Lets-Get-It-On.com Is A CraigsList Scam From Amy Christienson

Lets-Get-It-On.com is the latest scam site from “Amy Christienson” (not the scammer’s real name). Every week “Amy” creates a new site and scams victims from CraigsList. Here is a list of previous scam sites from this scumbag, Mailing-R-Us.com, ExtraNSA.com, WeVerifyAll.com, Safety-Match.com, Safe4uChecker.com, Safe4uEmail.com, Safe-MatchMaking.com and Secret-Mailing.com. If you get any emails from “Amy Christienson“, now you know it’s a scam. Don’t get deceived by the photos, because those are stolen from social networking sites and spammed to 100s of people who respond to CraigsList personals every day. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Amy Christienson
  • Email Addresses: Cleanandlucious223@craigs-casual-dating.org, Crazybunny332@craigs-dating.com
  • Scam sites: Lets-Get-It-On.com and then loads a registration form from http://ads.camcity.com. You get billed from CitySex.com, NaughtyCuteTeens.com and XXXVault.com.

1st Scam Email:

From: Cleanandlucious223@craigs-casual-dating.org
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“What’s up ,

Many thanks for responding, I got some peculiar replies and some foolish replies so I am glad I ultimately got a real reply!

No Pic?

I would like you to let me know what you’ll do with me when we get together? What positions do you prefer and how will you plan on making me squirt all over your chest?”



2nd Email:

From: Crazybunny332@craigs-dating.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Well I am definitely interested and I’m pleased that you liked my pictures can you believe a guy actually messaged me saying I looked fat???? Pissed me off much!

So we can get together I haven’t got a handful of request or necessities and I wont make you send me 1,000,000 emails to hookup, what I want us to do is have a online date in which we can get intimate over a webcam or if you don’t have a cam you can just watch me and just listening to your voice will be enough for me. I joined a site that allows us to do this while keeping us both safe by validating our identities this way we aren’t anxious about doing something wrong like chatting with somebody that’s under age!

Visit my profiling page Click Here (http://lets-get-it-on.com/a.php?name=Amy&h=472&id=439343&sid=SEL&f=1&mail=)

I have met 2 bucks this way and it has worked out great so far for me. I know it’s a tiny amount of work but we are both looking to get laid and your a person I’m a woman so I want to protect myself and I’m sure you can understand that. I went ahead and added some more footage a small naughtier then what I have sent you so far! It’s on my profile and to put you at ease that you’re meeting a genuine person I went ahead and put some custom stuff for you on my profile including a picture particular to you stud!

I am super excited and if you decide you do not want to go through with this I understand and I haven’t any hard feelings, but I actually do want to have sexual intercourse with you and I would be happy to meet as soon as possible. This only cost a buck or something like that so please don’t reply with a bunch of excuseswhy you wont do this and do not ask me to do something like meet in a public space I just want to have sexual intercourse with you and I would rather not meet in public areas I will always come to your house or else you will come to mine and we can have sex all day / night / whenever / however you would like!

Sent From My iPhone”



3rd Email:

From: Cleanandlucious223@craigs-casual-dating.org
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“I already confirmed I’m real I even uploaded a new picture to my profile! And it’s particular to you??? I won’t be doing anything more to prove I’m genuine. I actually need to meet but I have received lots of responses and your not my only choice. You sprarked my interest the most and that explains why I decided to hook up with you! But if you cant do something as straightforward as corroborating your age on a website then I probably should not meet you. Look I don’t really like to get upset and I don’t want you to just run away I actually do wish to meet and have a great time, but I am not going to give you my number or do anything more till you are verified… I dont see why one greenback is going to ruin a perfectly good sexual encounter!

Stop Messing! Around! Baby! I know you want me! And I Desire You TOO! Click Here go to my profile and Call me.

