iJustHookUp.com is just part of tons of sites that are sending traffic to JustHookUp.com, such as JustHookUpWithMe.com, JustHookkUp.com and many more. “Nikki” wants me to send her a message on iJustHookUp.com, because her boss has access to her email, blah, blah, blah. It’s all lies in case you didn’t figure it out yet. The best thing to do is delete the emails and not respond back. Read the full report below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Names: Nikki , Jenna
- Email Addresses: nikkisells@gomaxestate.com , jennahr@emaxestate.com
- Scam sites: iJustHookUp.com redirects to http://www.justhookup.com/?tid=1139
1st Scam Email:
From: nikkisells@gomaxestate.com
Subject: Re: .with ur dick……..NSA:) – w4m.
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hey babe cant chat on this email address i shouldnt have made it on this email addy.. Im going to delete the post im def interested in you though.. n would like to try and set something up.. the picture i attacthed is very recent like just taken; ) can you do me a huge favor?
Go to ijusthookup.com
Look up my profile “nikkiyolo” and send me a mesg on there.. My boss has access to my email and i really dont think he will log on but i dont want to take the chance..
Anyways i have a few more pictures just mesg me on the site im on there now so we can chat there.Ps.. dont email me back here ; ) use the page.. remember discreet ; )”
2nd Email:
From: jennahr@emaxestate.com
Subject: Re: ~!~ late night treat~!~ – w4m – (miami / dade)
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“tell me a little about you baby i didnt see a picture but i sent you mine anyway
3rd Email:
From: jennahr@emaxestate.com
Subject: Re: Re: ~!~ late night treat~!~ – w4m – (miami / dade)
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“good news bb.. i found a good site that is free and really easy to sign up on.. its www.ijusthookup.com
its a safe site but this one doesnt charge you so its perfect.. my username isnt the same as the other one
its jenna887 send me a mesg on there .. showers not the only thing making me wet right about now ; )”
Owner Of iJustHookUp.com
Name: All info is hidden
Phone: All info is hidden
Address: All info is hidden
Email: All info is hidden
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Contact security@HostGator.com or call (866) 964-2867.
- Domain registrar: Contact their domain company Enom.com or call 1 (425) 274-4500
- Report it to us: Send us any info you have on a scammer and we will post it!
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