LetsMeetSafely.com Is Another CraigsList Scam

LetsMeetSafely.com is taking the place of another scam site called MeetingSafely.com, which is no longer being used. I received emails from “Marybeth Corlett” and “Alyssa Lovelace” both women who are not real. If you take a look at the emails below the dead giveaway that it is a scam is the links in the emails. Online scammers need to have a link to a site to scam you or they cannot make money off of you. LetsMeetSafely.com is a scam and is designed to trick you when you are horny, so you don’t use your head (at least not the big head). Do not input your credit card info on LetsMeetSafely.com or you will get billed from 3 separate sites for monthly memberships. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Marybeth Corlett, Alyssa Lovelace
  • Email Addresses: Alyssalovelace74@gmail.com, Marybethcorlett@gmail.com, Joyata789@gmail.com (Report Spam To GMail)
  • Scam sites: LetsMeetSafely.com (loads registration form from join.websecuritylink.com/djoin/bonuspass and you get billed from ElitePersonalShopper.com, XXXStarPass.com and IntensePornography.com.

1st Scam Email:

From: Alyssalovelace74@gmail.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Hey just checking my email and saw you messaged me from my post. i havent been in a relationship for a couple of years but i think im ready to try something new i don’t really want to email back and forth so if youre serious about meeting me verify youre safe to meet and over 18 at my profile here (www.letsmeetsafely.com/xalyssa9) and call or text me at my number on my profile. its real quick and free so it shouldn’t be a problem. ill attach a pic, ill text you some more pics once you text me looking forward to hearing from you. talk to you soon!

Sent from my iPhone”


2nd Email:

From: Marybethcorlett@gmail.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“heyy, im real new to this whole online dating thing so take it easy on me lol. im not looking for anything too serious but if we really hit it off im open to anything before i give you my phone number verify youre over 18 and safe and all. i really don’t check my email often so once you verify you can just call or text me at my number on my profile here (www.letsmeetsafely.com/marybethx1) it’s free to verify and i just want to be safe. i attached a pic btw, when you verify text me a pic of yourself if you can and ill do the same talk to you soon!

Sent from my iPhone”


Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. $39.62 a month to ElitePersonalShopper.com
  2. $39.74 a month to XXXStarPass.com
  3. $39.42 a month to IntensePornography.com

Owner Of LetsMeetSafely.com

  • Name:
  • Address: Aptds. 0850-00056 Zona 15 Panama, Panama
  • Phone 507.65995877
  • Email: 50da85da7vgw4vxt@t02cduv4f7f99a255f64.privatewhois.net

Where To File Complaints

Want To Meet Real Women?

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  1. Thank you man, you just saved my ASS. I was about to sign up, good think i googled her name. CHeers man,
    BITCH!!! almost got me! she is quite hot thou 😉 but BITCH!!!

  2. Got an email off an Alyssa, sent through to letsmeetsafely.com. Stupidly did the sign up and went through to a site called discreethoneys.com of which I have not signed up for or used. Anyone know what I should do? Did I get scammed for money as it said it was free?

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