Have you ever received any email stating that “You have been sent a BootyGram from a married women..”? Well it’s just spam and no married woman sent you a booty gram. These type of emails are just a trick to get you to click on the links in the emails. In this case the link in the email redirects you to a site called FreeLifeTimeLonelyCougars.com. If you would like to meet real married women, then take a look at these real dating sites. Read the full spam report below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name:
- Email Addresses: bootygrams@tonsofsoul.com
- Scam Site: TonsOfSoul.com redirects to FreeLifeTimeLonelyCougars.com.
1st Scam Email
From: bootygrams@tonsofsoul.com
To: ****@gmail.com“You have been sent a BootyGram from a married women..
This is a special privilege.. Don’t ignore this!
Press HERE to retrieve your BootyGram.. (http://tonsofsoul.com/eterc?e=03bj5CbvFGQp52byV2apx2cK&m=86035189&l=0. redirects to http://www.freelifetimelonelycougars.com)
There are so many married women these days looking for a extramarital encounters.
These women are either ignored or just don’t get enough romance in their lives.
That is why they search online for eager men to satisfy their desires..
Don’t miss your opportunity to meet them..
Act quick before they find a different guy to satisfy them..!
See all your BootyGram’s HERE.. (http://tonsofsoul.com/eterc?e=03bj5CbvFGQp52byV2apx2cK&m=86035189&l=0. redirects to http://www.freelifetimelonelycougars.com)
This message was sent to you because you recently signed up for a online dating network. If you do not want to receive this communication anymore please take yourself off by going here.
We respect your requests and will honor it immediately. If you prefer you can write cms 222 Purchase St. #110 Rye, NY 10580.”
Owner Of TonsOfSoul.com
- email: 9821c3190e0d4b318fc03a92c72537ff.protect@whoisguard.com
- Name: King Plus Solutions Operations Manager
- Address: 96 Mowat Ave Toronto, ON M6K 3M1 CA
- Phone: 1-661-310-2107
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Contact whois-contact@lacnic.net or call 999-999-9999 to report the spam/fraud.
- Domain registrar: Contact Tucows.com or call 305-279-3232 to report the spam/fraud.
- Report it to us: Send us any info you have on a scammer and we will post it!
Where To Meet Real Women?
You can meet real local girls on these dating sites.
***This scam report is the property of TheDatingJudge.com, any use is forbidden unless authorized by the owner. If you see this report on another site please contact us at info@ thedatingjudge .com. The original article is located here.