Nancy Grace has been exposed before for the CraigsList scamming that she is doing. Once again the scams continues under different web sites. Today the scam is being done through a new site called Scammers can easily change websites because it only cost them $8 to register a new .com domain name. This scam follows the same pattern as many other sites that I have exposed. “Nancy Grace” claims to be a working girl. She wants me to create a profile to see if I’m real”, lol. How about she prove she’s real? Another scam to stay far away from!!
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Nancy Grace
- Email Addresses:
- Scam sites:, link goes to
Scam Email:
Subject: Re: Re: 420 partner needed – w4m
To:“hello how are u? I cant lie to u I’m an “working girl” but I’m totally inexpensive and simply a genuine gal attempting to get thru a bad spot. here is some tame pics. btw when I say I’m inexpensive I mean to say very little more then gas, like 80 or 100 for an hour or two depending on how far u are. also I’m able to do everything not simply a rubdown. neways please let me know if ur wanting me and we can take it from there
Sent from my iPhone”
Email 2:
Subject: Re: Re: 420 partner needed – w4m
To:“well thanks for writing me back, im a really good girl just trying to get thru a bad spot u know? anyways im totally reasonable on my donations but I do require one thing to see ur sincere about seeing me. please go to and create a lil profile for me to see of you and message me under Naughteechubi i am here now. I dont care what you look like, I just want to see you are real enough to make one.”
Credit Card Charges You Get Billed
- $38.68 a month to
- $36.28 a month to
Owner Of
- Name: All info is hidden
- Address: All info is hidden
- Phone All info is hidden
- Email: All info is hidden
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Contact to report this spam or call 1-888-278-9780.
- Domain registrar: Contact NameSilo or call them at 602-492-8198.
Where Can You Meet Real Women?
CL is probably the worst place to meet women, because of all the scams in the personals section of If you want to meet real women, then check these sites out.