Sent From My iPhone”

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. $29.95 a month to CitySex.com
  2. $39.62 a month to NaughtyCuteTeens.com
  3. $44.71 a month to XXXVault.com

Owner Of Mailing-R-Us.com

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Phone: 507.65995877
  • Address: Aptds. 0850-00056 Zona 15 Panama Panama
  • Email: 50be996dbleyv116@t02cduv4f7f99a255f64.privatewhois.net

Where To File Complaints

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  1. Yeah she was trying double hard to scam me,if the fuckin you think your going to get seems to good to be true,you probably ain’t going to get the fuckin you thought you were going to get,your wallet will probably be a lot lighter though……..scum bags!!! Somebody needs a buttfuckin!! No lube…….

  2. Oh really?! I got an email from an Amy Franklin. Seems a bit fishy. This is what I got out of the blue.
    “WHY NO PICTURE :(? I would first of all like to say this is not my regular behavior, I consider myself very shy, but you actually fascinated my interest and ideally I will fascinate your’s..

    Why don’t we get to know each other a little by email I went ahead and attached a image, I am a little discouraged that you didn’t send a pic!

    When you reply please do not forget a pic of your self! I added mine so let me know if I am what you are searching for!”
    So to prove she isn’t a bot I gave her 3 questions to answer. If the reply sounds canned then I know it’s fake. I’m too clever.

  3. Re: My boyfriend is out – want something new – w4m – 20 (coventry)Saturday, 16 February, 2013 22:43
    From: “Amy Franklin”

    You are making me blush! This doesn’t have to be considered a onetime thing you know? If when we meet up we have the ability to please one another I think we might make it a routine thing how about you?

    I am ready to meet up any time! Some of the emails I obtained are ridiculous I am truly glad you and I have struck it off so well now..

    I have been very uncertain to meet somebody via on-line classifieds, but the fact I have already found somebody like you on my first attempt actually changes my view about the whole internet dating thing again! I singed up for a site a while-back and it actually turned me off because the man I satisfied from it lied about every thing and then would not leave me alone for weeks entire creep! I’d like you to get my phone number from here: Click Here (http://safe-shag.com/a.php?name=Amy&h=472&id=439337&sid=DIPRO&f=1&mail=my email address &i=JAMES) redirects to “http://www.lets-get-it-on.com/member=Amy”

    It’s something to screen their members prior to meeting up with somebody this is the best thing to do for both of us. I’d dislike to hookup with a minor or even worst a documented wrongdoer. There are lot’s of ads with info on how to protect yourself. You know what Dr. Phil says keep it clean and safe! I’d hate to end up on a missing people poster LOL!

    I am going to have a bath… I will have my cell beside the bathtub I wish you pass the screening and phone me. It isn’t complicated I understand you can do it for me. After they give you my number you shouldn’t bother texting just contact me straight and cum over here! And do not forget to bring condoms seriously!


    1. SAME EXACT EMAIL TODAY. THX TO YOUR WEBSITE TO SHOW ME THIS IS A SCAM. all her emails came to my spam, folder , Craiglist add link did nt work and a copy paste showed it was nonn existent. all link didnt work. those were my 2 clues.

      You are making me blush! This doesn’t have to be considered a one time thing you know? If when we meet up we can please each other I think we will make it a routine thing how about you?

      I am ready to meet any time! Some of the emails I acquired are absurd I am truly glad you and I have struck it off so well now..

      I have been quite reluctant to meet somebody via on-line classifieds, but the fact that I have already discovered some one like you on my first try really changes my opinion about the whole internet dating thing again! I singed up for a website a while-back and it really turned me away since the guy I fulfilled from it lied about every thing and then would not leave me alone for days entire creep! I would like you to get my phone number from here: Click Here

      It is something to screen their members prior to meeting up with somebody that is the best thing to do for both of us. I would hate to hookup with a minor as well as worst a documented offender. There are lot’s of ads with information how to protect your self. You know what Dr. Phil says keep it clean and safe! I would hate to end up on a missing people poster LOL!

      I am going to take a bath… I will have my mobile beside the bath I hope you pass the screening and contact me. It isn’t complex I understand you can do it for me. Once they provide you my number you shouldn’t bother texting just contact me directly and cum over here! And do not forget to provide condoms seriously!


