RightCheckDating.com Redirects to DateSearchFree.com

RightCheckDating.com is a scam site used to redirect people to DateSearchFree.co which is a fake “dating verification” site. This con is used to make a living for the scammers. Yes, they actually make a livign ripping gullible Craigslist users off. Most of the time these rip off artists are located in places such as Bangladesh, so it’s very hard to catch these scumbags and make them accountable. So you need to be smart and not give up your credit card information because you received nude pics from a girl who doesn’t even exist! Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Jackeline Whealan
  • Email Addresses: Jackeline Whealan (Report Spam To GMail)
  • Scam sites: RightCheckDating.com redirects to DateSearchFree.com. A form is loaded from secure.milfxxxfrenzy.com. You get billed from the following sites FreeDatesForLife.com (FreeDatesForLife-GOLD), XXXHDVault.com and EroticDvdsOnline.com.

1st Scam Email:

From: jessyoga3@gmail.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“So what are you doing 2nite? would u like to swing by my place? Or can i come over to yours ? Just do me a favor and verify that you are not a sex offender or anything at my profile link below please. Its the only way i will meet someone online. It does cost $1 to verify but this protects both of us and makes sure we are who we say we are, they do a sex offender and background check. Ever since the Craigslist killer thing i have to be careful about meeting new guys online. My cell number is listed at the bottom of my profile page, so text or call me once you verify babe so we can plan something :). i am ready/waiting on you! http://www.rightcheckdating.com

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. You get billed $39.95 a month from FreeDatesForLife-GOLD (FreeDatesForLife.com).
  2. You get billed $29.95 a month from XXXHDVault.com until you cancel.
  3. You get billed $49.95 a month from EroticDvdsOnline.com until you cancel.

Owner Of RightCheckDating.com

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Phone: 507.65995877
  • Address: Attn: rightcheckdating.com 0850-00056 Zona 15 Panama Panama
  • Email: 536857dbn4ubrjm9@5225b4d0pi3627q9.privatewhois.net

Where To File Complaints

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