Is A Fraud To Charge Your Credit Card To Porn SItes

I just did a scam report on yesterday and now the same scammers have just started spamming with ANOTHER new scam site called They are switching sites fast and faster to stay ahead of my scam reports but it won’t work. I can post these reports as soon as I receive them! It’s just a matter of time before they are caught and jailed for these frauds. is of course a complete fraud that is all lies. There is no “Amy Chang”, and all the photos and emails (see below) I received are 100% fake. Don’t enter your credit card information on, you credit card will be billed to 3 porn sites (, and without you realizing it! Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Amy Chang , Amy Willmore, Jessia Weslake
  • Email Addresses: , , ,
  • Scam sites: loads a registration form from You get billed from, and

1st Scam Email:

Subject: cozy night at home~ – w4m

“Wow it feels like I really got a real reply to my ad hows it going there?

Interesting Answer to my ad which is good because I received some pretty poor ones and a lot of retarded ones. So hopefully you’re actually real.. I included a few pic’s of myself from I dunno Several months ago? I still look about the same I have not put on a little weight or anything lol

So if you would like to get together for a drink or meet, something similar to that. I’m just getting over a break-up and I could use some serious stress easement if you know what I am saying haha. So far I like what I see….. did you like my pic?


2nd Email:

Subject: cozy night at home~ – w4m

” To be truthful with you Im feeling both fascinated and a bit scared simultaneously. .

I’ve had a horrible experience meeting somebody online roughly a year ago I met the wrong guy essentially. I am willing to give this a shot with you I’m in the mood for an attractive time just have to use my brain this time. Know what I am saying?

I use a free service now on safematchmaking which is sort of like yahoo chat it determines age and scans the sex predators database before permitting somebody to join. I believe it costs a dollar to run the check and this gives you access to my profile and their entire dating site. My cell number is on the profile so if you come up as safe you can give me a call when your inside.

I know it sounds sort of paranoid but if you do this certification for me that safematchmaking provides I will know you are real and safe to meetup with.

I only work part-time so I am around alot. I have zilch to gain by asking you this except it’ll make me feel safe, if you were a lady who has been thru what I have you’d know the feeling.

If you have got a webcam we can video-chat too as they have that inside, but truly I just wanna ensure you pass the checks. If you’d like I am going to get topless on my cam for you during our chat as a welcome gift. Would that make you feel welcome? Lol. I’ve been told I have very nice torpedos lots of times and pictures do not do them justice… if that suggests anything..

To get to the verification page just Click Here. ( redirects to

If you believe I’m just being paranoid or you come up as an offender then I’m going to get left all saddened. Oh and that site also proves my age as they determine everybody including ladies. I doubt you were concerned about that its just a bit friendly assurance that I’m not jail bait as one says lol. I am in my twenties. Also I am getting real parched Im going to make a screw driver will be away from the comp, but please give my cell a ring once you’ve been certified and your on my profile. I uploaded a small picture to show you I am real it’s my new profile pic.

Sent From My iPhone”

3rd Email:

Subject: cozy night at home~ – w4m

” I already confirmed I am real I even uploaded a new picture to my profile! And it’s particular to you??? I won’t be doing anything more to prove I am genuine. I actually wish to meet but I have received alot of responses and your not my only choice. You sprarked my interest the most and that is the reason why I chose to hook up with you! But if you cant do something as easy as corroborating your age on an internet site then I almost certainly shouldn’t meet you. Look I do not like to get angry and I don’t want you to just run away I actually would like to meet and have a great time, but I’m really not going to offer you my number or do anything more till you are verified… I do not see why one dollar is going to ruin a wonderfully good sexual encounter!

Stop Messing! Around! Baby! I know you need me! And I Want You TOO! Click Here ( redirects to go to my profile and Call me.

Sent From My iPhone”

4th Email:

Subject: cozy night at home~ – w4m

Hey, I comprehend your indecisiveness since it does required a credit card

I’m just super scared to meet someone on the internet through Craigslist, but made me me so wet that I found an alternative way.