  4. well i have a new message in it they use the line
    here is the page incase you forgot Click Here (http://safe-shag.com/a.php?name=Amy&h=472&id=439337&sid=DIPRO&f=2&mail=my email address &i=JAMES)

    if you look you see the &f=1 is now &f=2
    which now makes a picture of “amy” visable holding some paper with the word “JAMES” on or whatever value “&i=” has for fun i made it 123456789-123456789-123456789 and text went off the paper and across the rest of the image as it was too long

    i predict that my next message will have f=3 which gets rid of the $1 charge. but hopefully before then it will be blocked
    reported it to google aslo to TRUSTe, McAfee and verisign due to bogus use of there logos.

    going to try and string along amy4love@clean-veri.com for as long as I can so they have less time to target someone else.

    maybe something like this will string thm along for abit “I am waiting for some money to clear into my acount before I can Verify so I want you to tell me some more about yourself while i’m waiting”

  5. just got the email asking why no picture. definitely a scam. you could tell from the way they talked. glad I researched first.

  6. Now Amy Charlotte Mullins. Fell for it and had to freeze my accounts. I was exhausted and it was an eye-opener. I don’t know how I will ever be able to tell my love. I’m not a racist and have many friends of all ethnicities. I don’t mean to offend anyone and it was an angry slurr. My email after reading this was as follows:
    Whoever you may be, I feel bad for you. You read into my conversation and took a spin on it. I feel bad for the beautiful lady that’s identity you have stolen. You’re probably a dude and if you are, I’d love to find you. You rely on other people’s impulses and it worked with me more likely because unlike you, I work honestly and after a double with 4 hours of sleep, I was very vulnerable. No matter how angry I feel with you, I still feel truly sad for you. You’re going to get caught and if it’s not angry people you have attempted to con that find you then the police will and you will be selling your anal receptiveness day by day to survive. If I didn’t have a frozen account then maybe I’d fly to Panama and beat your fucking NIGGER ASS!

  7. its not the person that is scamming you its the owner of dating website that it connects you to, i fell into but luckily my card issuer knows what i normally purchase so they deny charges.
    i think all online dating is fake someone i know has his email in description also phone number on another even has email and phone number as username on other sites and gets no calls,texts,or emails.
    read fully before doing
    go to amateur match dot com create a profile wait to you get a message then go into site to view messages some are real hot and erotic and saying that want to get down right away but click any message then view profile of sender click on oc or online cupid read all that and when you get to info about oc or online cupid you would see they work for website and is afictitious person and any meeting is only coincidental and they are there to stimulate convo.
    Its like that on every site for online dating.

  8. She sent ne a lot of photos tried hard finally when I told her I don’t have cc the emails stopped she said “quite frankly I’m tired of reading emails now”

  9. Any random girl who says she want’s to have “sexual intercourse”, is: A) fake and B) fake. Unless you are A) at the bar and B) the girl is hammered.

  10. Well my brother didnt do a research and she got him. He’s so mad right now. Anyone can help with this situation… how I can help him to cancelled those accounts inmediately?

    1. I don’t think that canceling his account will do anything good he should go to the bank asap to cancel his card and get a new one

    1. Can th ou tel me any more about her scam cause ive been talkig to this “amy lawson ” and there have been so many red flag about things. And she had me convince that she was real. PLEASE GET A HOD OF ME. she is suposedly. Coming home from africa soon.as lbg as i send some money to help cover her flight. Tell me all you know

  11. ty for all the posts…she now amy jefferies ….she pissed cause i found this page…. chattin with her now…lol….she beggin hard

  12. The initial posting is below. Same experience as others here. Here is some additional information that might be helpful to you. I my first response I stated that I was in Ohio. The posting was in South Dakota. “Amy’s? response stated that I should “…bring condoms, seriously”. Already determining that I would not respond and stating so in my reply to “Amy”; I click to see what this site was all about. There I found the second clue that something was amiss. The area code for “Amy” was in Ohio. NOT in Rapid City, South Dakota!!? Hope this helps.
    Finally since the logos, WHICH DO NOT APPEAR HEREIN, of major U.S. media companies were utilized in the scam it would seem that they would be outraged and act swiftly to stop this scammer.

