Is A CraigsList Scam From “Nancy Grace” is the newest scam from “Nancy Grace“. FYI, there actually is no “Nancy Grace“, it’s part of the scam to deceive and then rip you off. If you received an email like the one below, you are not alone. This scam is sent to hundreds and probably thousands of people. Don’t enter your credit card info on the, or you will get charged to 3 porno sites! Hopefull you found this scam report you got scammed. If you are interested in meeting real women then look at these dating sites.. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Nancy Grace, Sarah Jenkins
  • Email Addresses:,,,,,
  • Scam Site: loads a framed page from You Get billed from, and

1st Scam Email



im lonely today – if you wanna meet together… oh about the crreditt caaard thing on that website, i signed up with it 5 months ago and ive never had any issues. its an age and date security verification. i do not think they are able to legally hold the number anyway. so you should give me a textif you want to get together today. apart from that, i’ve plans for tomorrow but i won’t be very busy following that.

the website again is

2nd Email


“Hello Again,

You sound pretty cool and i’m definitely interested in hook up with you.. i gotta outside and will be back after after 1 hr and it would be awesome to meet up after that.. Not so many guys replied, so i would be willing to meet up with you just as long as you can prove to me that you aren’t goinng to do anything get my number You just need to head along to this site and see how we connect where I am a member, check out my pic and do the date security verification if you like me, don’t worry they never charge you or anything, they just verify to make sure you are not a crimminal or anything, you know a girl can never be too careful.waiting for your call btw,call to my cell,instead of home…in case,i am outside..”

3rd Email


“Heyy ,

i am alone tonight – if you wanna meet together… oh about the crreditt caaard thing on that website, I signed up with it 5 months ago and ive never had any problems. It’s an age and date security verification. i do not think they are able to legally hold the number anyway. so you should give me a textif you want to get together today. apart from that, i’ve plans for tomorrow but i won’t be very busy following that.

the website again is

4th Email



you sound pretty cool and iím f course interested in meeting up with you.. i will be home in a couple of hours and it would be awesome to meet up after that.. i really just want to get fukk and have fun,if you know what i mean…. to get my number just go to and login there .. my number will be right on the first page.. they never charge you or anything, they just make date safety verification to make sure you arenít a rapist or have bad history, you know a girl can never be too careful.

btw,call to my cell,instead of home…in case,i am outside..

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. $36.75 a month to
  2. $39.55 a month to
  3. $38.55 a month to

Owner Of

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Address: 1928 E. Highland Ave. Ste F104 PMB# 255 Phoenix, Arizona 85016
  • Phone 347-871-7726
  • Email:

Where To File Complaints

Where To Meet Real Women?

Check out these dating sites to meet real local women at these dating sites.


  1. She’s gone one step further recently – now she’s sending the mark pictures (more than one in my case) with the mark’s name (the name that is in the header of the mark’s email) written on a piece of paper that she is holding, or is situated strategically on her body. Same girl that’s pictured in the picture on your page, or one that looks very much like her. If one looks close you can tell the writing on the paper is photoshopped onto a blank piece of paper she’s holding. Very creative.

  2. Newest alias is Jennifer Smith with an email address of and she will initially start the conversation with something similar to the following:

    “hey sup, can you tell me about ur self a bit your location,profession,etc?as,i am bit concerned about my safety.”

    Then the second email asks to go to the website.

  3. She send below from abovementioned email address

    Hi Again,

    Glad I heard back from you! i am not crazy about typing on this ipad. Lets actually get off this email stuff and if you want you can text before you call. I”m using this date safety verifcation site that keeps my number safe from the crazies. If you care about my safety you will verify and then call. My number is on my profile once you verifiy. A girl gotta be safe after that we can do all the unsafe stuff you want. 🙂

  4. Yeah, certainly a scam. Also active in Berlin, posting that she (he?) is MWF looking for MWM to hang out at around 4.20, discretion important.

    First contact was with address:; follow up with

    Latest response read:

    heyyy again,
    you sound pretty cool and i’m definitely interested in meeting up with you…. i was busy today and just come back,it would be awesome to talk now and fix a good time to meet…btw,it will be better to meet tomorrow after 3pm for me,as i have some work.. i really just want to fuck if you know what i mean.. :).. to get my number just go and login there .. my number will be right on the first page.. they never charge you or anything, they just verify to make sure you don’t have a criminal history like you aren’t a rapist or anything, you know a girl can never be too careful..btw,I lost my cell phone today,so call to my home phone instead of cell phone…waiting for your call.

  5. Thanks to earlier postings!

    Yeah, certainly a scam. Also active in Berlin, posting that she (he?) is MWF looking for MWM to hang out at around 4.20, discretion important.

    First contact was with address:; follow up with

    Craiglist posting went like this:

    MWF Seeks MWM for DISCREET 420 hookups from time to time! – w4m (Berlin)
    Im honestly just looking for a man thats in my situation or similar, who’s able to put his own green on the table and match one with me while we chat and see what happens. Im a pretty fun lady, a little nerdy but that never hurt anyone right?

    Final contact went like this:

    heyyy again,
    you sound pretty cool and i’m definitely interested in meeting up with you…. i was busy today and just come back,it would be awesome to talk now and fix a good time to meet…btw,it will be better to meet tomorrow after 3pm for me,as i have some work.. i really just want to fuck if you know what i mean.. :).. to get my number just go and login there .. my number will be right on the first page.. they never charge you or anything, they just verify to make sure you don’t have a criminal history like you aren’t a rapist or anything, you know a girl can never be too careful..btw,I lost my cell phone today,so call to my home phone instead of cell phone…waiting for your call.

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