Letsmeetsecure.com is a complete scam that shouldn’t be trusted! This site is being used to commit fraud and rip off Craigslist users. Read the full report below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Elise
- Email Addresses: elise26238@wooemail.com, ladypimp91@gmail.com
- Scam sites: Letsmeetsecure.com. A form is loaded from Bidma.net. You get billed from AdultAllSex.com (Adult All Sex), Adventurous People Date (AdventurousPeopleDate.com), True Love Meetups (TrueLoveMeetups.com).
1st Email:
From: elise26238@wooemail.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“can i expect a pic ? I actually have connected a picture- for u. i’m thus serious to satisfy with you
If you are, go back to to Mine with a -pic. Elise
Sent from my iPhone”
2nd Email:
From: elise26238@wooemail.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“get my previous reply? with pic. waiting here..4u
.Elise ”
3rd Email:
From: elise26238@wooemail.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“So when you wanna meet-up? I have no plans we can do this whenever you want even right now. I’d rather come to your place or you can come to my place. I don’t want to meet at public place, i just want room date. I’m willing to do whatever just as long as you know how to satisfy and you don’t get all weird or try to turn this into a -relationship…I’m hoping you already know this stuff lol.
Now I just need to watch out for my safety since me and you haven’t met in person yet, so if you have nothing to hide I need you to do a quick safety check this page for me (http://letsmeetsecure.com/elise) – Profile Here (My real info verified profile)
Sent from my iPhone”
4th Email:
From: elise26238@wooemail.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“I can’t wait more for you. If you really want me then you must do this verification here Click : Here (http://letsmeetsecure.com/meet)”
5th Email:
From: elise26238@wooemail.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Well, I understand your guardedness since it does needed a card
I am just super scared to meet someone on the internet via CL, but you got me so wet that I found an alternative way.
This doesn’t require any cc or anything and I think I can still feel safe Click Here (http://profile-elise.takensa.com/ redirects to http://www.easysex.com/dating/allaboutsex5)
It will only take you 10 seconds they only require your email and again there’s no CC needed so you wont have an excuse for me.let’s get together and make my kitty purr!!”
Credit Card Charges You Get Billed
- You get billed $39.99 a month from AdultAllSex.com (Adult All Sex).
- You get billed $39.99 a month from Adventurous People Date (AdventurousPeopleDate.com).
- You get billed $39.99 a month from rue Love Meetups (TrueLoveMeetups.com).
Owner Of Letsmeetsecure.com
- Name: H king
- Phone: 1.7543077379
- Address: 76st nw, miami, Florida, 33166, US
- Email: yestedkarswinglej@gmail.com
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Contact abuse@ripe.net or call +31205354444 to report abuse/spam.
- Domain registrar: Contact abuse@godaddy.com or call +1-480-624-2505 to report abuse/spam.
- Report it to us: Send us all the info you have on a scammer and we will post it on our site.
Want To Meet Real Local Girls?
If you want to search for real girl check these real dating sites.
***Note: (This site scam report is the property of TheDatingJudge.com, any use or copying is unauthorized. DCMA complaints will be filed with your web host, domain name provider, and Google.com if you choose to disregard this warning.)
This same person elise the scammer is doing the same stupid thing but now this scammer is continuing doing scamming on Craig’s list but now this is the email this scammer is using elise99190@wooemail.com, this is the 2nd person doing this scamming thing advising me that I need to goto http://letsmeetsecure.com/elise and sign up with my credit card and I won’t be charge they charge u and disappear never to be heard from … Please everyone do not give them your credit card info or sign up on this bogus website ..now don’t get me wrong their are real and legit people on Craigslist but any time they advise u too sign up on another site just know it’s a scam alert
I received today the same emails you received above. Do not sign up for anything this person tells you to. It is a 100% scam. It seems the women I have emailed from Craigslist seem to have the same emails or similar that they write. The email I received is from elise153095@wooemail.com If some women gives you some story to verify yourself, it is a scam. Do not sign up.
Ditto. Same messages, same photos (plus a few more).
Coming from this email address: elise140309@wooemail.com.
Same photos and messages coming from elise216529
Same with me. Same photos and series of emails from elise217734@wooemail.com and nikole4785@gmail.com
new email: elise241013@wooemail.com
This is the address being used around here;
craiglist “divorced bored sexy woman”
This is the website that I was sent to verify who I was and then I was redirected to http://www.findyourmateanddate.com
This girl was on Craiglist under the ad “Birthday”. You email her and she responds from an email address nsaqueen24@hotnsa.xyz with the name Elise Sanders. Same pictures as reported above.
You will get billed if you do not cancel!!
Elise sanders (danutanmfixcbj6894@yahoo.com)
Glad I saw this! I thought my husband had been sending emails back and forth to this Elise b!+(h lol. She’s our who ever it is has been using elise383827@wooemail.com I was ready for war. Lol! Good thing I did a search before I got on my husband’s head about the Emails although I did send the person an Email from my husband’s account and mine. Oops…
Seems like she’s been busy. I just received an email from this Elise woman. Same one in the pictures.
New email elise410536@wooemail.com. thanks for the info.
Got message from elise26794@woemail.com. Thanks for the info.
Same messages and pictures as above from sophia3672@luafx.com and elise28055@wooemail.com
Wanted me to get ‘verified’ on http://datersverifynow.com/elise-profile/
These assholes stole my identity