    What follows is what was sent to me. It is FAKE.
    “Single mom seeking single dad – w4m – 23 (Rapid city )
    I am a single mom which my kids take up most of my time..i’m not gonna lie!
    If u have some or even one weekday off,that would work better.
    If not, we”ll see what we can do.
    I will be there for you as much as you are there for me.
    Only if you’re serious into a getting to know one another please respond.”

    “At Me===elnorachatfield==Gmail==Dot==Com=-= •Location: Rapid city
    It’s Safer to Verify!
    Lets-Get-It-On.com is a fast and secure service that makes meeting people through social networks and Classifeds sites safer and easier.
    After the unfortunate murder that took place on a well known classifieds websites, Lets-Get-It-On.com received media exposure and became one of the top methods to verify your age and protect women from sexual predators.
    It is US law that credit cards are not to be issued to citizens under the legal age of 18, thus we use your credit card to verify your age and check that you are not a registered sex offender. If you are cleared as safe, a FREE VIP upgrade is provided for you which gives you full access to member profiles, cell phone numbers, and contact information.
    Meet Amy !
    Age Verification
    online Status: Online
    • Age: Verified!
    • Gender: Female
    • Height: 5′ 5″
    • Body Type: Slim
    • Hair Color: Brunette
    • Eye Color: Brown
    • Phone Number: (513) XXX- Verify to View!”
    “online About Me
    Looking for sex and fun ….I am very playful and love to have fun. I am looking for a guy who knows what to do and can also teach me some new things. I like older men too. I am a very happy person. I have a nice body and I am very clean..and I have to say taste great too! I’m not looking for any type of relationship. Just don’t have the time. So, if that’s what you’re looking for, I’m not your girl.
    online Location: Ohio
    Terms of Use and Privacy

    By submitting the form above and providing your credit card, you agree to allow a $1.00 charge to verify your age and make sure you are not a registered sex offender.

    We respect your privacy. This is a private and discreet service and your card will show a $1.00 charge from SafeSolutions Ltd. There are no further costs associated with this service.
    Copyright 2013 http://www.lets-get-it-on.com

  13. She is just going by Amy at the moment.

    1st reply to my email.

    WHY NO PICTURE :(? I would first of all want to say this isn’t my typical behaviour, I consider myself very diffident, but you actually intrigued my interest and ideally I will intrigue your’s..

    Let’s get to know each other a little by e-mail I went ahead and attached a photo, I am a tiny discouraged that you didn’t send a photo!

    When you reply please do not forget a photo of yourself! I added mine so let me know if I am everything you are looking for!”

    Which is odd i noticed right off the bat that it looked copy and pasted and also noticed that it was maybe 1 min after i sent mine.
    Then the next 2 was not even close to what she said she was looking for and that is what sent me on google.

    I missed clicked on the lets get it on link and it had a pic of “her” with a paper with part of my email name on it. I looked close and could tell it was a semi good photoshop my email on it.
    Things to look for that are red flags for scams.

    The speed of a reply to your email. If the reply looks copy and pasted. Photoshop names on something.

  14. Pretty sure theres another hustle going on at the above website. Same system in place. She gave herself away when she spelt something differently than an aussie would. Then when i looked up both companies there wasnt any material online regarding them whatsoever. Wasnt until i read the fine print and tried to research the companies that were in the fine print that i found this thread. Boom. Suspicions were correct.

    1. Ya I got the same chick messaging me saying she wants me to fill out this test thing. Her mom apperently makes her…she says she’s from Northern Pensilvania. I think it’s a scam but I’m asking for time stamp now.

    2. Ya it’s a bot, done trust that link. I ran a reverse image search of the images she sent me and it was from a porn site.

  15. She is still at it using amy@nsameetsup.com I new by the first email that it was spam but the pic I had recognized so I sent her a pic of herself. Different then the first one she sent and a rude note to see if I got a reply. I got the same reply as most others on here reported. I sent her pic for pic of what she was going to send to me and she still kept emailing. It is probably auto responses each time. Have found several others the same way. Same pics, different names each time.

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