“Sammie Page” has a new scam to to rip people off with. If you get emails from “SweetSammi69@msgtxts.com”, telling you that you can grab “Sammie’s” phone number on a site called SaferMeetings.com delete the emails. The whole thing is one big con to get you to pull out your credit card, don’t fall for the emails or the fake photos used in the emails. And of course “Sammie” is not real. Read the full report below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Sammie Page
- Email Addresses: SweetSammi69@msgtxts.com, Ainjely55@gmail.com
- Scam Site: SaferMeetings.com redirects to Safe-Singles.com/sammipage.
1st Scam Email
From: SweetSammi69@msgtxts.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“glad you emailed me here can you send some pics to this email 🙂
I’ll send you my pics now then maybe we can have some drinks or meet somewhere near your place? As long as you can keep this casual and not a boyfriend thing I’d be happy to meet you and release some of these stress lately. I could use a good man right about now.”
2nd Email
From: SweetSammi69@msgtxts.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Ive been hoping you would write me back since you’re the only decent response that seems real. I’m sending you another pic standing at my laptop can you see me? if this works out between us we can meet more then one time…..just make sure you always bring protection cause I just wanna have sex and relieve stress I don’t wanna start a family here lol.
when can you meet me? I’m already bored with all the emails I’m getting I just wanna make this plan a reality. You can cum over here tonight if you want I don’t have plans….just watching this funny show on netflix at the moment. Its called running wilde.
Anyways I have to admit that I was hesitant to use craigslist cause I had a scary experience a few years ago meeting someone from personals (I had to run away from him!!)
So I’d like you to get my number from here: http://safermeetings.com/sammipage69/
They screen members and keep out dangerous people….as long as you’re not a convict or offender they give you my number on the spot. If you were a woman you would probably use the same thing……actually last night even I saw on the news female realtors are starting to use this same type of screening just to be safe.
I’m gonna pause netflix and go take a bath…..I will have my cell beside the tub I hope you pass the screening and call me. Its not complicated I know you can do it for me. Once they give you my number you shouldn’t bother texting just call me directly and cum over here! And don’t forget to bring condoms seriously.”
3rd Email
From: SweetSammi69@msgtxts.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Ive been hoping you would write me back since you’re the only decent response that seems real. I’m sending you another pic standing at my laptop can you see me? if this works out between us we can meet more then one time…..just make sure you always bring protection cause I just wanna have sex and relieve stress I don’t wanna start a family here lol.
when can you meet me? I’m already bored with all the emails I’m getting I just wanna make this plan a reality. You can cum over here tonight if you want I don’t have plans….just watching this funny show on netflix at the moment. Its called running wilde.
Anyways I have to admit that I was hesitant to use craigslist cause I had a scary experience a few years ago meeting someone from personals (I had to run away from him!!)
So I’d like you to get my number from here: http://sammipage69.safermeetings.com
They screen members and keep out dangerous people….as long as you’re not a convict or offender they give you my number on the spot. If you were a woman you would probably use the same thing……actually last night even I saw on the news female realtors are starting to use this same type of screening just to be safe.
I’m gonna pause netflix and go take a bath…..I will have my cell beside the tub I hope you pass the screening and call me. Its not complicated I know you can do it for me. Once they give you my number you shouldn’t bother texting just call me directly and cum over here! And don’t forget to bring condoms seriously.”
Owner Of SaferMeetings.com
- Name: Vindo International Ltd. Anonymous Customer
- Address: Oliaji TradeCenter – 1st floor 123456 Victoria Seychelles
- Phone +248.32724
- Email: shelbyokkoochqg@hotmail.com
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Contact Ripe.net or call 31 20 535 4444 to report abuse/spam.
- Domain registrar: Contact Internet.BS.
- Report it to us: Send us any info you have on a scammer and we will post it!
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Thanks for this post. I now know who the scammer is im gonna block him/ her right away he sent the same thing to me and wanted to meet me right away but doing the safe thing first and imglad i did search first before everything thank you!
I send a photo of me ( no naked) . Do you think ths photo will be used?
Damn they got my ass with the same sexy pics lol and here I am thinkin its bout to b on I dnt have a credit card tho so I’m nt losing money
Well I am Glad that I did the same thing as you all did. An this person is at it again with a new email address. It’s loveandsuckcook@gmail.com An her name is Sammie Page. Wow! What people will do to get a buck! Sad! Any how, I am very happy I copy & past safemeeting.com/sammiepage69, with her/his name. Thanks!!
Shiiit…knew it was too good to be true.
Watch out, also suggests emailing: hardsuck420k@gmail.com
Sweetsammi69@msgtxt.com and something like Kayhookup.
Any word on where they are from wouldn’t mind paying a visit with a baseball bat.
Hey, I sent Sammie Page a message yesterday and she has since sent me three emails. The first one only asked for a regular pic of me, so I sent her one. The second one asked for me to go to the safermeetings.com site. That’s when I got suspicious and came here. I hadn’t replied, so she sent a third email, this time with a link called http://sammipage69.mynsaprofile.com. “She” says that this one doesn’t require a credit card, just an email address. I’m obviously not going to respond and will eventually block her, but what does she expect to get from just an email address? Anybody know?
hope to here from so that I may see your pixs
I jus got hit by her to with ever thing I have seen on here thanks for the safe meetings site
I all most got it top.
Thanks for the warning. They’re also using this email as well
She has a new address http://verifymembers.com/sarababez and http://nsagirlprofile.com/sammipage69
The response I received was go to boocuddles115@gmail.com and then boocuddles19@gmail.com