Is A Total Scam, Watch Out! is just another scam to be aware of. If you received emails from “Rachel Cotten” I’m here to tell that she is not real. This is all part of an elaborate scam to get you to pull out your credit card and put your cc info Please don’t believe all the lies from this fake girl, it is one big scam. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Rachel Cotten
  • Email Addresses:,,
  • Scam Site: loads a framed page from You get billed from

1st Email


“That’s where I am!

My number is 904.525.4248

But before you txt or call me I do have one tiny favor. Im a bit iffy about meeting random people online, my friend had a real bad experience.

All I need you to do is verify urself at my page at

It doesn’t cost anything it’s just for me to know your over 18 and not some wierdo. Please do that for me

I added a pic of me holding my ID so you don’t think im fakee or anything. Plz don’t make fun of it!

It’s old from before I moved here and it’s from when I looked really young =(

txt or call me after you verified urself on my page. Or you can also message me on that site, i’ll be online for a couple hours

add me on skype too! (Skype: sadie.hartman)

PS: sadie isn’t my real name haha”

2nd Email


“That’s where I am!

My number is 904.525.4248

But before you txt or call me I do have one tiny favor. Im a bit iffy about meeting random people online, my friend had a real bad experience.

All I need you to do is verify urself at my page at

My userame is Rachel4you. It doesn’t cost anything it’s just for me to know your over 18 and not some wierdo. Please do that for me

I added a pic of me holding my ID so you don’t think im fakee or anything. Plz don’t make fun of it!

It’s old from before I moved here and it’s from when I looked really young =(

txt or call me after you verified urself on my page. Or you can also message me on that site, i’ll be online for a couple hours

add me on skype too! (Skype: sadie.hartman)

PS: sadie isn’t my real name haha”

3rd Email


“purrr <3 you can get my # & address off my personal page. I’m close to you it would be worth the drive =) I made a page on a few weeks ago. So far i’ve already met a bunch of people in our area thou! Girls mostly.. I just haven’t found any decent guys like you lol.
Anyways could you plz go on my page there, I put all my info on there since I don’t want to send it through email to people i hardly know. I know you can at least do that for me sweetie =)”

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. You get billed from until you cancel.

Owner Of

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Phone 1.4252740657

Where To File Complaints

Where To Meet Real Women?

Check out these dating sites to meet real local women at these dating sites.


  1. Almost got caught in this one too. First clue was the spam like intro “I just moved here for collage and I don’t know anyone”
    Second clue…Website asking for Credit Card. Decided to look up the text number and here I am.

  2. I like to respond to these to find out what the scam is and research them. Glad you posted this, one of the more convincing ones because of the ID, but poor girl getting her ID sent to everyone interested in meeting a girl on CL. The emails I got were exactly the same as this website said.

  3. Yea i just got one from her. I looked her up on CL and emailed her. Something didn’t feel right so i looked her up and found this site. Thanks for letting me know

  4. So, what else ISN’T new? There must be a master list of these scammers on the Net somewhere. That is the list to see. Never ever give your personal nor credit card information to a website that doesn’t pass the “sniff test.”

  5. Today is 2/9/2014 and the bitch is still trying to scam people. Be very careful when it seems to be too good to be true. She even posts a FB website that makes it all appear real.

  6. Then there is the second site she posts that doesn’t require a CC. What’s funny is the ID is from Missouri and the reverse lookup is from Florida… I was so naïve… a girl that hot does not fish for dick on CL.

  7. She’s at it in Raleigh/Durham NC as well today. Another clue for me was the gmail address she asked to be emailed at
    jenus7989@gmail. Once I replied to that address, all her mail came from I never received an email from gmail addy. She has nothing on the Google+ page that addy matches up to ( ), but does give a first and last name for her – Jenus Boda. The info gleaned there is that 2 people have her in circles, One of those had a Facebook link which had Jenus as an FB friend. This is one viscious circle of deceit. I got dizzy and gave up, just ignoring her.

  8. Most of the scams are simple to spot, and I just delete them but I am starting to send them here instead. The ones I hate are the ones where they are actually talking with you, trade 8-10 emails and then bamm! Join this ….. But Bradley, you’re wrong. It took alot of time dealing with and sorting through the BS, then meeting up with a few odd people. But I have met twice now with gorgeous women from CL, and I only thought fun like that was something you would only ever see on a porn!!! Why wouldn’t a hot woman look on CL? If they aren’t looking to date and just looking for fun someplace like CL makes sense. But the amount of spam seems to be getting worse and worse, so I have tried checking out a couple of “free” dating sites. But you cant do anything there without paying for an upgrade. Are there any truly totally free sites out there?

  9. Rachel Cotten ( – He or She is now using the email address of They just contacted me on Craigslist Nashville. I flagged the ad just for the hell of it. What a PIA these people are.

  10. she/he tried to get me too in Myrtle Beach CL. Rachel Cotten using email coming from ( I called this POS out and they had nothing to say back. Told em’ they do not have permission to use the pic I sent in any way or I will prosecute them. Don’t know why CL will not listen to my multiple flags from multiple IPs. CL is officially broken and and un fixable in my eyes.

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