– CraigsList Dating Scam

To end of 2012, I am doing a scam report on “Jennifer” is ready to hookup with me but she has her phone number on her profile located on “Jennifer” goes on to say that screens people on the site, to make sure they are not a convicted felon or have a criminal record, which is not at all true. What is really going on is that you need input your credit card info on the site to get “screened”. Once you input your credit card information you end up getting billed to three porn sites! And, you will never meet “Jennifer” because she doesn’t exist. The whole thing is a huge scam, watch out. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Jessica
  • Email Address:,,,
  • Scam Sites: loads a registration form from You get billed from,

1st Scam Email


“Ive been hoping you would write me back since you’re the only decent
response that seems real.I was just taking a quick shower and I heard my phone vibrate,
my hair isnt even close to being dry yet but I wanted to quickly check my
email to see if it was you writing me back… I’m sending you another pic. if this works out
between us we can meet more then one time…..just make sure you always bring
protection cause I just wanna have sex and relieve stress I don’t wanna
start a family here lol.
when can you meet me? I’m already bored with all the emails I’m getting I
just wanna make this plan a reality. You can cum over here tonight if you
want I don’t have plans….just watching this funny show on netflix at the
moment. Its called running wilde.

Anyways I have to admit that I was hesitant to use craigslit cause I had a
scary experience a few years ago meeting someone from personals (I had to
run away from him!!) so I’d like you to get my number from my profile here

They screen members and keep out dangerous people….as long as you’re not a
convict or offender they give you my number on the spot. If you were a woman
you would probably use the same thing……actually last night even I saw on the
news female realtors are starting to use this same type of screening just to
be safe.

I’m gonna pause netflix and go take a bath…..I will have my cell beside the
tub I hope you pass the screening and call me. Its not complicated I know
you can do it for me. Once they give you my number you shouldn’t bother
texting just call me directly and cum over here! And don’t forget to bring
condoms seriously.”

2nd Email

Subject: Re: Movies then sex? – w4m

“I already confirmed I am real and i am not fake.. I even posted a new picture to my profile! And it’s explicit to you??? I won’t be doing anything else to prove I am legit. I really want to meet. You sparked my interest the most and that explains why I decided to hook up with you! But if you cant do something as easy as verifying your age on a website then I almost certainly should not meet you.look you really caught my eye. i I don’t want you to just run away I really would like to meet and have a very good time, but I’m really not going to give you my number or do anything else till you are verified… I do not understand why you cant just verified your self ?you just GO HERE verified your self than all good to go………

Stop Messing! Around! Baby! I know you want me! And I Desire You TOO so lets get this real hot for us…………..

Sent From my i phone”

3rd Email



Ive been hoping you would write me back since you’re the only decent
response that seems real.I was just taking a quick shower and I heard my phone vibrate,
my hair isnt even close to being dry yet but I wanted to quickly check my
email to see if it was you writing me back… I’m sending you another pic. if this works out
between us we can meet more then one time…..just make sure you always bring
protection cause I just wanna have sex and relieve stress I don’t wanna
start a family here lol.
when can you meet me? I’m already bored with all the emails I’m getting I
just wanna make this plan a reality. You can cum over here tonight if you
want I don’t have plans….just watching this funny show on netflix at the
moment. Its called running wilde.

Anyways I have to admit that I was hesitant to use craigslit cause I had a
scary experience a few years ago meeting someone from personals (I had to
run away from him!!) so I’d like you to get my number from my profile here

They screen members and keep out dangerous people….as long as you’re not a
convict or offender they give you my number on the spot. If you were a woman
you would probably use the same thing……actually last night even I saw on the
news female realtors are starting to use this same type of screening just to
be safe.

I’m gonna pause netflix and go take a bath…..I will have my cell beside the
tub I hope you pass the screening and call me. Its not complicated I know
you can do it for me. Once they give you my number you shouldn’t bother
texting just call me directly and cum over here! And don’t forget to bring
condoms seriously.”

4th Email


HI if you really dont have a credit card you can use this one to Get Me at

on this site required only your email to get into my profile.Im dreaming what we are going to do when we meet.also i just bought bottle of graygose vodka so we can get drank damn My pussy really getting wet .

Let’s enjoy tonight. if you cant verify yourself on the sites i gave u , i don’t really have anymore option to meet you sorry

Sent From iPad”

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. $39.89 a month to
  2. $39.62 a month to
  3. $39.66 a month to

Owner Of

  • Name: info is hidden
  • Address: ID#10760, PO Box 16 Nobby Beach null,QLD 4218 AU
  • Phone 45.36946676
  • Email:

Where To File Complaints

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