Is A Scam

“Alyssa Cassant” is the newest spam in a string of sites from the same spammers. Other sites include,, and All three scams use the same type of email adresses This scam is the same as the others in that they use fake dating verificatino sites to bill your credit card to 3 porn sites, IF you input your credit card info in the online form. Don’t fall for this crap, now hopefully you know it’s all a trick to charge your credit card monthly memberships to 3 porno web sites. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Alyssa Cassant
  • Email Addresses:
  • Scam Site: redirects to and loads a fake registration form from You get billed from, and

1st Scam Email

Subject: Re: oral teacher – w4m – 25

“You’re the first guy to send me a picture and maybe the only real response cause these are all asking me to download stuff….. you are real right? I like your pic you can send another if you want 🙂

I’ve attached my photo back just don’t share it with anyone I wanna keep this whole craigslist thing on the DL. I’m hoping to meet for a drink or something then back to your place or mine. just so you know I’m not looking for money or gifts I’m totally good… just need a man who can make my toes curl every now and then.

2nd Email

Subject: Re: oral teacher – w4m – 25

“Ive been hoping you would write me back since you’re the only decent response that seems real. I’m sending you another pic standing at my laptop can you see me? if this works out between us we can meet more then one time…..just make sure you always bring protection cause I just wanna have sex and relieve stress I don’t wanna start a family here lol.

when can you meet me? I’m already bored with all the emails I’m getting I just wanna make this plan a reality. You can cum over here tonight if you want I don’t have plans….just watching this funny show on netflix at the moment. Its called running wilde.
Anyways I have to admit that I was hesitant to use craigslit cause I had a scary experience a few years ago meeting someone from personals (I had to run away from him!!) so I’d like you to get my number from here: ( redirects to
They screen members and keep out dangerous people….as long as you’re not a convict or offender they give you my number on the spot. If you were a woman you would probably use the same thing……actually last night even I saw on the news female realtors are starting to use this same type of screening just to be safe.
I’m gonna pause netflix and go take a bath…..I will have my cell beside the tub I hope you pass the screening and call me. Its not complicated I know you can do it for me. Once they give you my number you shouldn’t bother texting just call me directly and cum over here! And don’t forget to bring condoms seriously.

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. $29.95 a month to
  2. $39.62 a month to
  3. $44.71 a month to

Owner Of

  • Name: mike dobbs
  • Address: 9384 lanny lake avenue surrey, British Columbia v3j3n7 Canada
  • Phone (604) 824-6791
  • Email:

Where To File Complaints

Do You Want To Meet Real Girls?

Try these real dating sites to meet local women.


      1. Hooray! I’m not the only one to get scammed. I was on the net for 5 hours yesterday trying to hook up with this fake bitch. I didn’t have a cc so used a debit card instead, which they still tried to charge. Once I finally realised what was going on, I called my bank, called the billing co. and cancelled my free trial (I wasn’t aware I had even signed up for a free trial, lasts 4 days apparently ). After the free trial they will start billing you, although they have already made a charge on my Acc/t that is pending. I’ve been assured it has all been cancelled, but to make sure that they can’t use my card details again I have had to cancel it, go to my bank this morning to get another issued.
        I sent the scammer (Alyssa) an email saying what I thought of them “You f*cking scamming c*nt bastards!”
        All the best to all of you from London UK ‘fell for it like a fecking idiot’ Charlie Ps. I was thinking with my knob and not my brain, never again!

      2. Hi Admin, I was editing my comment and it seems to have gone up 3 times. If poss cann you please only allow 1 to be posted. Many thanks UK ‘what a right old Charlie’

  1. The new ad spam from this address is as follows:

    hey thanks for contacting me but no pic? Can you send one when you reply I really wanna see what you look like first k.

    I’ve attached my photo back just don’t share it with anyone I wanna keep this whole craigslist thing on the DL. I’m hoping to meet for a drink or something then back to your place or mine. just so you know I’m not looking for money or gifts I’m totally good… just need someone who can make my toes curl every now and then. Lets see your pic now.


  2. i spent 6 hours trying to meet up with her,and trying to go around the security sites,and then she just quit responding to my emails,and then i decided to look her up and BAM! that bitch…

  3. I saved her contact and it also gave me a #.It is an ohio #.1-330-571-3836.That is all I have and I cant say whether it really is hers or not.

  4. ctfuuu , I had a feeling it was scam the whole time simply cause she was toooo sure, and she or well it was talkin too redundant, but it could be worst , now that they got our emails they could jus start blastin our emails w/ porn maken our Wives and GFs thinkin we hornballs lol but phew glad they dnt do that right? lol , I feel ashmed ! and im black smh

  5. My fiancé got really lucky I thought to look her up bc I was about to snap when a hoe off craigslist was sendin him coochie pics and all that bs! O muh gah!

  6. I just got scammed by this fucking bitch! how do you stop it from charging your card or can I just request my bank for a new card? I can’t believe this I really thought she was real..

  7. i got to my bank and cancelled my card but i’m worried about the pictures i sent!!! they’re just OUT THERE now!!! i hope this crap doesn’t happen in reverse where someone uses my pictures! SHIT!!!

  8. If you really dont have a card you can use this one

    That site DOES NOT requre a card at all, you just need your email to get on.

    My username on there is alyssalove24. Sorry if it seems like I’m making you do a lot of work, I’m not some crazy biatch or anything I’m just tired of wasting my time on guys who are all talk..

    I just want some lovin lol but if you cant take a minute to prove you are serious I guess ill move on..

    Anyways give me a call when you have my number..ill be waiting!.

  9. Alyssa C wrote:

    I’m not gonna hide the fact I’m excited that you wrote me back…and I’m glad you weren’t offended that I said you couldn’t be my boyfriend lol.

    I’ll get you my number and we can meet somewhere or If you wanted you could pick me up at home. I’m renting a basement suite to myself so we could also chill here if you wanted to? Its not all that setup yet but I do have a nice bed haha.

    Since I’m new in town and don’t really know anybody yet I’ve signed up with a dating service which does a quick check on its members to make sure they are safe before giving out phone numbers. You can get my cell number on my profile here:

    This is just a basic check to make sure I haven’t given out my number and address to somebody I shouldn’t have. This was featured on the news just after I moved here. I haven’t given my number out to any other guys yet. Please don’t think I’m working you too hard.. need to look out for my safety here it takes like ten seconds. Then we can have some fun together and you can show me some cool places to go around here. And bring protection when you come over please, you know that right? lol I’ll be waiting for you to call.. just gonna watch a movie here in the meantime. Can’t wait to meet you.

  10. this cant be! I just talked to her lmao. Just glad I dont have a credit card to throw the numbers around on the line all thoughtlessly and hornily! haha what a lame attempt. too bad too good to be true is a phrase that comes up so much in life

  11. ha, bitch was trying to tell me she would drive over, i live in the uk, theres a girl on facebook called alyssa cansantini who looks similar. just set up your e-mail to delete what comes in straight away, you can even redirect it back to one of her adresses that should be fun if she/he they get scammed by themselves.

  12. How can they still be doing this after two years of running the same scam? Are the credit cards charged each month or is it a one off rip?

  13. tried to get me today. I am always suspicious when trying to be directed to websites that Ive never heard of.

    new email address being used is

    now trying to use a site called to get you to give up your CC info. disclaimer states the three porn sites it will sign you up and charge you for. total B.S.

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