is anything but secure, the whole verification site is one big fraud. Do not input your credit card on that site or you will be scammed! Online verfication sites are not real, they are just something that CraigsList scammers have invented to steal money from your credit card, watch out. Read the full report below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Sara Earnhardt
- Email Addresses: (report the email to for sending spam)
- WebSites:
1st Scam Email
Subject: RE: Re: alone in lv – w4m – 26
To:“I included a picture of me. This is all new to me. My mother raised me better than this however my mother also raised me to be bored to death and depressed. I just would like to try some thing stimulating and completely different for once. Maybe you can help. If I look alright to you answer back and we can attempt to set something up.”
2nd Email
Subject: RE: Re: alone in lv – w4m – 26
To:” Right So heres a few more of my pix I’ve never let a man to to get inside of me on the first meeting but i’m definitely up for going down on my knees. Somewhat rough is good for instance tugging on my hair but no choking and gagging me on your prick. If that’s okay for you then first I need you to verify that you’re safe and really more than Eighteen on the site also. I verified myself there too and its free. My cellular number is in my profile. ring me up now so we can set this up.”
How To Cancel
- If you entered your credit card information on you will be billed $38.68 from a site called .
- Call you credit card company right away and dispute these fraud charges.
- Contact the company ( that does “support” for and cancel your membership right away, so you are not charged anymore monthly fees.
Owner of
- Name: Hidden
- Address: Aptds. 0850-00056 Zona 15 Panama Panama
- Phone 507.65995877o
- Email: hidden
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Send scam complaints to or call them at 877-719-3698.
- Domain registrar: Contact Internet.BS to report this domain for spam.
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