HornyLocalMatches.com is a scam dating site that “Crystal Gibson” is using to send horny guys from the Casual Encounters section of CraigsList.com. Read The detailed information below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Crystal Gibson
- Email Addresses: crystaloxgibson@yahoo.com
- Scam site: Profiles.HornyLocalMatches.com loads a tracking script from where they can see how you got to HornyLocalMatches.com etc.
CraigsList Scam Email From Crystal Gibson
From: crystaloxgibson@yahoo.com
Subject: you emailed my listing at craigslist
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com
“Heya, I received your message you sent to my craigslist ad Saturday. I am certainly interested in getting together. Maybe we could meet for dinner to findout if there’s any chemistry, and then simply findout where it goes from there. As my post said, I am not searching for anything with commitments, I just wanna have a goodtime with out any dramatics. I have got my pictures on http://profiles.hornylocalmatches.com/user37023126.php along with my phone number. Call me sometime soon, hoping to get together sometime this week.
HornyLocalMatches.com doesn’t use an age verfication scam, it does however direct CraigsList users to a dating site in order to make money. The scammers probably get paid for each new member they sent to HornyLocalMatches.com, be aware.