Is A Dating Verification Scam is an easy way to get scammed if you’re thinking with your little head instead of your big head. Replying to personal ads on CraigsList is the only way you will receive this site sent to you by an email link. In this particular case Natasha sent me some sexy photos and said we should meet in person, however I needed to verify myself through a site called “”. The bottom line is this is just an online scam to trick you into entering your credit card information on the site. You will then see strange charges from a site called .om on your statement. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Natasha B
  • Email Address: (Report email address To GMail)
  • Scam Sites: loads a registration form from, aqnd if you enter your credit card details on the site you will get billed from .

1st Scam Email

Subject: Re: I’m ready to open.. – w4m – 21

“Wow looks like I finally got a real response to my ad…. sup? You are real right? I like your pic, which is a relief since I got some pretty nasty ones and tons of spam. So hopefully your legit I am attaching a picture of me from about I dunno 4 months ago? I still look the same haven’t put on weight or anything haha.

Hey If you wanna get together for a drink or something. I am just getting over a breakup and I need some serious stress relief if you know what I mean lol….I am not a slut though and will not just go sleep around with anyone. So far I like what I see here with you…not just saying that either I got like 120 replies. I guess the first thing is do you like my pic?

Sent From My iPad”

2nd Scam Email

Subject: Re: I’m ready to open.. – w4m – 21

“to be honest with you Im feeling both excited and a bit worried at the same time….I’ve had a bad experience meeting someone online about a year ago…met the wrong guy basically.

I’m willing to give this a shot with you…I’m in the mood for a sexy time just have to use my brain this time. Know what I mean?

I use a free service now on which is kind of like yahoo chat it verifies age and scans the sex offenders database before allowing someone to join. I think it costs a dollar to run the verification and this gives you access to my profile and their whole dating site. My cell number is on the profile so if you come up as safe you can give me a call when your inside.

I know it sounds kind of paranoid but if you do this verification for me that provides I’ll know you are real and safe to meetup with…I only work part-time so i’m around alot. I have nothing to gain by asking you this except it will make me feel safe, if you were a woman who has been through what I have you’d know the feeling. If you have a webcam we can video chat too as they have that inside, but really I just wanna make sure you pass the checks. If you want I will get topless on my cam for you during our chat as a welcome gift. Would that make you feel welcome? lol. I’ve been told I have very nice breasts alot of times….if that means anything.

Their verification page is

If you think I’m just being paranoid or you come up as an offender then I am going to be left all disappointed. Oh and that site also proves my age as they verify everyone including women. I doubt you were worried about that its just a little friendly assurance that I’m not jail bait as they say lol. I’m in my twenties. Also I’m getting real thirsty Im gonna make a blueberry smoothie will be away from the comp, but please give my cell a ring once you’ve been verified and your on my profile.

I attached a small gift for you

Sent From My iPad”

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. $38.68 from .
  2. Contact customer support to cancel the charges at

Owner Of

  • Name: Hidden
  • Address: Aptds. 0850-00056 Zona 15 Panama Panama
  • Phone 507.65995877o
  • Email: hidden

Where To File Complaints

  • Hosting company: Contact or call them at 1-866-817-2811 to report for fraud and spam.
  • Domain registrar: Contact Internet.BS to report this domain for sending spam and fraud.

Where To Legitimate Real Women

Try these online dating sites if you want to meet real women.


  1. sarah sandy
    to me
    1 day agoDetails
    “Md. I’m so anxious to meet you!! So you know, this isn’t my first-time doing this. I did it once before and the guy was great. We met up inside of a nice hotel and fucked. Then we left and then we never talked again. Just the way I wanted it.I’m hoping that you are the same way. 😉
    I couldn’t get my pics to load 🙁 I promise you won’t be disappointing! If you’d like to make plans, call me or txt me. If you want to see sexy pics of me and to get my number.

    My number to my profile page. Then you just have to verify you are not a serial killer. You don’t seem like one, but I can’t be too careful. When you get done, my cell number is right there. Either call me or send me a text message. Tonight night is best, but if you make good plans, I can meet you tomorrow too. 😉 I’ve got to go out for with a girlfriend of mine, so I will be out for a few. Just call me so we can hook up.
    Attachment1477223445.PNG · Print

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