Scammer Jennifer Smith : [email protected] :

More emails from another Craigslist dating scammer are listed below. All the emails I am posting could actually be from the same person using various email addresses, domain names and photos to look like different girls.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Jennifer Smith
  • Email: [email protected], [email protected]
  • Scam site: ( which transmits info filled in the “verification” form to

Today’s CraigsList Scam Email

From: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Re: Eat my fresh waxed cunt – w4m – 19
To: [email protected]

This is the response from Jennifer Smith from

thank u for reply back to my ad! anyway, let me tell you bit about myself…i’m young, i am outgoing, i like to have fun, also often I’m told that I’m cute lol. I added my pic, so you can b the judge . To b honest I generally don’t have that much of a hard time hooking up with men, as I’m new to the area so i don’t really know anyone yet and I’m not into the bar scene when I’m not with a group of my girl friends. I’m ready to only hook up with someone and have some fun, so i think you’r looking for the same. At the same time, I’m kinda afraid of this kind of hookup online though. A friend of my told she tried it before and ended up with a crazy dude who never left her alone :/. not trying to throw you off though, i certainly would like to try this, i only want to make sure you r real and serious before we actually get together . Hopefully you still want to hook up, so yeah just send me an email back and we can work things out.
Looking forward to hearing back you 😀


jennifer smith

Second Email

From: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Re: Re: Eat my fresh waxed cunt – w4m – 19
To: [email protected]

“Hey Big Guy again,
Glad I hear back from you!! i am bit excited right now, can not wait anymore to hook up but like I said before, I’m not exactly all for this kind of thing, but I would like to try it out. I actually have a profile at also I ask that you go there and finish the verification to show u r real and safe, like I previously have . Really sorry if that sounds like too much trouble, but it’ll just take a moment also I would like you to just get that done before we move forward. when you complete it anyways you’ll have access to my full profile page with my phone number and address.Call my cell number instead of the home one if I’m out so we can talk sooner
Just text me if you can not get a hold of me, but you should be able to anyways…and then yea, my details are already there if you’d like me to host

Btw, I put a cute little picture up there for you, hope you like it! There’s some better ones on my full profile too

All the scams follow the same pattern, they email you. then they get you excited and tell you to email them back and then the second email they send usually has the link to send you to a website to scam you.

Where To Find Real Girls

You can find real women who are willing to date, hook up and just have get wild on these NSA sex sites. Don’t waste your time on Craigslist,it’s useless. These sites have tons of real women on them, take a look for yourself.


    1. Yeah she is still spamming I got more emails this morning. I can post the newest scams as soon as they email me so it’s hard for them to hide from me exposing their scams. I’m glad it’s saving people from getting ripped off. Have a great day everyone!

  1. i’ve just received the first email, just waiting on the second one. i might send her second one to her before she sends it to me haha

    1. Hi Brenden,

      They don’t meet up with you, they make you input your credit card on same fake verification site to steal money from your credit card.

    1. I would contact your credit card company, tell them what happened. This is fraud and you shouldn’t be held accountable for people trying to rip you off. Contact them before they continue taking money from your credit card. I hope that helps.

  2. Just got one off her slut ehh. Seems most add on craigelist are scammers out of many I have emailed I have had one normal lass. Shit really. Anyone know anyother sites?

  3. She’s baaaaaack! Just got her her email, same as above. Also a picture of her half naked coming out of the shower. The shower picture looks like it was ripped off from some porn site. Also another picture of her holding a big note pad with my name on it. Looks like they just photo-shopped the name onto a stock picture. And of course she directed me to the “craigslistsecureprofile” site, asking me to input my credit card information. What a scam!!!

  4. I also got a similar email from her. I was kinda pumped up to meet her than I see something about inputting my credit card number…:S. She gave me a picture of her in a g-string holding a notebook on a stool with my name on it. I was like hmmmm why the fuck would anyone try to prove so hard they are real unless they weren’t, especially someone who is so hot. I opened the picture in paint and zoomed in on my name and I saw a bunch of off-colored pixels around my name that shouldn’t be there. The scam is clever but no way will I fall for it.

  5. I had the same thing happen to me as well.

    She wrote my name on a card to pretend that all is real, so I asked to be contacted via Skype if he/she/alien/whatever is really worried about being with a weirdo.

    Response: craiglist securedate services. I wasn’t feeling it.

    Wanted to post a fake ad on craigslist with “her” contact link and photos but didn’t want to get into trouble.

    What a dick.

  6. I was just talking to her tonight she sent me a pic of her in a gstring and squating down with my name on a pad have y’all got this?

  7. Their still at it, just got an email with a new pic of a girl lying on the floor ass out with a pad with my name on it sitting on her ass…told me to verify on a hookup site and get her # knew it was too good to B true lol

  8. Hi Guys,

    I am just trying to find some girls for fun and looks like I couldnt able to find any . I am feeling frustrated because of this. All looks like a scammer.. Do you have some website without registering getting contacts of girls who are equally interested.

    Let me know

  9. After seeing all these comment once I googled Jennifer Smith all I could think was damn almost fooled again. Thank god for this site and everyone who helped me realize what a fake this was. I will say this, whoever she is, she is 1 sexy ass chick.
    I got emails from her via: [email protected] and [email protected].

    Anyone know where the real chicks are? Please let me know.

  10. Thanks for the warning. It was a little fishy so I’m glad I googled it first. I had to download that pic and upload it in google images to find this, though. “She” has new emails:

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Hopefully posting it here will help search engines find this. Why would “she” use the same pic and fake name if “she” has been caught? Whatever, glad I didn’t get suckered into anything.

    Also, more info. “She” is posting in the Tokyo listings.

    The original email said “email writings” and there was a different picture. Then I emailed [email protected] and then got an email from [email protected]. Pretty roundabout. Just for the record, the English was very poor at first until the second email. Must be a team effort.

    Stay safe, guys! Don’t let your penis take control of your brain 100%!

  11. I got scammed. $5 for 3 days so I thought why not. Off to the bank to cancel my card 2moro. Wish I could do it now but its sunday. Same name on paper on the stool, I had a feeling something wasnt right about so called jennifer but went with it. Never again.

  12. it turns out after all then this Jennifer Smith that I slept with is not the same one that is posted here but she is just as bad. She just use me for whatever she could get out of me like I said before she lives in Redford she never mention much about the tattoos until we metI guess I should have known because we had sex on the first date that was more about what she could get out of me. I pretty much was used and now it’s on then she has kids and is much older than I thought she even was married and has a boyfriend. stay away from this one she’s no better than the rest

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