This doesn’t require any credit cards or anything and I think i can still feel safe and sound Click Here ( redirects to

It will only take you a couple of minutes and again there is not any CC required so you could have no excuses for me. Let’s get together and make my pussy ache!

Don’t keep me in tension I’m super Interested for you!

– Love xoxo,, Amy”

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. $29.95 a month to
  2. $39.92 a month to
  3. $44.71 a month to

Owner Of

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Phone: All info is hidden
  • Address: All info is hidden
  • Email: All info is hidden

Where To File Complaints

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  1. thank you so much for your posting. I checked online for scammers before i did this and noticed that girls face. thank you for posting this scam.
    so tired of the games.

  2. I replied to a posting “___PICK ME! PICK ME!___ – w4m” and got this reply with with 4 photos from, looks like she’s now calling herself Jessica Watson.

    hi how are u? I wont mislead u im an “escort” but im completely reasonable and just a genuine chick attempting to get thru school. heres a few normal pics. by the way when I say im reasonable I mean to say very lil more than gas, about sixty or eighty for an hr or 2 depending on how far u are. and im willing to do anything not just a rubdown. anyway let me know if your interested and we can go from there

    Sent from my Motorola Smartphone on the Now Network from Sprint

    I have the pics she sent but can’t work out how to download copies on this comment

  3. Here she is again…another email address, but the same everything else.
    From: “Amy Christienson”
    Date: November 3, 2012, 4:17:42 PM EDT
    Subject: Join me in bed… – w4m (orlando)

    To be honest with you Im feeling both excited and a bit worried at the exact same time. .

    I’ve had a horrible experience meeting somebody online around a year ago I met the wrong guy essentially. I’m happy to give this a shot with you I’m in the mood for a horny time just have to use my brain this time. Know what I am saying?

    I use a free

    1. just call your bank tomorrow, don’t worry it’s not a huge deal but yes call your bank tomorrow to reverse any charges from these scum bags.

  4. Thanks for posting this info. I wrote to “Amy Phillips” a couple of times and got some really flattering pictures. She also asked me to verify myself and while she “paid” the $1, it still asked me for my credit card to “verify” my age. Luckily common sense and suspicion prevailed as I wrote back to her and told her that I wasn’t going to do that. Usually whenever a site requires your cc info for something like this, there’s always a catch.

    So I walked away and never heard from her again. Apparently she realized that I wasn’t a sucker and had better men to do. No loss for me!

    I researched this after I became more suspicious just to see what I could find out and thank you again for posting all this info.

    I can rest easy now both knowing I didn’t give in to the lust and put my cc info in and in seeing this info.

    By the way, by clicking on the links up to the cc verification page, I’m not stuck with any future problems am I financially? I saved myself from all trouble, correct?

    Thanks again!

  5. she’s Amy Christianson now.

    Well I’m definitely interested and I’m glad you liked my pictures can you believe a guy essentially messaged me saying I looked fat???? Ticked me off very much!

    So we will get together I don’t have a handful of request and requirements and I wont make you send me a million emails to get together, what I would like us to do is have a online date in which we can get intimate over a webcam or if you don’t have a cam you can just watch me and just listening to your voice will be sufficient for me. I joined a site that permits us to do this while keeping us both safe by verifying our identities this way we’re not worried about doing it wrong like talking with somebody that’s under age!

    See my personal page Click Here

    I have met 2 fellows this way and it has worked out great so far for me. I know it’s a dash of work but we are both aiming to get laid and your a man I’m a woman so I need to protect myself and I’m sure you can comprehend that. I went ahead and added some more footage a little naughtier then what I have sent you so far! It’s on my profile and to put you at ease that your meeting a genuine person I went ahead and put some custom stuff for you on my page including a picture particular to you sexy man!

    I’m super excited and if you decide you really don’t want to go through with this I understand and I haven’t any hard feelings, but I actually would like to have sex with you and I would be happy to meet as soon as possible. This only cost a buck or something similar to that so please don’t reply with a bunch of reasons why you wont do this and don’t ask me to do something similar to meet in a public space I just wish to have sex with you and I would rather not meet in public places I can always come to your house or you will come to mine and we will screw all day / night / whenever / however you would like!

    Sent From My iPhone

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