is a scam that is run by the same scammers behind another site that I exposed called is not part of even though it may appear that way. This site tries to copy the look and feel of but in reality it’s just a scam. has no association at all with CraigsList, it is all a con to get you to put your credit card information on the site. If you want a shot at meeting real women then check these legitimate dating sites. Read the full report below. If you want a shot at meeting real women then check these legitimate dating sites. Read the full report below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Janus Tavilla, Jenny
- Email Addresses: (Report Spam To HotMail)
- Scam Site:
1st Scam Email
“how are you? why did you take so long?…lol;) i have had rlly
crappy luck on cl in the past…anywy, i just dnt want that happening again.
i left my numbr on that new cl age thingy
as soon as you get my number call my cell so that we can make plans today, nd ull also get to hear my sexy voice…lolz.
i’m really hoping you pass, or else ill feel dumb for wasting my time writing to god knows who! cnt wait to get together soon…oh, by the way brng protection becuz i wudnt wanna do anything without that.
ttyl8r;)) jenny”
Credit Card Charges You Get Billed
- You get billed $38.68 a month.
Owner Of
- Name: Vindo International Ltd. Anonymous Customer
- Address: 0850-00056 Zona 15 Panama Panama
- Phone 507.65995877
- Email:
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Contact or call 31 20 535 4444 to report abuse/spam.
- Domain registrar: Contact Internet.BS.
- Report it to us: Send us any info you have on a scammer and we will post it!
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