is anything but a safe site to enter your credit card information on. This site along with many other site scam people tricking them into thinking that “online verification” sites are legitimate. In reality is just a scam to trick you into entering your personal credit card details on their site. Once that info is entered then you will be getting charges from online porn sites. Do yourself a HUGE favor and don’t visit at all. Read the full report below
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Lindsey B
- Email Addresses: (report spam to GMail)
- Scam Site: and (loads a fake “dating verification” registration form from You will get billed for porn memberships to, and
1st Scam Email
Subject: Re: wanted: fit and awesome!!! – w4m (city of chicago)
To:“Well, thanks for replying. I hope you are real and not just messing with me….as you can see I am feeling shy . I will tell you though I am getting a little freaked out with some of these weirdos that are contacting me. I decided to make a profile to keep all my info on. I am not just gonna give out all my info just like that anymore or on personal ads because I have been hearing some crazy stories from my girlfriends and not to mention some of the things these guys say to me. Its one thing to be sexy and get a little dirty, and its another to be just gross. and scare me. I am looking to meet and have fun but I still need to be safe and so do you..
Heres my profile
All my info is on there, text me when you get my number because I always keep my phone on me and I hate email. but if you get lazy you can just shoot me your profile link or add me as a friend on there and let me know who is hosting, me or you?
btw. I attached a personal pic just for you. my pic worth a thousand words
Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android”
Credit Card Charges You Get Billed
- $54.97 a month to
- $49.81 a month to
- $39.62 a month to
Owner Of
Name: All info is hidden
Phone: All info is hidden
Address: All info is hidden
Email: All info is hidden
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Contact or call them at 1-312-602-2689.
- Domain registrar: Contact Internet.BS.
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