Scammer Jenny : :

Jenny is the latest scammer from CraigsList to spam my inbox with emails wanting to hookup with her. Before I need to verify who I am by registering with a scam site called In order to verify who I am I need to input my credit card information on Safe2Play. The only problem is that I am actually paying for a monthly membership to Surprisingly it on Safe2Play the scammer actually state the following, “Today’s charge is $0.00
for your free access to” Don’t be fooled though because it’s not free and besides it’s a porn site, not a dating site.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Jenny
  • Email Addresses:
  • Scam sites:, loads a registration page from

Scam Email #1

Subject: Re: lonley now!! – w4m

This is the first response from Jenny:


just got your email… what plans do you have tonight or maybe we can meet
up in a few days, interested in getting together? If you have a pic
please send and tell me about yourself and what your interested in.

btw i attached my pic

Jenny XO”

Email #2

Subject: Re: lonley now!! – w4m –

This is the second response from Jenny:

Well, I guess I am free if you are interested in making an
arrangement. Not so many guys replied, so I would be willing
to meet up with you just as long as you can prove to me that
you aren’t gonna do anything crazy. You just need to head along
to this site where I am a member (Jen_al87), check out
my pic and do the free safety verification if you like me, don’t
worry you will get a free membership once you are verified and
you can contact me through the site and also get access to some
pics that will help get you in the mood for me

Sorry if it feels like I am making you jump through hoops to make
this happen but that site makes me feel much safer than craigslist
because its well moderated and any real weirdo’s are quickly “outed”
there. So many serial killers and stuff prey on girls like me,
especially on places like craigslist. Sorry to be so morbid but
its true. I hope you understand.


The link in the above email redirects to Also on the scammers mention another scam site called I checked out and it’s the exact same site as Safe2Play.

If you want to meet REAL women and stay from scams you should stay off of CraigsList Casual Encounters. You can meet real women at these sites.


  1. Many girls have the same line that they want to be safe bla bla. Not me never put my info out there. Heads up people don’t be fooled.

    1. YEAH, and these scumbags make $1000s per week doing scamming people off of CraigsList all day long, it’s crazy

  2. These stupid people actually think we will not do our research and discover their nonsense.

    I guess they got that wrong!

    She/they are better than most in that they used a valid email address and did not change it or their name each time they sent a reply.

    Jen / Jenny used this email when replying to me:

  3. I just wonder who’s daughters picture is plastered all over the world……..

    Yep, Her/his new email address is:

    And her/his new line is: “Any hippies out there”

    Hi there.

    Thanks for your reply, I want to tell you just a little about
    myself now, My name is Jenny, I am not a playboy model or anything
    but I am extremely open minded and consider myself appealing..

    I attached a pic, I hope you like it 🙂 .. I drink occasionally, I never smoke..attempting to keep fit. I am always up for
    getting crazy and trying new things. I am not a slut but not hung up
    on how others perceive me, I’m just searching for some long-term hook
    up kind of thing.

    Well Im rambling, wanna hear some more about you and pics please 🙂

    Let me know if your still interested.


    Then she wrote:
    Sounds like this will work 🙂

    to be honest with you Im feeling both excited and a bit worried
    at the same time�I�ve had a bad experience meeting someone
    online about a month ago. Drama!

    I�m willing to give this a shot with you�I�m in the mood for
    some fun just have to use my brain this time. Know what I mean?

    I use a free service now which is kind of
    like facebook for adults. I like to use this because it lets you
    call or text me without me giving out my real #. I don’t know you
    all that well so this is much better for me.

    Some dude a month ago text messaged me like 100 times in one day
    and was saying some really scary stuff. I’m sure your not like
    that but I hope you can do this for me to make me feel safe.

    Ok I am getting off the computer and gonna jump in the shower.


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