I have started to receive ReadyForSex.su spam. This junk email when clicked on sends you to ReadyForSex.su, and then to Fling.com. You may have gotten tricked into thinking that a girl was actually sending you the email. The truth is that there is no girl emailing you, and it’s all a trick to get you to click on the link in the email (ReadyForSex.su), which then sends you to the final destination which is Fling.com. Read the full report below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name:
- Email Addresses: adi.craciun@rcs-rds.ro
- Scam sites: Short.cc/26oi redirects to ReadyForSex.su and then to Fling.com.
1st Scam Email:
From: adi.craciun@rcs-rds.ro
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“How are you fellow? I’m in the same city as you. I am gorgeous. My pics there (http://short.cc/26oi redirects to http://readyforsex.su/?hnmxwyew and then to http://www.fling.ca/main.php?a=user.register_iframe&id=demienlex)”
Owner Of ReadyForSex.su
- email: r01.trader@ukr.net
- Name: Robert Dominique
- Address: 2 Barney str New York CA 64073
- Phone: +1.405785851
Where To File Complaints
- Report it to us: Send us all the info you have on a scammer and we will post it on our site.
- Hosting company: Contact Ripe.net or call 31 20 535 4444 to report abuse/spam.
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