Did you get any emails from Safew4mdate.com? I did and I’m here to tell it’s a scam and nothing else. Read the full report below. “Jessica” is NOT A REAL GIRL and she isn’t emailing you or me! Safew4mdate.com is apparently for to verify people who are looking to go on dates with “Jessica”. As stupid as that sounds people fall for this crap every single day. Don’t fall for the lies, it’s all B.S.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Jessica Rose, Jesmin
- Email Addresses: localjessica@safew4mdate.com, jesmin23@safew4mdate.com
- Scam Site: Safew4mdate.com. A registration form is loaded from Signup.naughtyandcheating.com. You get billed from NaughtyandCheating.com.
1st Email
From: localjessica@safew4mdate.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“How are you , How feel today , DO you rember me – Not sure if you remember me or not, but you answered an ad of mine a little while ago. I just saw it actually and was wondering if you were still looking for someone? I’m only looking for fun, so no complications. Don’t have time for it. Can you meet asap? Hope so. I only play safe tho, so bring something. And please be able to last.
2nd Email
From: jesmin23@safew4mdate.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“thanks for reply . Did you get my number ?
I am willing to meet up with you just as long as you can prove to me that you aren’t going to do anything crazy. You just need to go along to this site Unlock phone number (http://www.safew4mdate.com/localjessica/) check out my picture and do the date securitty verification…then call/text me after that.
3rd Email
From: localjessica@safew4mdate.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hey;
I’m Jasmine , frm Russia,doing job at a real estate firm at ur country. M totally new here and facing some trouble to match with this new culture actually, feeling lonely most and missing my boy frnd really,who is still at Russia….. ?? I m blackish but horny for sure.. Looking for someone, who can fulfill my sex desire, m so much crazy that u will become mad. Bt as new in ur country, I need safety first. For that I talked with craigslist, they have suggested to join their date verification system. So I did. If u wanna hookup with me for real fun, then Go to http://www.safew4mdate.com/Jasmine/ My cell numer & profile ? to see my pic and cell number and first make ur profile free in 30 sec by just submitting and verifying ur mail, It Is Free Site No Game or Drama, just waiting for ur call, not gonna mail more, just make free profile,get my cell number and call me. Waiting for ur call……__- Plz, select ur age 30+, because the craigslist verification system only allows 30+ guy to date & my member id i,search aftr making ur profile….Thnx”
Credit Card Charges You Get Billed
- You get billed $34.95 a month from NaughtyandCheating.com.
Owner Of Safew4mdate.com
- Name:
- Address: Ocean Centre, Montagu Foreshore, East Bay Street Nassau New Providence 0000 BS
- Phone 44.7546458118
- Email: 550ac755byoaomzv@5225b4d0pi3627q9.whoisprivacycorp.com
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Contact abuse@ripe.net or call +31205354444 to report abuse.
- Domain registrar: Contact abuse@tldregistrarsolutions.com or call 44.7546458118 to report abuse.
- Report it to us: Send us any info you have on a scammer and we will post it!
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