Is Another Con To Charge Your Credit Card

“Nicole Watson” (not the scammer’s real name) was sending me a new scam called This is the classic dating verification scam where you are asked to visit a site to “verify you are safe”, before the girl will meet you. There is no girl waiting to hook up with you after you to go It’s all a scam to trick you into entering your credit card on the site so they can charge your credit card to porn sites! You can find real women on these dating sites. Read the full spam report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Nicole Watson, Sexy Linda
  • Email Addresses:,,
  • Scam Site: A form is loaded from You get billed from the following sites, and

1st Scam Email


“Hello e-mail,

OMG.Ive been hoping you would write me back since you’re the only decent guy on here…

I’m sending you a pic. I’ve been thinking if this works out between us we can meet

more then one time…..just make sure you always bring protection cause I just wanna

have fun and relieve stress I don’t wanna start a family here lol.

when did you wanna meet? I’m already bored with all the emails I’m getting I just wanna

have some fun already lol You can come over here tonight or tomorrow if you want I don’t

have any plans….

I have to admit to you that I was hesitant to use the internet in the first place cause I

had a scary experience a few years ago meeting someone from personals he was scary… luckily

I found a service which keeps people like that away so I need you to go to this page for my

number HERE :

It only takes a min and they screen members and keep out dangerous people….as long as you’re

not a convict or offender they give you my number on the spot then we’ll meet. If you were a

woman you would use the same thing……actually I saw this on the news cause many realtors are

starting to use this same type of thing just to be safe when meeting clients they don’t know.

I’m just in front of my laptop waiting for your video call via

the page or call me. I have my cell beside me so I hope you do this and call me. Its not

complicated I know you can do it for me takes like a minute.. they will give you my number

you shouldn’t bother texting just call me directly and come over here..tty soon”

Sent From iPhone”

2nd Email


“Hello e-mail,

I’m frankly very tired of reading now. I’ve already made up my mind on the matter

I want to meet you and suck you off but if you cant do something that takes 30 seconds

why in the world would I want to meet? If you are serious about getting together then

call me after you have sign up or text me I don’t get it it only requires your email???

and it’s very Private no Excuses. If you forgot the page

I give u the link again:

The reason they ask for a credit card is to verify your age and address but they

won’t ever charge you, I have been here for over a year and I haven’t been charged once.

Sent From iPhone”

3rd Email



I’m frankly very tired of reading now. I’ve already made up my mind on the matter

I want to meet you and suck you off but if you cant do something that takes 30 seconds

why in the world would I want to meet? If you are serious about getting together then

call me after you have sign up or text me I don’t get it it only requires your email???

and it’s very Private no Excuses. If you forgot the page

I give u the link again:

The reason they ask for a credit card is to verify your age and address but they

won’t ever charge you, I have been here for over a year and I haven’t been charged once.

Sent From iPhone”

4th Email



omg this will be really fun I’m getting excited about meeting you and getting off email.

my friend is laughing at me lol. Grinding into my computer chair over here Its been way

too long since I”ve had an orgasm….not counting touching myself cause that doesn’t count.

If everything goes well once we meet my friend wants to watch if thats okay with you….

i don’t know about you but the idea of her being there really turns me on. just sent you

another picture of me..

Just to be on the safe side she setup an account for me on safe and single which was

recommended on TV as a good way to screen the people you meet with on craigslist. Its for

women obviously, we saw it on the news a while ago.

If you’ll do this for my friend she’ll let me meet you, otherwise I’d have to try someone

else who can prove they are trustworthy. If you have nothing to hide and you’re safe, then

use this page and complete the online verification its really easy and once you’ve done that

I’ll get an email from craftsafe giving the green light. Or I”ll get a red warning from them

you are in the sex offender database…they check for that. You better come up safe cause I

really wanna let you fuck me and maybe even have my friend watch…depends if we want the privacy

or not lol. Anyways I hope can be trusted.

This is the page they gave us you need to go here and do this:

Please don’t make excuses us women have to play it safe and then me and you can play together.

K? After doing this you will find my Contact Info…..

Sent From iPhone”

5th Email



Glad I heard back from you! I’m not crazy about typing on this ipad. Lets actually

get off this email thing and if you want you can text before you call. I”m using this

verifcation site that keeps my number safe from the crazies. If you care about my safety

you’ll verify and then call. My number is on my profile

once you verifiy you will see my number.A girls gotta be safe after that we can do all the

unsafe stuff you want. i’m not a fanof protection ps. I”m getting hottt I”m taking

a break so call soon! Pls Text before calling

Sent From iPhone”



Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. You get billed $39.85 a month from until you cancel.
  2. You get billed $37.85 a month from until you cancel.
  3. You get billed $38.85 a month from until you cancel.

Owner Of

  • Name: Vindo International Ltd. Laura Yun
  • Address: P.O. BOX 0823-03411 Panama
  • Phone +507.8365503
  • Email: 46D5013C65C841D68675A4BBFA16395A.PROTECT@WHOISGUARD.COM

Where To File Complaints

Do You Want To Meet Real Girls?

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  1. I was talking to someone from tinder and accidently used my cc on verify and meet.. do I nred to call me credit card company to cancel it?

    1. Dude the same thing happened to me..I wanted to know if its gana charge monthly do u know …. I feel like such a asshole…

  2. I just matched with some beautiful chick on tinder, first she told me to Skype, so i opened a Skype account, then she says i”i just went through a bad break up so i need some good D, but not looking for anything serious, then she said i like to be spanked and choked, u down with that? Then she said oh I;m getting so et talking to you right now, but she wouldn’t skype, she said do have safemeetandverfiy account that checks your debit card to make sure im safe to meet, so I said did I just misread this whole situation?? and she said oh just do it so u can fuck me already, so i said your talking about money aren’t you, then she wouldn’t reply…… Im am glad i foundf this website…. Someone was trying to con weren’t they?

    1. Same exact thing just happened to me 5 min ago. Her tinder name is Claudia, Skype name was adorableeee193. Sent me exact mssge word for word. Confirmed it’s a total scam!

      1. What a coincidence. This same exact thing happened to me, too, just 10 minutes ago. Tinder name is “Anna”, Skype name is “lovelyyyy406”. Blocked on Skype and unmatched on Tinder immediately.

    2. Got almost the exact same conversation word for word as Daniel except that this other girl has the username bearrrrr974 on skype. After I told her that seems sketchy she stopped answering.

    3. Got the exact same line of bs from a “girl”😉 on Tinder. Scammers everywhere. Anytime someone asks to get my credit or debit card just to meet they are blocked and reported instantly.

  3. Hi, i met the very same person that Daniel is referring to. Met on Tinder and then she wanted to chat on Skype only as she was going to delete Tinder account. Got the same boyfriend breakup line that Daniel received.
    Her Skype name is amazinggg715
    Alias Amazing twinkles

  4. I just fell for the scam, but it said my card was declined. did they steel my information. Someone please help. What do I do?

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