonight. but first thing in the morning Im calling, what exactly do I tell them? “hey i fell for this sex scam on craigslist i need you to cancell these charges’?? frankly its embarrasing but I know it must be done. lesson learned.. googling things BEFOREHAND can really help you out…

  21. I think u need to tell me the truth& also why cause u been doing this for years, how the hell can u sleep at night knowing u could give me a STD, oh yeah I also knw bout ur other Facebook too, I’m giving u so many days to confess & if u dont we’re moving out oh we hAve a house to our own to stay in too, so I will wait

  22. She is getting better and more personal. She sent me a photo of her nice ass with my name on a note pad next to her.

    Go the same stupid messages. I didn’t buy it at all, but she gets mad when you keep telling her the link she posts doesn’t work, lol!

  23. Looks like ol’ “nicole” is at it again with a new format. Here is the third message she sent me:

    Hey Once again 🙂

    I am feeling both excited at the same time as a bit worried at the same time… Ive had some bad experiences in the past and don’t want to have any again.

    I am willing to give this a shot with you.

    This is a small thing to ask, but I really want to be safe about getting together, it will also show that youre serious in a possible longterm thing.

    I work parttime so I am around alot. Ive absolutely nothing to gain by asking you this except it is going to make me feel much more safe, if you were a woman who has been through what I have, you would understand. If you have a cam we can video chat inside. If you want I will get topless for you during our chat to show im serious. Ive been told I have very nice boobs if that means anything.

    The verification page is here

    Sent from my iPad

    The message even had one of the images with the girl holding a card with my name on it as a few have mentioned above. Luckily I saw through the scam pretty quick. Its funny after I received the above message I replied “Are you a scammer?” knowing fully at this point she is. She replied with this:

    im availiable tonight – if you wanna get together… oh about the credit card thing on that site, i joined it 5 months ago and ive never had any issues. its an age verification. i do not think they can legally hold the number anyways. so you should give me a textif you wish to get together this evening. apart from that, i have plans for tomorrow but i won’t be very busy right after that.
    the website again is here
    truly yours,

    Sent from my iPad

    -no attempting to refute the fact that I called her a scammer. These messages are probably generated automatically or something.

  24. Yup she is still at it. here is what she sent me.

    Hey Again 🙂

    Im feeling both excited as well as a little bit worried at the very same time… I have had some bad experiences in the past and I don’t want to have any with meeting people online again.

    Im willing to give this a chance with you.

    This is a tiny thing to ask, but I really want to be safe about getting together, it will also show that you are serious in a possibly longer term thing.

    My job is parttime so Im around a lot. I have absolutely nothing to gain by asking you this except it is going to make me feel very safe, if you were a female who has been through what I have, you would understand. If you have a cam we can cam inside. If you want I will get topless for you in chat to show im serious. I have been told I have very nice boobs if that means any thing.

    The verify page is here

    Sent from my iPad

    She also sent me a pic with my name on it

  25. Glad I seem this. She almost got me good. The whole pic next to her with my name was nice. If it wasn’t so long and drawn out email. I would of fail or it

  26. Hey Again 🙂

    Im feeling both excited as well as somewhat worried at the same time… I have had bad experiences in the past and dont want to have any again.

    Im willing to give this a shot with you.

    This is a tiny thing to ask, but I want to be safe about getting together, it will also show that your serious in a possibly long term thing.

    My job is parttime so Im around a lot. I have absolutely nothing to gain by asking you this except it is going to make me feel alot more safe, if you were a woman who has been through what I was, you’d understand. If you have a cam we can video chat inside. If you want I will get topless for you in chat to show im serious. I have been told I have very nice tits if that means any thing.

    The verify page is here

    Sent from my iPad

    Hey Again 🙂

    Im feeling both excited as well as somewhat worried at the same time… I have had bad experiences in the past and dont want to have any again.

    Im willing to give this a shot with you.

    This is a tiny thing to ask, but I want to be safe about getting together, it will also show that your serious in a possibly long term thing.

    My job is parttime so Im around a lot. I have absolutely nothing to gain by asking you this except it is going to make me feel alot more safe, if you were a woman who has been through what I was, you’d understand. If you have a cam we can video chat inside. If you want I will get topless for you in chat to show im serious. I have been told I have very nice tits if that means any thing.

    The verify page is here

    Sent from my iPad

    Wow Made Me Laugh When I Saw all of these hahah then she sent me a pic and i was like cool… then i heard she was putting emails on paper with a pic so i looked closer haha little did I Know My name haha scared the shit out of me.

    Her New Email

  27. First email is more subtle now. Got this from

    “Hello What’s goin on? I attached a pic, can you send me one? Got facebook or anything? If you don’t, it’s all good.

    Sent from my iPad”

    I’m always suspicious on CL, but the pic that was attached was different enough from the ad description to make me search for her email. Thanks for posting all this great info!

  28. read the damn terms of use before ever using a damn credit card idiots…

    14. Billing

    PAYMENTS FOR OUR PREMIUM SERVICES ARE RECURRING AND ARE IN US DOLLARS. User consents to recurring billing for services/access provided on an ongoing basis at a rate of $38.68 USD. Such recurring billing shall continue until such time as the user cancels the service. Trial members have full access to our site. Trial memberships are nonrefundable and will be automatically upgraded to full recurring memberships at the end of the trial period unless canceled. All monthly memberships will automatically rebill at $29.95, and trial memberships at $38.68 every 30 days, 3 month memberships at $49.99, and 6 month memberships at $89.99 until canceled. If you have any billing questions or believe your eligible for a refund please go to our billing support center for assistance.

  29. I got the email with the card with my name on it. Haha!!! I typed that directly into google and this site came right up. I wanted to know if anyone else recieved anything like this. I guess so!!! About a year ago i got scammed for about 300 bucks, which my bank got back for me. It was a verification site and they used my card to buy legit escorts in like wyoming. But like i said, i got a good bank and they immediately went to work on it and had my money back in 4 days.

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