Scam Site : is a fake “dating verification” web site. The whole site is a complete scam from start to finish. It is so well done it’s takes many people by surprise, and it has been going on for many years and is still a huge problem on Craigslist as you read this. There are hundreds of fake “dating verification” sites, read though this site and you will see how many I have exposed in such a short time span.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Natasha
  • Email Addresses: (Report This Email To GMail for sending spam)
  • WebSites: (loads a fake “dating verification” registration form from You get billed from .

Scam Email

Subject: Re: Looking for fun – w4m – 28 (new york)

“Heyy again 😛

Glad I heard back from you! I’m not crazy about typing on this ipad. Lets actually get off this email thing and if you want you can text before you call. I”m using this verifcation site that keeps my number safe from the crazies. If you care about my safety you’ll verify and then call. My number is on my profile once you verifiy. A girls gotta be safe after that we can do all the unsafe stuff you want. i’m not a fan of protection

PS: , I”m getting hottt I”m taking a break so call soon! Pls Text before calling also I attached a nice picture exclusively for you with my red hot kiss

Sent From My iPad ”

Here Is The Credit Card Charge You Will Receive:

  1. $38.68 a month to www.

Your credit card statement will have a charges from for $38.68You should contact your credit card company and dispute the fraud credit card charges, and get your money back right away. You should also contact or you can even call them at (866) 992-5116 to dispute the credit card charges.

** Cancel this monthly porn membership immediately.

Owner Of

Name: Info is hidden
Phone: 507.65995877
Address: Zona 15 Panama
Email: Info is hidden

How to complain about to their hosting company and domain registrar are listed below.

Where To Meet Real Women?

If you want to meet actual real women, then stay away from CraigsList, check out these REAL dating sites instead.


  1. Thank you. The info was right on with what I was getting. I will be deleting the emails and avoiding this scam immediately.

  2. That site is full of scammers, especially with the hookup team. They hounded me to verify. I tried once, but when it wouldn’t verify I knew why. Even though they say they don’t charge you it’s a lie. Once I paid the monthly subscription I saw international fee charges on my statement. Soon as I started to chat with so called women they hounded me to verify. They even went so far as to threaten to charge me $900 and send my info to the FBI to be prosecuted. Said I would be charged with child pornography.

  3. Every time I talked to a girl on here they would ask me to “verify I was real”. Well now I am in Korea and was alarmed to read that I would be charged 1500 dollars from the site in conjunction with an FBI investigation. I am deployed overseas… and I was like “WTF!!!”

  4. Was on and a girl gave me her email, sent me pics the hole deal, then told me to verify, got declined, then had me turn off fraud protection, and cleaned my account out. Don’t accept the verification processential its too good to be true… if there hot and ur wondering y they are on the I telnet dating g it’s a scam.

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